Meet your Guides and Angels halfway

Meet your Guides and Angels halfway

posted Dec 02, 2010 by Jason

Having trouble with visualizing your guides or Angels? Meet them half-way!

Just that you have desire means that the seeds of belief exist within yourself. Seeds of belief can grow into thoughts, dreams, visualizations, inner meaning, and communication. Thought forms, belief, intent, and emotion is the stuff of creation. They are the spark of the controlling the driving force behind all energy which makes up matter, seen and unseen. As it pertains to Spirits and the Spirit realms, this is all it takes to communicate. It's all about perspective. If you have trouble try changing your perspective. Day dream of your desire. Use this to meet them half way.

For some, this can be accomplished by creating what is called a soul home. Or in some realities or interpretations, your heavenly home, or your astral home. This all sounds very abstract and hoky-pokey, but if you can sit in the park and stair up at clouds and day dream about a place that made you happy, a place you felt loved. You can do this too!

Doing this creates happy thoughts and feelings which raise your spiritual vibration. This in turn allows you to meet your guides and or Angles half way. Which makes communication of various forms easier.

Just sit back in a comfy chair. Put on soft music of any type. Make sure no one else is around to distract you. pets are ok. Just cuddle with them. Close your eyes. Just sit there. Breath normally. Ok, now remember a time and place where you are happy. Try to pick a place where you felt safe and loved. It could be self love too. Where, oh, where were you happy? If you can't think of a place, well.... That's your mission, to find it. For some this could be a grandparents home. This could be watching a sun rise in a kitchen. For others this could be the campground you were at as a child. This could be the lake you go fishing at. Or this could even be your dream home, your anything goes home. Or just somewhere out in nature. It's all about day dreaming and what -- what you think of, means to you.

So picture that which is love, comfort and happy. Say to yourself, "I want to go to this place and hear from my guides or Angels in any way they wish to manifest themselves to me. Then imagine yourself there. Your in that space now. Don't worry about how you got there. Just imagine yourself looking around. Take your time. Try to have fun and relax. If you can't see anything, make it up. Look at a blank wall and imagine a book case there. Try to fill it. What do you pick out to fill it? Talk to yourself about it. Why did you pick what picked? Does it matter? Did you pick it? Or maybe just maybe, you had a stray suggestion.... Was it from you? Or an Angel or guide? And maybe... If so.... What might it mean?

Walk around, change walls if you can, change decor and lighting. Change your environment, just keep pretending and imagining. Are your eyes still closed? Close them!... :) So walk around, and see if you see anyone in there with you. You need to try and believe that they are there for a reason. Don't worry about how they or it or even animals look! Just let go and accept that they are there with you. Do they say anything or do anything? Feel free to ask them questions without expectation of answer or how that answer is delivered.

You ask me, what the Heck?! What does all this mean or have anything to do with me? Wellllll, The afterlife and spiritual realms are frequently described in various metaphysical, spiritual, and religious traditions by metaphor and symbols. What do you think that means? One perspective is "Intent, thought based imagery". You can guide this and be guided by it. Find the reality within you and manifest it in your life for the greater good.