June 2012

June 28, 2012

"You always HAVE a close connection to the spiritual world, because you are of the Spiritual world. You are the glimmer of a gem reflected over a life to gather light for yourself. To then add this light to your reflective brilliance. You feel how you do because you long with the feeling of unseen memory for the radiance of your divine individuality. You fear because life from your current view seems to have blinded you to it, you worry that it is gone. And so that fear conjures up what it knows not out of fear of further perceived separation on a soul level.

Society blinded by their own group consciousness has told you that to look back in within, at our ever present connection to this light, outside of society's guidance, will ensure further this separation and may even harm you. But you can not separate what is was never separated. You can not part that which is eternal love. It is who you are. You are eternal spirit manifesting, creating, and expressing love to know itself in All that Is.

You were born into this life with a portion of this awareness. You chose before birth to retain an ability to connect with that energetic part of your conscious awareness, of the greater portion of your identity outside of your current personality. And so you unconsciously identified with that energetic part of yourself as children and looked at your physical body as the true illusion it is. This as a tool, you felt intimidated with when given the opportunity to explore yourself with. It was not horror or fear it was the dawning of realization, that you are more than what you perceive. On a soul level you greatly favored the peace and freedom of reconnecting to Spirit in your energy bodies. When you do so with conscious awareness in the physical, you set up the contrast you wanted to get you started on your spiritual expansion, your shift into a greater conscious awareness.

One of the things life is, is the journey of the consciousness. In that you are not starting, you are already on that journey. You fear a connection, and yet you are already connected. You are not seeking an answer because the answers you seek are the questions you ask. Who am I. Who indeed. You are ever on this path. It is who you are.

Through experiences, through spiritual experiences, you can reconnect with those you've shared a physical life with. Each night a portion of yourself journeys through spiritual realms outside of the physical not to struggle with life's most recent turmoils in the hope of reunion, but to embrace loved ones in the celebration of love and life and its eternal continuance. Together you explore ever greater opportunity, not regret, not sadness, not worry....you explore love.

That is where the peace you've sensed lays. Fear not, there happiness is very real and you carry it with you always. But to soar in your energy body is not as important as looking within yourself at how you feel when this happens and what this means for your beliefs about yourself. Through this process, through your own shift of perceptions you will find the connections and be guided to the answers you seek. As you know, you are surrounded by love. Do not fear, do not be afraid. Heaven is here. All around you. Question what is right for you, and take what answers speak to your heart."

-- Voices of Spirit

June 25, 2012

To look at a dream is to ponder ones consciousness. To seek another in dream is to ponder the state of consciousness. To seek yourself in dream is to acknowledge that there is no such thing as a dream, they are only ranges of conscious participation. Is the dream a symbol, or is the symbol a dream? To connect to another consciousness via a dream is not an abnormality, or aberration or even a fluke. It is a very valid experience. As our view or perspective of our own consciousness shifts throughout our life, such awareness of dream like experiences can become more frequent or take on more personal meaning. That you have dreams that seem like they may be visitations, or shared experience or even communication is not in question, but rather what is now the question is who are you in this experience and what meaning does it have for you in this moment. How does it make you feel, and what will it drive you to seek about yourself?

The mind is not the brain, or the soul. The view from your eyes, the sound via your ears, and the voice from your mouth is not your soul. A portion of your soul utilizes your physical form for expression. A tool who's waking perceptions are not limited to memory, or day time awareness. The seat of your mind resides with your soul. It' projects aspects, facets of consciousness into a energetic personality it creates. Which then overlays a physical form it co creates. This facet then has many parts. Of which is fluid, flowing, energy that uses the brain to shift between altered or various states of conscious and unconscious awareness. It forms a feedback loop from soul, to mind, to personality, to body, and back to other lives, lifetimes, and dimensional expressions or facets of the soul. Life is a journey of consciousness. And so that you should become aware of some of your dreams with a certain, 'otherness' or mysterious nature is natural. While asleep, your minds shifts focus, perspective and energetically moves through other aspects of yourself to commune with many. Many in this life, past life, and future life, and other dimensional experience. What your physical earth body, brain, and focus makes of it all, can be bound in literal seeming symbolic "dream like" experiences. Of which exploration can be one of the exciting joys of this life.

Simply take note, write down your experience and look for more. There always will be.


Literal movement in a lucid dream is highly symbolic and subjective. The key is in not only looking at what those symbols mean to you, but from where the emotional interpretation of those symbols reside in your own beliefs and experiences. Then again, sometimes, the dreams can be quite literal. The difference in discernment resides in the emotions the experience engenders in you. Is it love, or is it fear? Does it feel like unity or separation? Which are you?

June 25, 2012

I would like to review and paraphrase some of what I read and learned this weekend from the book:

Robert Swartz book, Your Soul's Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born

by Robert Schwartz

Permalink: http://amzn.com/0977679462

To open your heart to your self means, opening yourself to all emotion without judgement. Fear, despair, outrage, shame, self hatred, prejudice. We often judge these emotions and so live an unconscious life spent hiding from them, ignoring them. But one of our greatest creative divine powers is to look at ourselves in the dark and transform these emotional energies through our true selves inner light. By paying attention to them without attachment we bring them into our awareness for healing. Then these experiences become part of our personal power and experience. They are are super powers. Our strength.

As these uncomfortable emotions surface and is accepted without judgement we can transform that anger and fear into creative action. It allows us to rebuild ourselves to a higher purpose. We sacrifice those parts of ourselves to be born again through the healing power of the love we can send them. The suffering we experience is very often planned to drive ourselves within and heal our pain, heal our past, past lives, karma and to heal others. We have a chance now, to heal, balance and transform all the chaos. When we agree to look at what is painful with honesty and open arms no matter how difficult the Universe always creates opportunity to heal.

Never judge your emotions. Look at what is behind them. Every emotion, every dark emotion that you don't like carries within it the healing you have sought in every life you have ever lived, across time and space, through body after body. Each of us has carried into that form, the discordance, the "not love" of all our past thoughts, words and deeds for healing, in the now, in our present life. Judgement is a form of separation. It creates attachment. It's difficult to release. We feel apart from from that which we have judged. Inner pain, suffering, and darkness is healed when accepted with love. But we can not do that if we have judged it. It's a paradox. It binds us karmically to what we would release, and distances us from what can only be healed by acceptance and an embrace. Healing will come, even should it take lifetimes. What we judge will attract others that hold the same judgements. In others we see a reflection of ourselves on a soul level. To change this energy we must be open to it, receptive.

Through acceptance, love and compassion for what we feel and experience as well as others we can forgive ourselves for the feelings we don't like and realize that we do not have to hold on to them or let them define our lives. As we learn to have love and compassion for ourselves, we begin to have it for others which allows forgiveness and healing. Through this we free ourselves from entangled hearts and minds and begin to manifest ever brighter realities. Many times to know this in the mind is far different than feeling it. And many times such healing can only be had by feeling it. It is not logical and can not be examined through any perception other than the inner heart. But if we can find a way to allow ourselves, or accept our feelings without obsessing over them in judgement we can provide a neutral space in our minds for them in which we can approach an understanding of them. This coexistence can create a harmony in which we come to a greater understanding of ourselves. What is us, and what is not, and what we wish to do with that.

It is important not to resist our emotions as to do so only strengthens them, unconsciously or consciously. When we acknowledge our feelings without judgement we diffuse their energy and when we have love and compassion for them and their causes we automatically send healing back to the past, forward to the future and transform our current lives. In this way healing ourselves is a very real physical, emotional, mental and psychic event, a process, that is creative and expansive in shifting who we are. Our courage to face, plan, and experience life is among our greatest divine powers. It is our light in the darkness.

June 20, 2012

Q & A messages for the community cont.


What does it feel like to wait for your loved one, friend, whatever while youre in Spirit and they are incarnated? Given the possibility of your ability to spiritually tune in, influence, travel, and be with; and their ability to travel while asleep, is there any noticeable difference that strikes you? Because to us in the body, it can feel like a huge separation due to perception and lack of memory or sense of death/loss. Or is the projected feelings from us just something that is accepted and makes you smile with compassion? Any comment?


"We do understand this. As do you, which you will recall as if you suddenly remembered your car keys. The separation of Earth, among other reasons enables you to believe the circumstances, role, and context you set up for yourself for self exploration. Once enmeshed in physicality to the degree you wished, you must fufill that plan as you can. There is no getting around the feelings of separation as we all agreed to in your plane of consciousness, to experience in the physical. In your greater reality the unity of your Spirit with everything is indivisible, inseparable, and no difference exists. It is simply that a portion of your awareness is entwined in an intensive focus, an obsession of your own making. You can fight this, flow with it, or balance your experiences in the perceptions available to you. To us, while we feel, see, know, and understand your situation we not only interact with your greater-self, but participate in this most recent endeavor of yours. Additionally we, along with your higher self often have access to the other aspects of your self, what you would call other lives. We could call them other shared experiences or participation's. The ones we share the most are deeply interwoven with our own emotional awareness. Thus some have more affinity with you than others. There is no waiting for us, only affectionate affinity. For you, we give you our love as we can to help you endure your current project. For you, acceptance, fortitude, and faith in your own experience as you see it is much more important that reassurance. But still we treasure your full awareness in our embrace. So yet, in a sense you are missed. We wait not for you, but next to you. While we feel your pain, we love. We wait for the moment of your remembered awareness. It is our joy to touch your conscious love. Until then have heart, have peace, be brave, heaven is not waiting, heaven is all around you." --- Voices of Spirit

June 08, 2012

Erik expands upon his conversation with Jamie and Elisa regarding Schizophrenia.


Erik was buzzing me as I was reading.

I asked him,

"Erik, do you want to say anything else about mental disorders?"

*Sure. But look lets start over.....


* Weall got 3 things goin on here. 1) what's mental? 2) what's between dis/order? 3) who says and who gets to say so.


* When ya think youare in the body, you have a range of conscious experience right? And is that all? no, you have a range of unconscious experience, dream experience, and multidimensional experience, all happening at once right? Ok. Well, in reality it's only your brain trying to interpret that information from your mind, which is a grouping of focused energies across dimensions that is part of your soul. Your physical brain tries to make sense of that so it, and everyone else creates the perception of linear time. But it's that "group focus" that tries to create an "order" that we all can use as a tool to live and make heads or tails out of life. Right? Well, all that shit's just a tool to experience our understanding of life. But it's not all there is. Sometimes as a soul we really need to use different tools. This includes mental tools. It's a choice on a soul level. So the connections to the body and what's manifested physically are not only mixed up, the connections are played with. It's not a A, B, or C wire that's fuked with, it's a web work or a broad spectrum of possible ranges that fit possibility in that physical dimension. So What's mental? What's mental is when we are in the physical get so attached to that group focus that we get assed end up as to what's real or not, and what's right or wrong. We desire to have others tell us, and we take others labels, definitions, and beliefs as our own and then get all fuked up as to who we are. And so a lot of times on a soul level we really need to step outside of that box we taped ourselves in and experience a radical change in perception.


* yeah, and it's that perception inside of our group experiences that labels any mental condition, medical condition or emotional circumstance as a dis-ease, dis-order, right or wrong, broken, perfect... It's NOT just about working to give people healthy lives, or experience, it's not just about having that altruistic desire to cure what hurts, or help others fighting for their live, or understand the human condition, cause those are awesome... but it's the individual intents behind those drives, not the trying to make order out of disorder. It's an opportunity to experience different states of being. It's that stepping outside of societies norms that makes people uncomfortable. And that's the real disorder right there. It's that tool, that trigger, that emotion reflected in others, that is the reason the tool is used. It's a very special and unique filter or focus for people to see themselves in a way that would not be possible otherwise.

*So all this new mix of mental, emotional, and energy connections between the soul, mind, and body can be really hard on the personality experiencing life. Like I said, it's about the spectrum of possible behaviors that's the key. You can think of it like a spiritual cross between a mirror and a barometer. The input from the soul, the souls experience(dimensional or otherwise) AND everyone who interacts with that soul reflects in that personalities experience which depending on what's reflected in, generates a broad possible range or experiences which then get translated into perception and reactions. So on one hand you might have someone who goes inside and is in a certain environment and becomes the guru on the mountain. But in another environment become the homeless dude muttering to himself in rags. And yet in anther environment gets shoved in a hospital room pumped full of drugs... and yet in another place, be surrounded by family and friends and is cared for. See, that life is a super charged life. It's not just the huge spectrum of inner life and outer life perceptions that are possible, it's the huge huge potential for others to experience themselves through their reactions, beliefs, and behaviors about that person with the mental state of being. Are you gonna have pity, compassion, love, anger, fear, sadness, and how is that gonna be understood by your own soul? Not only that, but it gives everyone a chance to work on balancing experiences from other lives and other experiences where your actions and understanding where one sided or not or caused you emotional chaos. See, all this is a balancing tool.... Do you feed the chaos, or do you float in harmony. And how of what you choose, who are you in that very moment.