
Obviously this page is a work in progress :) I am not quite sure how to organize stuff yet.

Terms & links:

*Wiki on Angels





Misc. links of intrest:

Angels within various Traditions and faiths:





It is common thought in almost all Spiritual, Religious, and metaphysical traditions that Angelic being exist. It is pervasive and tradition throughout much of human history. There is as much mysticism, mythos, and thoughts on the subject as anything else. Where does one even begin to sort out all the information out there. There are so many differences to look at. It seems like each school of thought often has drastically differing ideas.

I wish I could tell you. It's not a field I feel I have much knowledge or experience with. At least on a conscious level. Because of all the differing information, I hesitate to even provide links to content.

What I will do is tell you about my own experiences. Although. Such as they are, I have to give the disclaimer I don't really understand my experiences yet to give a hard opinion about them.


I suppose aside from the teachings of the church I grew up in; those from my church also contain elements of spiritual fear. I did not have any concept other than they were messengers of a monotheisitic angry jealous God. Or they protected one from a hungry Evil. But only if you believed in their brand of truth.

In my teen years; My mother told me a story of her childhood. In that she was deathly ill and she woke up in the middle of the night and saw 4 glowing white beings at the 4 corners of her bed.

Well, after that as a result of emotional traumas, fears and the like, from various sources-- I pretty much stopped believing in anything. I became a staunch atheist through my 20's. During college etc.

After College, My paranormal experiences started up again. And at one point after a few dark and scary periods, I actively sought them out for help. ...... WIP... content to come