April 2011

April 22, 2011Last night I had a very odd but interesting experience. I think Erik or Andy might have been practicing on me. Not sure. Honestly I was too tired to figure it out and not motivated enough to try. A round-robin of all my guides indicated that all was fine.

What happened was I went upstairs to the bedroom at 9ish and I layed under the covers to read. Then I felt a spirit approach. I didn't pay any mind cause the energy felt like Erik or guides. But then my feet and toes were grabbed in a pressure based pins and needles tingle/tickle. And it started crawling and marching up my body in undulating waves. It felt like a full body energy hug or it was almost as if my legs and feet were being huged or sat on. Very odd. My lips, forhead and hand felt it too. My hair was also played with. I got the image of hugging, and someone flopping down backwards on the foot of my bed and reaching back and giving a hug. And then when my spouse came in the room it would go away, and then come back when they left. And it went away when I turned off the light for sleep. I kinda liked it. But at first it weirded me out because I've not felt the pins n needles all over to that degree before. Usually it is just a foot or face or hand.

This morning,

I was feeling UBER crappy and ill this morning until I sucked it up and forced myself to do Reiki on myself on the bus. I was whining and complaining that I was too crappy and tired to send Reiki and my guide Elizabeth, said, why don't you do it on yourself instead. You always forget to do it on your self. SO I did, and I feel so much better. It always amazes me how much simple surrendering to dedication fixes stuff. Even when in a bad attitude if I just do it anyway, I am always glad I did.

April 21, 2011

Well, I had two interesting experiences last night.


I am pretty sure I saw Erik's higher self. Don't quote me on that. It may have been past life, but the specific way the details came across rang true with other higher self manifestations I've seen. For example, the complete detail. The heighten beauty, the hair that seems to glow like microfiber lights. Oh, and what made it even more hysterical is he was practically preening at me. He kept asking if I liked his hair. Now it may be he just got a new hair do. Or did his hair up for his mom or something. It was styled back like an old Hollywood movie star in perfect ringlets. Also he had put on a lot more weight and was more muscularly defined. He looked 30ish. He also glowed white and yellow all over. Wearing a knitted sweater. Anyway. I found it fascinating.


A good friend of mine, the incarnate mother of a Spirit I've communicated with-has a friend who also lost her daughter. Last night when I was getting ready for bed, I a strongly suspect her daughter came to me. Or tried to communicate with me. All of a sudden my vision flashed over to clairvoyance and I saw this straight haired blond woman. I was totally startled and freaked out. The woman looked like a young adult, but what really startled me was that she strongly reminded me of a co-worker of mine. But I suspect this was symbolic to get me to see the "look and age" of the spirit or perhaps there were or are personality similarities. This co-worker has a very gentle bruskness to her and is very no-nonsense. She also quickly moves from here to there with strong purpose. In any case... I told the Spirit that This was my bed time, and that I loved her, but I didn't want to take any non-guide or non-family connections at bed time, as this was my special comfy time with Erik and the gang. That I would try to connect in a formal way during my channeling practice. Well... In the morning, the Spirit was in the house, in my room. I suspect with Erik as well. I kept getting flashes of the spirits desire to talk and flashes of her personality. I also felt Erik around. But, Lydia, told me not to connect and just get ready for work or I'd be late. But the Spirit was quite persistent. She huffed and puffed alot and seemed slightly grouchy. I "got" that I should ask for questions to be asked of her. And to pass along that she was fine now, and was happy there, and was really unhappy on earth. It was really quite strange. Over and over again I kept getting that this spirit was associated with this woman. But my self doubt can do a number on me. This would be the 3rd Spirit since "all this started" that was non Erik related that actually came into my presence. So I am really not quite sure what to make of it all. I actually hesitate to say anything to the mother. I think I will perhaps wait until my channeling practice to see if I can get the spirit to give me any more info.

ps. If you havn't already, wish Elisa a happy birthday! :)

April 20, 2011

So I was stressing out about something this morning. Here's what E said about it. What's funny is its pretty much what was related in a quote I posted earlier. Synchronicity

"Dude, you need to just suck it up and chill. I told you this morning to let it just roll off your back, let it go and ignore it. You keep wanting me to tell you it will be ok, that your ok. You want validation, but you don't need it. It's just a band-aid on dirty skin. I can't fix you or change the way you feel. Only you can do that by focusing on what you feel. Look your bad attitude in the eye and say fuckit that aint for me. And for cryin out loud remember smile. Now get back to work."

On another related note, Erik woke me up at 5:30 ish this morning and had a little chat with me about communication. He said I can't sit around and wait for "them" to speak to me, that I need to work on taking inititive, and go to them. That they have lives just as full as mine. And that when I sit around and whine that they are not hanging about 24/7 that it's unfair. That distance, time, and activity are no barriors to communication, and the love based active thought is always not only heard, but listened to. And should for some reason they be unable to bring their focus to bear, that the message will be relayed.

April 18, 2011

What I am going to say will not be understood by most, so I'll just lead in with this entry is more of just a simple record of my feelings for my journal and leave it at that.

A clairaudient friend of mine was talking about how in the past few weeks she's been feeling out of sorts. This feeling generally comes after or before a shift in spirit energy. Something to do with vibration perhaps. She said it often came before a shift in Spirit activity. Which really resonated with me. I too have been feeling out of sorts, moments of confusion and not quite myself. I chalked it up to me being exhausted or over worked or stressed out. But I am not so sure. Comparing it to other such episodes of the past year; I am inclined to agree with my friend. A few weeks ago I hit a major new milestone in Spirit. I became a Reiki master and built a new connection to Spirit. But I did not go quietly. I sort of felt like I went kicking and screaming. Because with such new connections came massive feelings of responsibility and intent of dedication. But my lower ego did not and does not want to let go. It's been quite the battle. It's literally as if I threw myself into the 'running of the bulls'. I dove in, but I am running as fast as I can from getting trampled. It's almost as if I now have this over developed sense of duty. Family, work, friends, home life; but add to that; An ever growing list of Spiritual healings, Reiki, training, studying, weekly channeling practice by myself. And my latest commitment is sitting for weekly development with another in person. Part of my weariness stemmed from an urgent need to organize and get a schedule going in a formal way. I've also noticed a change in my relationship to those in Spirit. In the past they seemed to put forth a great deal of energy to connect with me and be in my presence. Now that has changed. For a while I couldn't figure out what was going on. I was so used to not even having to try. They were just there. And for a while I was really bent out of shape in a bad attitude. But Erik confirmed what was going on. I've come along enough now, that such energy commitment is no longer necessary. All I need to do now, it simply reach out as I wish. They want to engender my responsibility and test my commitment, and engender a greater sense of duty. Which I can tell you is not easy. I try and try and try and then I get worn out and then dive head first into a bad selfish attitude; of course then I am overcome with intense guilt. Well, I am not sure why I am posting this, other than to say, I've been feeling weird and I think this is part of why.

I'll leave off with an amusing experience that Sharon and I went through. We both double not our shoe laces. But last week, we both found our shoe laces untied-- more than once. We suspect Erik.

Other than that, Erik has been running around like a chicken with his head cut off. He's been very very busy with CE blog members, family and the like. Although one night I swear I saw him at a ball game in a stadium with Jillian. That was a really odd visual.

April 11, 2011

@ E-- "Elevating our awareness"??

"Dude, ok, this isn't about religion or any of that stuff online. It's about being conscious and paying attention to the Spirit within all of us and each other. You know if you take the time to really think about what it means to be a spirit having a human experience and you think about what it means to everyone else and how we all relate. Just stop all this selfish shit and really approach life with a new perspective of our place not only in this life, or the universe but on our entire spiritual journey. Stop freaking about getting something right or wrong or trying to define awareness... just keep thinking about your Spiritual journey and how it can help you, your family and others lead a better life."

April 11, 2011

In response to the CE blog post on April 8th - Good Against Evil

Here is what I got this past weekend as per Elisa's question. Yes, Iola and Elisa are correct. Some of these topics do get vague and fuzzy because Spirit does want us to think for ourselves and not be some blind follower of some dogma or movement. We are self creating entities in our own right and our ultimate destiny and reality is truly up to us. Scare mongering and doom and gloom scenarios in the end do not matter as much as one might think because the mechanics of soul progression never ends, and what was important for the soul yesterday is still important today, and will be tomorrow. There is always hope, there is always love to explore, It's up to us on a day to day basis to manifest it in our lives.

Ok, now here is what I got from the "gang" (grin).

"Like attracts like. As humans have negative agendas and group together, some of those in Spirit are also negative. This includes human spirit; those in other physical dimensions; and on other 3D planets as well. Human organizational capability is not unique. Nor do incarnate humans have a monopoly on selfishness, fear, control, or any aspect of lower emotion. In fact everything in the physical realities and dimensions are but a mirror of Spirit. Reality is not a 3 layered cake with us in the middle. It would be a huge mistake to imagine groupings of personality residing in a set location. The vibrational interconnections between dimensions are not regulated to just what we can see or perceive. What is more important to think about, is within each vibrational state of being; How is like attracted to like, and within that concept, how "aware" are the individual beings? "How aware" are they of other beings and their surroundings. Depending on this, they can move anywhere within their vibration as well as any of the denser vibrations. It is only vibrations that are higher or faster than theirs that they are barred from. So much of human language on spirit is watered down parables of simplicity. The aspects of the soul self-creative powers are far greater than you know or realize. Some use that for good. Some for self and, some are just twisted. Everything you are now, everything you have been and everything you will be is connected and participates in cause and effect. Some of this bleeds over into each other. So good or bad is also not limited to your current awareness. You are a multidimensional being, and so are others. You can either live in fear of what if's and unknown manifestations of other, or you can focus on how you live today."

April 08, 2011

Headed up north to visit with family. Going off the electronic grid for a few days. :)

April 07, 2011

I asked what color a CE blog members aura was and I got Green. Then "they" added in yellow and blue with red spots. Don't ask me to clarify, I have no clue what all that means. I've only very rarely seen auras. And they don't look to me like people describe. But I am sure that's more me than other sensitives.

When I see in my minds eye, I've been led to believe that I am viewing their astral body or a representation of it. And that is either in normal regular color or in shades of yellow, white, gold, or black and white. All of you and the spirit gang all look that way to me. The few times I've seen live humans auras, has only been on myself or pregnant woman. On me, When I do Reiki, I sometimes see a faint blue white outline. On the women, I now think what I was seeing was actually the spirits of their unborn children. To me their abdomens to their heads had a gray-yellow fuzzy haze.

Weird I know....

But I wanted to speak up out of humor.

This morning I also asked Erik what color I was.... His reply was......."A frightening shade of pasty white".............!!!! Ha ha ha ha....

Then he insinuated that I cover up before going outside!

That kid! I am so gonna 'get him'.. ha ha. :) (Big grin)

April 06, 2011

Jason to Erik: @ E. ‘How come you say “that’s all you know right now?” ‘

Erik says,- “Same as what was talked about in the comments of the march 22 possessions and post. I have to actually plug into the information to receive it, or I have to go find someone in my dimensional vibration that understands the concept through experience, or ask someone higher up. Even if we are given or learn the information or concept we still don’t fully process and understand it until we can experience it. Or learn about it through observation. Asking about such broad universal experiences such as Fear and Love are hard to relate to everyone because, really there is no end to the possible expressions of it. Don’t just think of your life now, but think about all the possible expressions of it throughout all human and non human ages, and species. The reason I didn’t give much response is because of the way you phrased the question, the lack of specifics. Also you were on a time table with questions and the appointment. People mistakenly think that I have nothing else to say based on the transcript of one session, but they have to take the responses not only in context but in circumstance of that moment.”

April 04, 2011

hmmm... Not too much per say, to report on. Beyond the usual. By that I mean the mundane, off an on brief banter. This past weekend, instead of my usual channeling practice with Andy, I worked on Reiki teaching, Reiki practice and spending time with family. Of course Erik comes through when I talk to Robert on the phone, but nothing interesting really sticks out in my mind. Usually the 3 of us are just making jokes, or babbling on about misc. daily life stuff. Or E will stop by to see how things are or offer a word of encouragement or hello. ....hmmm... OH! , he did say that his guide training continues. It in fact... well, guide training never really ends. He said that one of the things guides have to do is "view or live" with all sorts of others to see and experience what their lives are like so that they can in the future guide them. So he has a group of people that he visits with others to learn, guide, and see. But he does not yet have a group of people that is just his yet. That came about because I asked him if he had 'regular peeps' yet.... :)

Robert and I also enjoy trying to see if we can get him to blush or get embarrassed by crass comments. Or he'll try to do the same to us. It's a great game. But yesterday this brought an interesting comment from him that there is no way 'we' were vulgar, that some of the people he's been visiting for guide training are 'way out there'. So no worries on that front I guess.

I also had an interesting conversation this morning with Sharon. She saw him in vision as a viking along with Emily. The same look and vision that Robert and I saw. So that was a cool validation, I guess. Most of my experiences the past few weeks have been with my Teachers or guides or other blog members.

hmmm... I am trying to think of stuff I may have forgotten to report over the past few weeks.... The only new 3D visual experience I've had beyond the normal fuzzy air shapes and orbs is that one night while watching a movie, I glanced down the hall way and in a brief flash saw E externally in the room walking down the hall way, look at me with a crazy face, googly eyes, mouth open, and hands on either side of the cocked sideways face. And also sometimes after doing Reiki, or channeling, I'll see spirit lights, or pin pricks of light dancing around me. Not sure if it's a side effect of the trance or actual spirit. Who cares I say. Interesting though.

Lately I've been struggling with juggling life. Trying to find balance. Work, family, friends, Reiki, Teaching Reiki, Developing channeling, writing about afterlife stuff, actual channeling, research and reading, writing about channeling, and answering emails. Sometimes, I just get into a funky mood and want to ignore it all and say, 'meh--- call me next week I wanna sleep'...... I tried that the other day. But I seem to have the uncontrolable urge to do this stuff..... In fact the other weekend I was wasting time with Robert on the phone, when all of a sudden my scalp started burning. I asked Robert who wanted to talk to me. And He said, "They" just want you to know that slacking every once in a while is fine, but there is always work to be done......... SIGH.... So this kind of thing is actually common. And sometimes I get into a bad mood over it. But in the end I get back up and try some more. Keep going. I suppose that's one good quality about me. Is my fortitude. I always seem to pick myself up and keep going.