
The Jason and Erik Show

First an update on Robert. Good news and bad news. The good news is that Robert feels great other than frequent shaking chills. The bad news is that on CT scan, they found a big abscess just behind the bladder causing those chills as well as his high white cell count. So back to the OR he goes, poor baby. I suspect the surgeon didn’t take the time to meticulously clean out the abdominal cavity before closing and neglected to place the proximal end of the drain in the most dependent part of the abdomen. My father, one of the best surgeons in the world, is none too happy, to say the least. Don’t even get me OR my dad started on the shortcomings of many of our colleagues. Sigh. Looks like Robert will be in for a few more days. He’s bummed he’ll miss playing in the snow with the rest of my family.

And now for some comic relief, courtesy of Erik, the court jester, and his extremely patient cohort, Jason. I’ll through in an email Sherry sent as well. Enjoy.

From Jason

Robert, Erik and I have this inside joke about “Trance Mediumship”. We sometimes talk about the technicalities of it and then crack jokes. One of Erik’s is when we talk about the merging of soul energies around and within a body for thought and other actions. Any way. Whenever one of us says the word “merge” Erik goes;

“heh heh,, you said MERGgggge– Hey Jason! I am ‘Merrrrggggging with Robert… Jealous? ha ha ha ha”…..

And I say. “ERIK!– YOUR SUCH A PIG!”

Then we all laugh.

The other day I was talking to Erik some more about it, and he puts a sheet over his head and waves his arms in the air and makes googley eyes and funny faces and comes at me, groaning , “Merrrrgggge, Merrrrrggggee,… ” and then he says, ” OH, DUDE, that is so NASTY, I’ve Possessed you I’d have to wash myself with BLEACH!” Then he shows me him dancing in place within a hazmat shower, like he’s brushing buggs or radiation off him and squealing, while pouring a bottle of bleach over him scrubbing himself down with a huge brush..”

I had the hardest time not laughing out loud like an idiot on the bus. And I can’t share with anyone, but you guys.

Lots of love.

p.s. @ Michelle,

This morning Emily had green lizard and dinasaur puppets and was making them dance for me. She had an odd cool looking hair doo. I asked her where did her red curls go. She grumbled and said “Fine!” and it turned back to red. Then Erik started pulling on her hair and flapping it. And she whipped around and they started wind milling their hands in a girly arm fight, and laughing and giggling. It was hysterical. As time passes I am more and more convinced of all of our interconnections. Kinda amazing.


At some point in the recent past: (during Reiki actually…)

Jason to Erik:

Errrriiiikkkkkk — “This sucks. This out of the blue sadness, this weird sense of loss.”

E to J – ”That’s because you’ve been on auto pilot for so long. That’s your ego driving. It’s base emotion; Base & it’s reaching for anything powerful enought to hide you in. It’s saying, ‘forget the world! – lets wallow’. But, you are aware and don’t want to be like that so it bothers you. You keep snapping out of your attitude and saying to yourself, “WTF” & keep trying to readjust your thinking. Doing that takes work and active intent.”


At some point in the past:

@Erik: ”E- I am bored! I want to be entertained.”

E to Jason: ”No you don’t! You need an attitude adjustment!”.

J to E: ”Where’s the love?”

E to J: ”I’ve got tons of it.”

J to E: “But…..”

E to J: ” No butts! Either do something or go to sleep!”

J to E; “But….”

E to J “(Sigh……)”

J to E; “Did you ever have a job? “

E to J: ” Ask Mom.”

J to E: “Where did you learn a work ethic?”

E to J: “MOM!!!”

(I guess this is my cue. Erik had a few jobs, but his work ethic sucked! He’d get bored or distracted or he’d misunderstand what he was supposed to do, and a week or two into the job he’d be canned. Poor little guy. This was very hard on his self-esteem, and I’m sure that’s why he wanted me to convey this to Jason.)

J to E: “Fine don’t tell me. I don’t care.”

E to J: “Dude quit being lazy and talk to her.”

J to E: ” I miss ya!”

E to J: “Meee tooo! I am sooo looking forward to your memories being back and your confidence and wholeness back. I miss hanging out with all of you. I miss all of you guys as you are in whole. Youre not like this here. Your are in touch with all you are here.”

J to E: “I wish I could remember.”

E to J: “I know.”

J to E: ”I am going to sleep. Any last words? Wait for Lydia’s (guide) training. She is in charge. Ok, later dude”.


From Sherry

Hi All,

I just got back from the gym and had a vision I wanted to tell you all about.

Michelle, you’re Emily’s mom right? I haven’t met you yet. Nice getting to know you.

Earlier this week, Jason said Erik wanted me to listen to my tunes with him. As you probably all know, Erik loves Led Zeppelin, as do I . I have a bunch of their songs on my Ipod and I listen to it as I work out sometimes.

Today I granted Erik his wish. We rocked out together. I always get cool visions of him enjoying himself, playing an electric guitar. Did he play one when he was alive, Elisa?

(Oh yeah, and VERY well!)

Anyway, on one song, I saw him with a microphone, singing his heart out, playing his guitar and I saw a little girl by him and her hair color kept changing. From blonde to black to purple (my favorite color!) to brown to red. Could that be Emily, Michelle. I remembered your reply this morning about her hair.



From Jason

Ok, so I didn’t cc you all on my dream email I sent you all individually about my dream last night. But I did send you all the same email basically. Cause your my support crew. But I just recalled something. Right after I woke up from that lucid dream. Erik for the first time gave me the nasty smell he gave Paul. And just that night on the phone i was saying to Sherry, that Erik doesn’t give me smells cause Iam either oblivious or hate smoke smells ect. Of course then he has to push my buttons over it. I’ve never smelt anything so foul, and no it was NOT a fart smell, and I know it was him, cause him and Lydia were in the room with me for “Dream review”..

I distinctly recall telling Erik that if that smell was him, he was in so much trouble and I was gonna ignore him for a week. I was kidding of course, but he thinks this is great fun. Now as I type this he is flipping me off and making crazy faces at me and laughing.


There are 15 comments to this post.

      1. Rebecca says:
      2. February 2, 2011 at 6:51 PM
      3. oh that’s just terrible, Robert going back for more surgery he hasn’t even recuperated from the other. Poor guy. Sending my love and healing thoughts. I too had quite a few intestinal surgeries, re-sections, ng tube etc, it sucks. I was sooo hoping he’d be coming home.
      4. The rest of this post was interesting, I wish Eric would visit me,stinky socks and all. I send him hugs every night!
      5. Reply
      6. Skoshi says:
      7. February 2, 2011 at 8:13 PM
      8. So sorry, Robert! Will send you Reiki and love. – XOXO
      9. Anyone see the footage of a UFO over Jerusalem on this evening’s Huffpost:
      10. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/02/jerusalem-ufo-spottings-o_n_817689.html
      11. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • February 2, 2011 at 9:29 PM
          • Cool. I keep thinking about the energy lines UFOs travel on, Skoshi. I know they must tap into that infinite energy source, the zero point field. If we could do that, we might not have the problems we now have in the middle east. Buying off lobbyists. Ugh.
          • Reply
      12. Michelle C says:
      13. February 3, 2011 at 12:24 AM
      14. I didn’t receive an email Jason ..maybe Elisa could give you my e address .
      15. xx
      16. Reply
      17. Ceridwen says:
      18. February 3, 2011 at 12:41 AM
      19. Ach, poor dear Laddie! Will keep the Reiki pumping, and visualize you well and healed and going home with Elisa, where you will be surrounded by love and lots of good food!
      20. XOXOX
      21. Reply
      22. GeorgeN says:
      23. February 3, 2011 at 5:08 AM
      24. Hang in there Robert! I’m sending energy and love your way for your healing. Elisa, I’m sure your prence is going to keep the Doctors and staff on their toes!
      25. With much love,
      26. George
      27. Reply
      28. Only4Love says:
      29. February 3, 2011 at 11:59 AM
      30. Robert, Sending you lots of light and love!
      31. Kathy
      32. I love to here Jasons communications with Erik….he brings him so much to life!
      33. Reply
      34. Skoshi says:
      35. February 3, 2011 at 12:10 PM
      36. People interviewed by Dolores Cannon claim that after the Shift, we will no longer pollute because they will give us the technology we need so we won’t use oil. This is the fellow (James Penniston) who wrote down the zeros and ones I’ve written about before:
      37. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHwhmc2m-tQ
      38. He’s on Ancient Aliens/Alien Contact on the History Channel as I’m writing this.
      39. UFO Hunters was on earlier today on the History Channel; the subtitle was “Reverse Engineering”. They interviewed a man who said he was on an alien spacecraft (they called him an abductee, but he never called himself an abductee), and he said he was shown the craft and how it moved and was told everything resonates at a certain frequency, and they set the craft to resonate at the frequency they want to go to, and it goes there. It reminded me of the “pulling space to the ship” comment. That show will be on the History Channel again here on the east coast at 4 p.m.
      40. Reply
      41. Skoshi says:
      42. February 3, 2011 at 12:18 PM
      43. Erik seems to have an incredible array of ideas! I’m glad I have never smelled any smells. PLEASE Erik, don’t take this as a challenge! I had a new furnace installed this week and I’m scared any strange smells are it going on the blink! (The new furnace died the night it was put in, so, essentially I had no heat for 2 days while a new furance was installed and then repaired!)
      44. XOXO and Reiki to Robert.
      45. Reply
      46. iola says:
      47. February 3, 2011 at 12:25 PM
      48. Almost there, Robert! Am sending you prayers and much love. need you back! Hugs and a smile. xoxox
      49. Reply
      50. amy cavanaugh says:
      51. February 3, 2011 at 12:27 PM
      52. @robert how are you today? below is a piece I wrote that describes the first days of Keith’s transition to the otherside and finding my new normal. It is going to be published on the “death is an imposter” which is spiritualist/attorney Paul Crockett’s blog.
      53. Ok here we go–
      54. ______________________________
      55. The concepts of near death experiences, end of life visions and life after death are not new to me. I was introduced to Elizabeth Kubler Ross in college in the 1970′s and have read, heard, and experienced much of what has been reported by others. That being said, no intellectual understanding of these topics can prepare one for the actual series of events that occurs when someone he or she is deeply connected to passes to the other side.
      56. Keith died one month ago, and I wanted to share about our journey thus far. In the nine months leading up to my partner’s death we had many conversations about death. I gave him permission to go, I pleaded with him not to leave. I told him I was going with him; I told him I would summon people from the other side to help him through the transition, in crossing over. But clearly he was not ready, and so he put up a tremendous fight. Maybe he hung on so tight because he was scared, or because we had become closer than ever before and neither of us knew what our relationship would look like once one of us had gone on to eternity and the other remained behind, earth-bound. Little could I even imagine that so much about the truth of that situation would be revealed, or that it would be revealed in droves.
      57. As Keith’s condition worsened, his fear of death became more apparent. What seemed to worry him the most was the idea that he would be reunited with his parents and other relatives, who had been abusive on this earthly plane. On New Year’s Eve, our 5th anniversary, a doctor finally agreed that hospice was in order. Hospice was sold to me as palliative care, a way to take him home, at least get him outside and out of the hospital to spend his last days anyplace but there. After endless discussion a plan was that he would stay on the hospice floor over the weekend, and on Monday I could take him home.
      58. That quickly changed once he was moved to the hospice floor. When the nurse heard me speaking of taking him to the beach, she thought I was talking about ashes and said as much. I was outraged! I told her that I’d promised him he was NOT going to die in the hospital. The nurse had the nerve to say, “This isn’t the hospital, it’s hospice. When there we sat on the fourth floor of the hospital. Everything about the situation seemed just so wrong, but I was tired of fighting everyone and everything, all the time. I had spent all the fight left in me, and then some. I clearly had care-giver burnout.
      59. My point in going into all this background information is to provide a glimpse into my state of mind. I was in hurting in ways and in places I hadn’t even known existed. I just felt so confused and disoriented. After nine months of sleeping in hospital beds with Keith, the reality of our impending separation was finally sinking in. So his death might not exactly come as a surprise, but at the same time I just don’t see any way I could ever really feel ready for him to slip away.
      60. Earlier, in my excited preparations to bring Keith back home with me, I had reached out to a childhood friend who had become a healer. She was going to assist in some alternative healing, and we had a call scheduled for noon, Monday January 3rd. We were supposed to talk about blood cleansing, but instead she informed me that she had received a clear message from the other side. I was to tell Keith that the people he was scared of had changed, and so it was safe for him to pass. This was interesting because she did not know anything about Keith other than his name.
      61. Now I was charged with delivering this information to him. On an ordinary day this would be easy, but as I said, I was now off kilter and he was in a morphine haze. Some important work obviously needed doing, but I felt almost immobilized, like I had no idea how to go about any of it. As fate would have it, back in the hospital room later that day a volunteer reiki healer came in to do some healing touch. I carefully watched her, and then, without my even verbalizing my need, she placed one hand over my head and the other close to his heart. I knew this was my opportunity to pass along the message that I’d been asked to give him from the other side.
      62. After she left, I left the room to make a phone call and get some fresh air. Upon my return, less than one half hour later, he had taken his last breath. The nurse urged me to stay in the room to have some closure, but I just wanted to be someplace else. I could tell that Keith had left the building. What was even stranger was that in the nine months in the hospital I had never once seen a corpse or caught a glimpse of a morgue. Yet now as I walked out of the room I heard a body bag being zipped in one room and saw a gurney being wheeled out on the other side of the hall. It was clearly rush hour– the holidays were over and people were checking out. I felt my legs buckling underneath me, and left as quick as I could.
      63. I was shocked, euphoric, and everything else all at once.
      64. I stayed in a hotel that night for fear that the sight of even a shoe, or one of his socks just lying there, would throw me completely into hysterics. Yet that terrible breakdown I so feared has yet to occur, and is seeming less and less likely as time goes on and my new normal begins to gel.
      65. January 3rd @ 6:30 pm is when the magic began. Things started happening all over the place to all sorts of unrelated, unknowing people. Down the road at a friend’s house, Keith had made a gift of a mobile he liked, strung with little fishes that hung on their front porch. Curiously, it came tumbling down, for the first time ever, right around the time he passed. Obviously, he had taken the time to stop by his friends’ place on the way out of town.
      66. That evening my daughter reported his presence. Apparently he visited her to thank her for loaning him her mother so that I could care for him. Her experience was so vivid that she became fearful that he might be stuck, and didn’t sleep for the next two nights. Thankfully others also visited by him reported that his passage– while hectic– was complete, and that he was comfortably settling in.
      67. An online friend, who I knew only because we followed the same band, sent me a Facebook chat- “Can I call you?” Reluctantly, I said yes. He told me right away that he had been having frequent visits from Keith, and that Keith wanted me to be open to his potential visits. He shared that he sometimes turns these messages off, but in my case felt compelled to share. He said, “He will come to you in your sleep”. A few weeks later, a different advisor was more specific. He said “expect him in the early morning, between asleep and awake.”
      68. In the days following his death, I felt blissful– almost too much so. I knew that I was relieved from the awful stresses of long-term care giving, the P.O.W. like conditions of living in a hospital, and was elated about my new-found long distance relationship. Even so, I began wondering if I was crazy. Perhaps I had borderline personality, I thought, since I’d not yet shed a tear. Or maybe I was manic, or perhaps I just didn’t care. In my mind, our relationship had just been etched in eternity. I would stay down here and take care of earthly tasks and he would cover my blind side from afar. It made perfect sense.
      69. There were certainly distractions, in the form of crazy family members behaving badly. This was nothing new; their family had a death playbook, and the only changes ever made to its script involved a new cast of characters. , I was no longer thriving on or participating in the drama; I was walking around it and floating above it.
      70. His brother came down with his girlfriend, and we went to dinner at a Latin restaurant that had been a favorite of Keith’s and mine. I should have felt sad staring at the empty seat across from me, but while it looked empty, it didn’t feel empty! The conversation was familiar and was focusing on topics well within the range of the kind of normal discussions he and I had enjoyed, even though neither his brother nor his companion would have known this. I drove home literally tingling from the magic and excitement of it all, just cruising on down the beach road he and I had traveled together so many nights before. What was strange was a few months prior, when Keith was still alive, I would go to great lengths to avoid this particular stretch of road because it would evoke so many memories of events that would never occur again– or so I thought. Apparently now that Keith was out of that damn hospital our adventures could resume.
      71. I read everything I could on the early days of life in heaven. I even researched topics such as sex in heaven, and whether monogamy is a meaningful concept there. That one really confused me. That is when I found out that in France you can marry a dead person. While the purpose of the French law is largely for practical/earthly purposes, such as legitimacy of children and benefits, I loved the idea and decided to turn his upcoming memorial service into my marriage to an angel.
      72. The only time I could cry was at yoga. At yoga you concentrate on breathing. I could breath, he didn’t breathe anymore–that made me sad for some reason, but the tears were fleeting. I went along my merry way, anxiously awaiting our next encounter. I noticed that he did not come every evening. I didn’t summon him, nor was I disappointed if he didn’t stop by, I just figured he was out and about, exploring his new playground.
      73. One Sunday I went to the inlet, a place where the ocean meets the intercoastal. It was a very special place for us, and I went with the intention of forcing out some major tears. At first there were a few, but then out of the blue a big boat came heading back in from a day of fishing. It was just bouncing across the water. Keith had been a very avid fisherman, until a car accident left him in chronic pain that prevented boating, and finally even fishing. I knew beyond doubt that the boat and its timing was no coincidence, but rather a sign. “Why cry, Baby?” I felt him asking in a most understanding and gentle way, when I am free, happy, out of pain and out frolicking on the open blue sea again at last??”
      74. The next day there was yet another unexplained phenomenon. I hadn’t been working much, but I knew that that day a payment of several thousand dollars was to come due for my daughter’s law school tuition. I had no idea what I was going to do, but that Monday morning, I logged on to my email only to see that an unexpected $5,000 deposit had been made to my checking account. This was getting really good, really fast. As fate would have it, it was an error on the part of my employer, but the timing was too perfect for it to be a simple mistake.
      75. I forgot to share that even when we were separated on earth, we had a deep connection. We had met in college and reconnected in 2005. The relationship had been deep but rocky. Lots of bad things happened, I got cancer, his parents died, we went into financial ruin, and we broke up badly, so badly I was forced to seek a restraining order on him. Nonetheless during our nasty break-up, I could sense when he was in danger. When the restraining order expired, he contacted me. I knew he was in trouble and dropped everything to come to his aid. While most friends and family thought I was completely mad, I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do.
      76. As time went on, I realized, I had been given the chance of a lifetime, hidden in an unbelievably clever disguise. It truly is a privilege to help someone die. And not just that last living moment, but the whole awful process. It was a magical, intense nine months. Generally I stayed at the hospital, but at one point he was in ICU, and visitation was limited. Then wound up catching a cold and ran a risk of infecting him. On more than one occasion during this separation, as I fell asleep, I would see a clear vision of him in his hospital bed at the end of a long tube. The vision didn’t last long, just long enough to know he was OK.
      77. In the weeks since his death, I have attended several channeling sessions and arranged for a private session with a spiritualist. While I believe Keith too much of a novice to be summoned as a guide, as I pay attention to the spirit guides responding to each attendee’s questions, I hear messages intended for me, relating very specifically to Keith’s experience of his transition. The statements are far too specific, Always the skeptic, I have been extra careful not to I never reveal more than his name and the fact that he is dead.
      78. I feel certain that these messages have by no means been conjured for my entertainment or comfort. They have provided me with clear glimpses as to a day in eternity. I have been given very detailed messages as to how the departed watch over us, and most importantly, what sorts of things the earthbound can do to amuse and flatter their loved one on the other side. For example, when Keith was alive I saw very little point in making the bed every day, so I just wouldn’t do it. Since his death, I have taken the time to do it every day, as well as a number of other small things my “not doing” used to drive him crazy. I hoped that these gestures did not go unnoticed, and thanks to these informative spirit guides it was revealed to me without even asking that while he may not see the made bed, the energy and intention of the gesture transcends to the heavens.
      79. I feel more strongly than ever as to my responsibilities to him now that I am the only one earth side. I feel like his agent/PR person. Many of his friends became estranged and exhausted by his endless medical and psychological symptoms. Some problems arose as the result of his being over- medicated and the “less than holistic” approach that his medical care had taken yet others I sensed to be manipulations. I went to great lengths to reach out to as many of his former classmates, girlfriends and associates as possible, poring through old address/ business cards, photos, notes, and letters. I carefully disposed of his personal possessions, making sure that each went to someone who would appreciate and cherish that item. He had collections of all sorts of things –shells, fishing equipment, tools and beer steins. It was important to me that these collections remained exactly that-collections. Sure, I could have held a garage sale and made a few hundred dollars off these items, but Keith took pride in his possessions and he took good care of them. The idea of people picking through his collections haggling over its price made me sick.
      80. I planned his memorial service as if it were a royal wedding, and postponed it long enough that people would be able to travel to attend. At times I thought I was doing many of these things for my own ego gratification, but as time has passed I realized that was not the case and my doubts were laid to rest. I could tell by peoples’ reactions that I was doing the right thing– they seemed to need what was happening also, for reasons of their own, and were more touched by my devotion than put off by my intrusion, or uncertain about my sanity.
      81. In our culture we fear death. Even though it is the ultimate outcome in 100% of peoples’ lives, our medical system for some reason views it as a huge failure. My experiences since his death have provided me with sufficient and indisputable evidence that this is far from the truth. Especially as we face the death of the baby boomers, a large, loud and self-centered segment of the population, it is essential that people explore and begin to share their thoughts and experiences on death, dying, the afterlife, and “life after.”
      82. There is no doubt in my mind that our relationship in its new form is stronger than ever and will continue to evolve. I fully expect that as time goes by, it will change. The frequency and nature of his visits will change. Circumstances will change and my routines will change. Perhaps I will enter into another romantic relationship. No matter what, I know that there will be an unbreakable bond between us and thanks to my open mind and the wisdom and experience of others, there will be avenues for ongoing, meaningful communication between us.
      83. From time to time I wonder what it will be like when I pass to the other side. Will I find him immediately or will I have to look for him? Will he have time for me or be busy with others and on and on. Yet those fears are fleeting, and I know that in the days to come more will be revealed.
      84. As we approach the coming days, the much discussed dawning of 2012 and other such threats to life as we know it, I expect that messages from the other side will become more commonplace and that many more people will be seeking the guidance of the departed. I have been told that communications with the departed are a natural extension of the communication advancements fostered by the internet. It is really the next frontier, and all these things make perfect sense to me. I don’t share all of my experiences with everyone; I can tell that some are too bound to their earthly existence to embrace such possibilities and I know that some of these topics conflict with certain people’s spiritual belief systems. Nevertheless I have been surprised. I have found that almost every time I “tip my hand” about my recent communications and explorations, the person I am speaking to shares their own experience of some kind of very real encounter with a departed loved one that is much too intense to be labeled a dream.
      85. As I become more comfortable with my new “normal,” I find myself focusing on establishing boundaries with respect to my relationship with Keith, so as to assure that it remains appropriate and does not distract me from my unfinished business on this earthly plane. It has been a fascinating, comforting, amusing and rewarding adventure thus far, and I look forward to what’s to come.
      86. No one has been more surprised than I that Keith’s communications have been so frequent, or that he has reached out to so many unrelated people. I suspect he is well aware of my skeptical nature and had to go wide to make sure he got my attention. Had he visited me unannounced or without alerting others so they could forewarn me, I probably would have done what I did all too often when he was still with us– ignore him.
      87. Reply
      88. laura Vanden Bosch says:
      89. February 3, 2011 at 12:41 PM
      90. Robert,
      91. I see you perfect harmony and radiant health. Sending light and love. Happy thoughts. Lots of golden light too.
      92. love laura
      93. Reply
      94. Amy J. says:
      95. February 3, 2011 at 11:28 PM
      96. Elisa,
      97. Thank you for your strength. I love reading what you have you say everyday. May God shine upon you and all you do for our hearts.
      98. Robert,
      99. You have such a beautiful heart, mind and soul. May God heal you quickly we need your loving energy back in full force.
      100. Much love to all your readers,
      101. Amy J.
      102. Reply