Channel Light in the dark

When in doubt of that which is light, when sad, when full of lament,

Cast your inner vision outward to the light of heaven and call upon

your birthright. Call upon all that you know is your highest state of

being. Know this as pure light and let it fill you. Let it pulse

outward in wave after pulse after wave of pure light. Pull the light

around yourself and let it glow. Know no sorrow, know no pain, know no


When you find yourself with a feeling that which is dark and foreign,

STOP and examine your heart and find the feeling. If it has come from

within, if you find darkness within your own thoughts, banish them

from your mind. Send through your body a wave of vibration, a wave of

light. Irregular first and regular second. Pulse -wave, Pulse-wave.

Repeating time and time again until you are free. Start the wave

energy in the brain and direct it to your foot.

But if you find the darkness is not from you, not from your heart. Be

sure that is is from someone or thing outside of you directed at you.

Only by knowing this can you overcome it. Only by Spiritual wisdom can

you hope to be free. Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom brings power

of one's self.

Seek first a place outside of you that is dark, within the mind's eye.

Place a circle around yourself. Stand or float in the middle of the

circle. Raise your hands and call to light. Draw in light. Call to the

highest of spirits through space time. Fill your body and circle with

light. Let it bloom, blossom, explode and shine all about you. Push it

out and away from you filling all your space. This is the Spirit of

All life. Be a source of this Spirit and shine it always.

Then Darkness will never approach.