Dealing with energy

Dealing with Energy

You do not like what you feel. But yet you have focused on it. You continuously remind yourself that you do not care for it. It's almost as if your reinforcing an unexplored perception. So much so that you've created a belief structure around this energy. Your paying close attention to this energy, but not very close attention to what your doing with it, nor how you are projecting what you have processed from it.

Everyone process these energies, emotional, thought, etc., regardless of intentional focus. The process then becomes about absorption, reflection, projection, or transformation. How it is expressed in your reality totally depends on active intent and how you presently hold to a specific focus.

While a simple acceptance or even ignorance will allow you to pass through the energy of any experience, to project your intention or transform it requires a focused understanding through an exploration of self refection of the moment. If you do not visualize your intent you will inevitably absorb, or reflect the energy. While there is nothing wrong with this per say, it can be limiting in creating an understanding that serves your best interest or that of others.

So then many times our awareness gets stuck in the flow and we do not know what, how, or if we will focus. We just feel lost, wandering... In this instance is not about feeling, or doing. This hesitation is about self perception, doubt, and a fear that the first step will be in the wrong direction. That after that first step that you will somehow loose yourself, or your "choice". Know you are never ever less than. You will never loose you, nor your choice.

That the first step is not about transforming or doing something with energy. It is allowing yourself to accept-being, and knowing that no matter what, you will be OK. Divine energy does not make mistakes. You are not a mistake, and that the first step is simply saying I am OK. You do not need validation that you are OK.

So remove this self doubt by visualizing self trust. It's OK. Take your time. There's no rush. You can't really get lost in who you are, you only have to accept that you will remember, and BE OK that this is OK. If you can allow yourself to trust yourself, you can learn that this small step is not about doing, but about setting your intention to live as yourself. Being aware of how this step feels will allow you to make the conscious choice to focus on the energy in your awareness.

I know this all sounds rather convoluted. What it is simply meant to call attention to, is that when we feel trapped in the life around us; It seems like all we can do is to ride the emotional wave and let it happen to us. We feel lost and frozen to take that first step. This first step is not something kept or prevented or taken from us. It is a matter of choice, focus, acceptance, trust, and intentful living. We can all do this. It comes from examining our feelings of the moment, rather than the past or future.