Emotional release

"Resign yourself to accept that you are capable of release. Allow yourself to understand who you really are. Selfish selfless love is the simple reflection of being at peace with the perfection you are. Just be and feel. You will be OK.

When you accept who you are, you can look at the feelings that are uncomfortable. It enables you to say; what is this I feel? Why? What makes me feel this way? Is this who I want to be? What does these feelings say about me? Are they true? or is this just an outside perception?

Once we come to the acceptance of who we are in that moment. We can then pick and choose what we will allow these feelings to say about us. We can then use our new perspectives on these feelings to help shape a newer self identification for ourselves.

How we see ourselves in that moment, broken down to the base of who we are is the honest truth of our state of being. What's important is to realize, what this looks like, IS OK. There is no right or wrong, but rather, how we feel about this, and what we now wish to do about it.

This drives us to further expression and action. Many times the subtly of such new experience is just beyond our conscious awareness. But from such new perspectives we will be able to understand a new perception of ourselves. And carry this understanding forward in new ways, broader ways than we have felt before.

By recognizing every thought, every action, every feeling is a reaction to the essence of who we really are within each experience, we come closer to truly embracing the free will each of us has been born into. This brings us closer to God, by empowering us with creative personal power.

Moving to conscious awareness of the base of our emotions lets us unburden ourselves from the bonds of duality, self imposed illusions, and brings us closer to a pure eternal self love that is manifested in all souls, all creation.

This basic movement is a longing inherent in all things. It is the movement of the universe experiencing itself, remembering itself, returning to the God Source of all that is. It is everlasting, eternal, all encompassing. And it is a reflection of the love each of us are capable of. This is our great journey. To know ourselves, through the separation moving to the unity of all. The divine dance." -- My Spirit Teacher