Messages of Spirit

This is part 1. For Part 2 for Part 3 for Part 4 for Part 5

Messages are channeled from my Spirit team (aka-the spooky gang), my higher-self, from my blog musings, and include the complete *Channeled messages for the Channeling Erik Community (from Elisa's old CE website forum. That forum disappeared. But it's the content that I moderated and posted) Additional messages can be found in the Archives by month in each section from the blog. --- Updated: Spring 2019 -- 2021 update. (I am having to reformat and move around some of the text as Google Sites has a word limit per page-- It will take me some time to fix)

"The tides of life come in and out. Swim out to meet them. Float for the next big wave. Hop with hope and balance your way in. There's that perfect point where you'll stay on and feel the rush as the spray and wind hits your face. Don't' fear a wipe out, cause you have the arms of friends to hold you up. Swim back out and look to the sun, cause there will always be an awesome wave commin your way." --- Erik M.


"As a souls we want to understand what love is. We know, but we think to express it; we have to know and understand what love isn't. That's where we get stuck. We are often in so much pain experiencing what love isn't, that we forget we wanted to show what love IS. In the midst of what love isn't, we wanted to express 'US'. But a better way, A better way, is to simply 'BE' us. Our selves. To Accept ourselves as perfect by default. To live as US. You know that song, 'I wanna know what love is'..., It' should also be, 'I wanna understand what love is'..... NO! .....I wanna LIVE ... Live love, as I see it. So just LIVE life with what ever love you want in each moment, not what love you think' is, or what you think' should be love, but the love you "know" you are... by just doing it, you experience it. AND since you know you ARE, you will be inclined even.... but..... for a tiny..... bit, to "create" MORE. You do this by default, but NOW you are on your way to UNDERSTANDING it..... And in that moment, there is NO worry. NO fear..... There just IS... you... so let go of worry, and just BE.

You can be as strong as yes or no. Any thing else is just may-be. Say yes to love.

We judge what we see or create around us, because we think' it will say something about who we are inside, but what's happening is that we aren't coming to acceptance with what's inside. We are just rejecting what's outside as 'not us'. It's only when we stop making value judgements about outward expression that we can look at what's inside. We can't even ask questions about what we feel. Until we stop looking at that stuff, we are always reaching for or pushing away. On the inside, there is nothing to create, reach for, or push away. It's always there. Always has been, always will be. It's just a matter of how much of ourselves we are really willing to look at. It's only when we rip the blinds off and look at ourselves raw, fresh and in that moment that we can say... OHhhh, I can let go of all that... even now... I am worth something, something I can share, I don't need to matter, because I matter to me." -- The gang


Waiting for sunset should not be about waiting for the end, but about joining a new beginning, embraced in love. We can connect with that love now.


The difference between running, hiding, and avoidance is intent. The difference between that and living for yourself is a conscious decision without guilt.


Dealing with Energy

You do not like what you feel. But yet you have focused on it. You continuously remind yourself that you do not care for it. It's almost as if your reinforcing an unexplored perception. So much so that you've created a belief structure around this energy. Your paying close attention to this energy, but not very close attention to what your doing with it, nor how you are projecting what you have processed from it.

Everyone process these energies, emotional, thought, etc., regardless of intentional focus. The process then becomes about absorption, reflection, projection, or transformation. How it is expressed in your reality totally depends on active intent and how you presently hold to a specific focus.

While a simple acceptance or even ignorance will allow you to pass through the energy of any experience, to project your intention or transform it requires a focused understanding through an exploration of self refection of the moment. If you do not visualize your intent you will inevitably absorb, or reflect the energy. While there is nothing wrong with this per say, it can be limiting in creating an understanding that serves your best interest or that of others.

So then many times our awareness gets stuck in the flow and we do not know what, how, or if we will focus. We just feel lost, wandering... In this instance is not about feeling, or doing. This hesitation is about self perception, doubt, and a fear that the first step will be in the wrong direction. That after that first step that you will somehow loose yourself, or your "choice". Know you are never ever less than. You will never loose you, nor your choice.

That the first step is not about transforming or doing something with energy. It is allowing yourself to accept-being, and knowing that no matter what, you will be OK. Divine energy does not make mistakes. You are not a mistake, and that the first step is simply saying I am OK. You do not need validation that you are OK.

So remove this self doubt by visualizing self trust. It's OK. Take your time. There's no rush. You can't really get lost in who you are, you only have to accept that you will remember, and BE OK that this is OK. If you can allow yourself to trust yourself, you can learn that this small step is not about doing, but about setting your intention to live as yourself. Being aware of how this step feels will allow you to make the conscious choice to focus on the energy in your awareness.

I know this all sounds rather convoluted. What it is simply meant to call attention to, is that when we feel trapped in the life around us; It seems like all we can do is to ride the emotional wave and let it happen to us. We feel lost and frozen to take that first step. This first step is not something kept or prevented or taken from us. It is a matter of choice, focus, acceptance, trust, and intentful living. We can all do this. It comes from examining our feelings of the moment, rather than the past or future.


When thinking about fear vs love it is important to contemplate the meaning and symbology of not only words, but how you feel about them. Many times we think that to experience one or the other is a black or white either or concept, lack or abundance, absence or fulfillment. Such is simply an illusion of duality. A co creative energetic tool. Do you define your self in such extreams? No. You are far more. When higher spirit presents such things, such symbology to you it is to offer you a choice. A self reflective choice. Even so it is not a two door choice. Rather it it just another opportunity to create your own special path, with all the gradations, scenery, and beautiful variation you are capable of experiencing. So it is never just love vs fear. It is how will you create what is reflecting from the depths of your soul. How will you allow yourself to feel about, in spite of, and because of what you see. How do you see this. Do you see love or fear? How? What does it mean for you? Anything? Or, are you even more? The "vs" of love and fear is not so much a mandate or limit, but a human symbol we can use as a tool. What does it mean? The choice is yours. I don't know about you, but as for me, while i fear, i know i am not fearful. That despite fear i will try my best to live as, through, and for the love i know is in me. I think this will be a good choice.


The legacy of yesterday is only immortalized by how you view yourself in it's light. Why worry when the only way to preserve what may be is to understand who you are at this moment. For all future is held in the desire of today and all past is released in the light of present understanding. The energy of now contains a connection to everything. Experiencing this will firmly establish the eternal continuance of everything you could ever feel. Live for today the best you can, look away from worry, experience you - forever.


If you can come to terms with that which is singular inside of you, that which when joined with all around you that creates a joy felt with utter zeal that leaves no doubt of your oneness with all creation; Then you will have realized yourself. Now, then, you can seek to really live life.

This is not a journey that is given. It is not a journey found. It is not a journey undertaken. It is felt in every moment. In that very moment, it is the feeling of I. Understand now, and you can experience all that you are.


Do you seek results or do you seek understanding? Which will give you the mastery over any given situation? If you simply say, you wish to not have to worry about it. There is no judgement. Ignorance can be bliss. But to create bliss requires a good understanding of what, how, and when. Knowing this through experience allows you to project bliss, reflecting it to all you come into contact with. This is an awareness. So fear not. Fear not what feels like a lack of results. Know that you are seeking to understand and master yourself. You are in the process of creating your bliss.


A river runs through the garden of our soul. It will find an outlet from the source. Whether it pass through jungles untamed or meander through blooms is up to what has been planted.


You have permission to be happy. You've allowed yourself to be confronted with this as a conscious choice. Just that you wonder, is, THE, sign, that you want to make a choice. That you are ready. Doing, is not so much as important as accepting that you are worth it. To be, to know you have the option, to see that you can not but help to become what you are. You have been told that you have chosen to come to experience this life. What you feel about this, IS, the great journey. How you perceive this, WILL, eventually be filled with Joy and Love. Wouldn't it be better to set your intent now? Wouldn't it be better to create this energy where ever you can? Sure it can be hard work. But that's what life is for. Hard work for your greater good, for the greater good, in which you will realize who you are.


It's best not to worry too much about Karma. If you focus on anything too much, you'll limit your options. Life really needs to be about a choice. Otherwise you risk generating worry, fear, and a bad attitude. Instead, Ask yourself, 'Is this in my best interest? Will this serve the greater good? How can I help?'. Focus on what you can do, and you will be well served.


"Out of the clouds and beyond the lines of Heart. Be calm assured knowing, that what you feel is loving truth. This is where we sit. This is from where we come. We are here, with you now".---Voices of Spirit


Just because you don't like the way something sounds, does not mean that it holds no value. If nothing else it lets you evaluate your own personal truth. If your evaluation has value, So what you heard then has value.


One of your greatest superpowers is the power of yes or no.


Sailing into one sunset, love takes flight, dusk paints the sky with the promise of a new tomorrow. Forever love remains pictured in our memory yet lives forever with us in every moment.


Pay attention to what you imagine, you are very capable of picturing any reality. Its better to visualize an active intent than to live in what others imagine. For your subjective reality is what you will objectively feel, not someone Else's.


Something best experienced, something best lived, something better shared...who am I?


Even the face of fate can be plied into a smile. The energy of deliberate love is the intention to mold the future into your best interest. You always have a choice.


The weight of the day fades into the heart of the world, when we sink into the comfort of remembering we still are present.... Never let the burdens of yesterday hold back the blessings of today... Every moment is another chance to be who you always have been....


What seems like a hidden veil between us and those beyond, is really just a sheet we have pulled up over our eyes. Discovering how to pull down the veil can be a life purpose, an act of bravery, or simply a means to launder life's dirty sheets. :) There is no permanent veil separating us. What seems entrapped and barred, is with new perspective sun dried linens gently flapping in the warm sunshine on a beautiful day.


Sometimes to really live you have to embrace everything about youself that hurts. Then it becomes not about letting go, but about being ok being yourself.


Each experience is owned by those who feel them the most. Those not felt are passed by little looked at, little understood. The magnitude of which can leave the observer staring outward in wonder with an anticlimactic discomforting sense of longing, a desire for recognition.

The key to overcoming this discomfort is not in gaining recognition or seeking an understanding from others, but rather it is made of joining of two lines of thought. 1) Look within and understand what is behind the emotions during the experience. 2) Giving unconditional love and compassion for other's experience regardless of perception and understanding. Combining these two, will often lead to a sense-feeling that we are not alone. That we own nothing, but that which we intentionally create with active understanding. Within this action we can increase our understanding of who we are in each moment. We can become more aware of others experiences and who we are reflected in them. This is a reason for life. To know and love each other. This insight is an increase of awareness.


You are a reflection of your environment. But to really change your color you must seek an environment that fosters what you wish to reflect. You may pass through this, or you can create it. The reflection is not who you are, but the choice made, is.


The world never changes through feats of external activity. It changes from within the hearts and minds of individuals who choose love vs fear. Through this choice awareness of self expands allowing conscious intent to mold experience around itself. This shift is the great hope. It is who we are.


When does the desire for comfort, outweigh the desire to explore? I say, study your discomfort regarding the choice. If you feel a push pull discomfort at the thought of having to make a choice. It's not that you NEED to make the choice, it that you seek to understand yourself within the choices you have already made. If you like who you are, then why not explore both at the same time? No one said you had to give up one for the other. It's how you feel about yourself.


A shooting star is brightest in death, a bright blaze to let us know it was there as it plummets to earth, seared in our imagination..... NO--- A shooting star is the blaze in our imagination that calls to us to see the endless cycle that is our own humanity, our own struggle, our own creative beauty blazing across the sky, flaring in effervesce descending to earth, To live forever in not just in our hearts and minds, but in the birth and rebirth of the universe. So too are we the brightest of stars. Flames of glory seemingly quenched only to be reborn in sparks of light to travel across the universe again. Never despair that you are a lost comet on a fiery plunge to earth. Sometimes, the opportunity to rise up through the ash pile of life grants the gift of a self transformation so great that it moves the universe. If surrendered to and embraced, it can propel the self to a re-awakening to one's true self. This is one of the greatest feats of existence.


"The mystery of life buried in the heart, vibrates like a great solar storm waiting to burst forth and pour it's light across the universe. This great act is waiting to play in the center of each of us. Burning up and down, it will merge into a great transforming flame of conscious expansion. A great awareness of all that you can be. You being you.

You ask what possibly could this mean? Is is simple, you are a reflection of nature in every way. From microcosm to macro you radiate with reflections of your inner being. Just as you absorb what you attract, so you project who you are. Who you are is never limited to what you can perceive, but who you are is all you can be. How far this goes, is only limited by the intensity and power of the light you shine.

Know that nothing, is beyond you. In time, you can encompass all that you perceive and more. This is the great hope that you bare. It is the promise that you will become all that you are capable of. Time has no meaning, you do. It is this promise that will carry you through the ages and lift you up. As you rise so will you carry others on the back of your experience. Uplift yourself and uplift all those connected to you. Always individual, but always more. You light will burn forever, transformed into ever expanded rays of you." ---Voices of Spirit


No one can give you your ultimate answer. If you seek it from others you will never experience it. For reality is created by you. If you question your subjective experience as to the continuance of your soul, you will never be satisfied with any objective experience for that is what you seek. Objective proofs of subjective experience. If you believe that what you perceive is the totality of you, then that is what you are. Or is there more?... Can reality be only a tangible thing or place, or is reality more about feeling an experience. Who gets to say? The methodologies and findings of someone else or you? How do you see your self within any given experience is the whole point. It is the tool with which you explore who you are. More importantly how you feel about it, will alter your beliefs about your experience. So, just as your feelings do not remain the same, so too with experience. You can use this this tool to change your past, future and state of being. This tool is the ultimate answer, to the question, "Who am I".


"It is better to live in the action of ignorant impulse that to dwell with passionate ill intent. Our emotional states create our realities in the here or hereafter. To die in true innocent ignorance gives way to honest rebirth. To pass with judgement in our hearts immerses one further into whatever passion we could not release. It is far better to release what you can so that understanding of who you wish to be is taken to heart. Do it now, or do it later. The choice can be made, to live now. Intention behind all action stems from the emotional root of who you are. Examine it, study yourself. Understand the choices of all you see and peace will be yours." --- Voices of Spirit


Last night around 3am, I woke up. There are sleigh bells on the back door down stairs and they were ringing! and I heard foot steps go up and down the stairs . I told my Guardian Angel to tell who ever it was to take a hike cause I needed my sleep. I didn't even bother to figure it out. Yeah, I am a crotchety old grouch sometimes myself! Some nights, if I had the choice between uncovering the secrets of the universe and a good night's sleep, I'd choose sleep, AND you'd better shut the door behind you! Ha ha...


It's OK to cry. In the well of tears, the soul goes deep and brings forth clear waters. It's OK to cry. Washed over you is new growth waiting to bloom. Know you can not truly drown. The waters of life while overwhelming seek only to give rebirth to you. To swim in tears is to dive into the depth of your soul and feel who you really are. Love eternal. Those who fear to cry have yet to dip their toes into life. So dive in. It's OK.


Erik channeled by Ryan the other day, ""People smoke fear like crack."--Erik ----I love this. When I read this Erik then started making jokes with me/at me. haha.. He said, in the past I smoked so much fear crack I could have made babies, crack babies. He said, "People dope themselves up on thinking what they don't want or what they think they want is all there is, and then they have themselves a freak out session. No matter how much we tell them to chill and keep looking, they clam up like shit's gonna hit the fan and they don't want it, but it's commin out. Well, of course it's gonna get shitting if all ur focusing on is the stink. Gawh.. You don't step in and say, 'gee I think I'll just keep walking do you? no. you wipes it off, curse and watch ur step. You don't go looking for more. But it's when people come to their emotions that they cover their eyes and go walk off into the grass...So here comes the shit. Man, if only people would open their eyes, their heart and quit being so bull headed they'd see they have more options, even it all they can say is, well, I suppose I should just chill for a bit. (big) Sigh.." ---Man I love that irreverent sense of humor.-j This morning I told him, we should call him the mouth of the south! And he acted all offended, and so then I took a poll of all the spirits I could see in my minds and said, ok, who here thinks his mouth is huge, and everyone laughed and raised their hand... God, I love that kid.. ha ha..


People want truth and happiness. They seek it.

Little do they realize the two are not found, they are created.

They are created by consciously living today,

Get in touch with what makes you happy. Allow yourself to feel, Why does it feel that way. It's because that is your state of being. When you think about this, does it bring you joy? Do you love yourself when you think about what makes you happy? This then is who you are.

What you do with this is a conscious choice. Made with the greater good in mind you will feel no shame, guilt, doubt, fear, sadness. You will just know. Knowing this is conscious living in line with your highest possible self.

Always choose love. Always.


Sometimes the strength to endure is not about doing, but rather it's about finding a nice spot to dig in deep and grow.


When do I get to be me?

The drive to ask ourselves, 'who am I?' Is so deeply apart of who we at the root of our soul that we frequently look into our past and future for answers. We wonder how our past is influencing us. We wonder who we will become and what we might do that will define us. While interesting, looking behind we frequently see choices not made or already taken, and while looking ahead we see them yet to be made. In either case, any of it is little likely to have been fully thought out. In our pursuit of who am I, we have forgotten one word. Now.

Who am I, now?

If we can turn away from backward and forward glances and look inside, Now. We then are often confronted with choices we can make about who we are. We do this frequently by assigning value judgements on who we think we are, because we are still looking around us. That will most definitely, not, be who you are. You may feel you can not touch, grasp, or feel who you are. This is OK because it's you making a choice.

You've looked around and decided that what you saw, felt, and understood is not you. If in that very moment you can pause and say to yourself, ' I am not my past, I don't see the future; so what do I see? I see me now. I just am. I cant help it, i just am. NOW.'

And just being who you are, is OK. You. You are you, and it is OK. Now, at a peaceful moment you can consciously look at new now moments and ask, Is this who I am? If you decide it is not you, it now does not have to define who or what you are. More choice, more now.

So remember. The past and future does not have to define you. It is the choice you make about yourself now that matters.

The when of who is always going to be now.


When it gets too much, its ok to stop. Stopping is not the same thing as ignoring or running away. Stopping is really about forcing a calming action to recenter your awareness of who you are.

People worry about stopping because they fear loosing themselves. You cant ever lose yourself, you can only forget or remember.

You are who you are. Perfect in every-way. When you give in to worry the struggle to stop and feel peace turns into a fight or flight reaction. This causes you to ignore you, until you forget again.

Running can be a vicious cycle. Better to let yourself know, its OK, to stop. Stop and remember the peace inside the perfection that is you. Remember, if you've forgotten you, it OK to stop and remember.


Desire and fear are both strong focusing tools. Intensive perspective, repetition, reinforcement, vivid visualizations....With desire we often focus on the fear that we might not get what we think we want. With fear we often focus on scarcity of what we think we desire.

Using these emotions to manifest only creates worry.

It is far better to focus on what we do have and express how and what we feel about it. If it is positive or based in love we can explore how to share it. This will create an abundance of what will inevitably be from our highest possible self.


There's SO MUCH TO DO, and so little time..... NO WONDER we need multiple lives.

It's not that life CAN suck, it's that we "forget" that WE "wanted" to DANCE!

It's the steps! Have to give into the MUSIC!! step step step--- JUMP!

Spin around, .. sllliiiidddde.

That's right, We've got this inner sound, this beat, It's gotta come out.

Don't matter who hears, who sees, what they think, we WILL practice it,


The curtain can come up and the lights go on and we deliver a master work!

That being a show called us.

The good thing is, IS THAT this show while on a limited run, can open in a new city.

Different actors, fresh props, same song, US!

One of these days, I am gonna get that standing ovation, hold my flowers and take my bow.

It will be awesome!

So don't give up, Just a few more lines, I know we're all tired, but we WILL "get THIS"..... It's our song after all, It's US! It's our Dance!


Worry sucks. Live life mindfully. Your doing great. It will be OK.


The ghosts of the past will never be stronger than how you feel about them.. It is in this space that you can decide who you are in spite of what haunts you. It may be that specter looms in souls shadowed space. It may also be the opportunity refocusing your inner light on the path that leads back to you. Your light doesn't have shine through the gloom, it can be aglow that beckons home.


"It is human nature to move through life with the epitaph I did the best I could. It is the nature of Your Spirit that says, I AM doing what I can with all my heart."---Spirit


"You can not take anything with you that you have not fully given from the heart. What you cultivate, you have always had. There is no loss of who you are. Ever."---Spirit


"Guilt and shame are a selfish burden stemming from misplaced desire underneath discomforting action or inaction. It feels beyond your control because these perceptions were never meant to label who you are or define your experience. It is ultimately a halting action. You cease to live in your unease. It is better to let go what you can, and embrace that which brings you joy. Wholeheartedly, unabashedly embraced, the love you then seek to express will become your new definition. "---Spirit


"Your emotional state is the eternal body. It is who you are. It is better to examine it than to give into worry of the world. Once examined with the self assurance of mastery, life will gravitate around your conscious awareness. "---Spirit


"You better wipe that mental diarrhea now or it's gonna stink forever. You know how those thoughts run and run and run around in your head. And you can't make it stop? There's no cure for it but paying attention to what you put in yourself. Saying you don't like what you experience, is nice. You think you just know it stinks. But if you take the time and look at what you ate and what your doing, and what your thinking, you don't have to sit there and hold your nose over life. Sure it's no fun. But who says you can't dip your broccoli in cream cheese dip? See..... It don't have to be all bad. "--Erik


"You keep saying that you want help. You keep complaining. But when is the last time you asked with the intention of helping yourself? You want some magic pill, some fairy dust, some angel wings... But you just want your pain gone. That's all you think about. This pain. Not what is there under it, with it, in spite of it. You will attract what you put forth. I promise. You are just as much an entity as we are. We are no different than you. True freedom we can inspire you to will come from your hard work. This life is your journey. Your glory. We can turn a light on for you, but it's up to you to run, leap, or walk step by step. " ---Spirit


Like an arrow, your life can fly. How high, how fast depends on your strength. How true, depends on your aim. To target, mark or maim is set with intent. The courage to pull and the courage to retrieve your fallen arrow is not just the sign of showmanship, but the good faith of an athlete in the sport of life. Participation and good will count for a lot!


To look within at emotion and know you have a choice of how to apply them through action, is to summon up the courage to experience who you are; not, what you wish to be. This realization of who you are within any experience, will help carry you through any experience. This ah-ha now moment is- who you are, not, your circumstance. This moment will not change your pleasure, displeasure, discomfort, or love of the circumstance. But surrendering to it, will allow you to accept that you are- more. Because you are more, there will ever be opportunities to live in harmony with your highest possible self. You always have the option to create more now moments. In harmony with others, you have the chance to change the very face of your world. This is a shift in awareness. This can be now. It can be you. What choice will you make?


Fulfillment might not sound like attaining a dream, you might think it's settling, but there is something to be said for finding purpose in something that brings you joy.


To really see who you are, look into the eyes of those who help pick you up when you fall.


It's easy to fall in love, but difficult to see the love your capable of during free fall. Love floats hope to hold us up through any situation. The hope is that we will remember to express who we are. This is something we can really love.


Each life is a bloom emerging from the soul. It reaches up through the waters of life to unfold in the sun. It's beauty unfolds, is pollinated and grows new seed to start life anew. From life's waters, this soul is like a plant. Growing, moving, giving rebirth to itself. Each blossom that was, a part of the same plant. It grows and only gives rise to ever more abundant flowers. What makes our souls even greater is not the blooms that we are capable of, but that our blooms never die.


The mandala of Spirit is continuously reflected in nature. It is all around for those who look. It is reflected in all of us.


we can only know what will bloom by looking within. That the blossom of your true heart is found in the garden of your soul.


Thoughts on who we all are:

Whom am I is simple. I am what I see reflected in the world around me. I am you, I am my neighbor. How I feel about this, how I perceive it is a reflection of what I want to understand about myself. Or, myself in spite of my perception of this experience. I am the harmony or discord of what I choose to reflect. How this reflects depends on what I am willing and able to transform. This can be very hard work. This is creative personal reality. It is my reward. Self realization. My emotional struggles are part of this process of transformation. It is part of the grace of who we are. We seek to know ourselves, we seek to experience who we are. We are constantly living through contrasts and telling ourselves who and what we are. There will come a day, a time, a place, that we will cease to tell, and we will just know. Then, we will achieve a state where we can truly "begin to" experience who we are. This will be. What we are. We all are MORE. We are love seeking to know, understand and express.


The utter release of knowing that who we are is eternal can make us shout for joy. But only if we have the faith that we have everything we need to realize this already inside us. We will remember one way or another. I Have the faith that We will be OK until then!


The love we generate when we come to epiphanies of the soul are those can carry us to the moment of action that can change the course of lives. The dusk before this moment can be born on feelings of loss and pain. The still of the night can help bring about the inner reflection to gather our light. Then upon the breaking of dawns light we see the moments of opportunity. These we always then see as not what we were looking for, but what always existed in the shadows of our inner twilight. It only takes the light of love to shine illumination on all we know. All we are.


Acknowledgement is good for managing your reality. Even the smallest feeling good or ill has a base construct that builds your world. Looking at it allows you the opportunity to place it where you will. How will we build our house?


When you can accept your own truth as all the validity needed, you are then free from being bound by the illusion of self limitation or others belief in truth. This liberation allows you to consciously act in creative ways for a more fulfilling experience.


Why rely on others to tell you what "IS" when you can surrender to being OK with accepting your own truth?


One man's literal truth is another's fancy. What one creates with truth will define any personal reality. What one understands from such experience will shape perception of who they are as a soul.


It's not that you have to "take a chance" when love or any other opportunity comes along; it's that you "create that opportunity" by expressing "what of it" is already inside of you. It's much easier to "just be" than imagine chance.


"Remember and practice giving into the experience without fear or expectation, then share it."--Erik


Just because you can't see the vibrancy of life doesn't mean that you are drab, nor does it mean you don't paint life with the full pallet of all your colors.


The science of limitations is about 'the way'. The belief in one's imagination is about 'your way'. Which is the 'right highway' depends on your sense of direction. The road best navigated is the one you've explored.


Ever heard something similar to the phrase, "I'll never be with you so I must let you go".

See here's the thing. You will never be with anyone or thing other than what you create for yourself. When you look at someone don't think about what they can bring to you. Think about what you want to create while sharing yourself with them. Think about what you like about them and what in them, that makes you like yourself. For then you are truly sharing vibrations of love and self exploration. You need never let go of anything you don't wish. Because what you wish is simply an illusion to express how and who you really are. We are all connected in unity and we are what feel just as we are what our neighbor feels. So if you ever feel the emotion of "can't have" or " I must" or "It is gone from me". Stop, pause and think; what about that person or thing reminds you of you? What of them or that do you see in yourself. If you can acknowledge this; you will find that there is nothing to let go of as you have always had it.


There comes a time when I have to stop looking at a cause and look at what effects I wish to create from this point forward.


We can not own love, nor can it own us. We can not gain it nor loose it. We can only feel it or express it. When we see love apart from possessiveness we see that we have freed ourselves from false expectation and remember that we now have the freedom to experience it.


* The good die young. No- the good remembers what is eternal.


* Live hard, die hard. No- Living Truth, never dies.


* A shooting star is brightest in death, a bright blaze to let us know it was there as it plummets to earth, seared in our imagination..... NO--- A shooting star is the blaze in our imagination that calls to us to see the endless cycle that is our own humanity, our own struggle, our own creative beauty blazing across the sky, flaring in effervesce descending to earth, To live forever in not just in our hearts and minds, but in the birth and rebirth of the universe. So too are we the brightest of stars. Flames of glory seemingly quenched only to be reborn in sparks of light to travel across the universe again. Never despair that you are a lost comet on a fiery plunge to earth. Sometimes, the opportunity to rise up through the ash pile of life grants the gift of a self transformation so great that it moves the universe. If surrendered to and embraced, it can propel the self to a re-awakening to one's true self. This is one of the greatest feats of existence.


The ultimate spiritual phenomena is not paranormal, mysterious, or subject to hidden mystery. For it is, that of Divine Grace in each of us. That which liberates and redefines the self perception of the soul. Before this, ALL phenomena is meaningless trinkets of misplaced amusement. This is a miracle worth experiencing, the miracle of you being you.


Pure Release.

Pure Original Euphoria of Spirit.

The Joy,

The Peace,

The Knowing of LOVE;


from letting go

of control

and Allowing


to just BE.

Who you are

IS ok.



I am more than this life

I am not just this body

I know what love is

I want to give back


The promise surrendered to, becomes the knowing of not the return of that which was lost, but that the missing becomes the revealed in the true light of the soul. In such light, mourning finds no anchor. In such light, morning is ever rising. And the soul fly's free in a painted sky of joy.


Rejoice at the feet of who you find in your path. For they are there to lift you up. Stair not at their feet, but rise to meet their eyes. Clasp their hands in unity. For together your light can shine the way for all who come behind. Forward together, you will climb any rock in your path. In companionship you will never be lost.


Oppression, depression, worry, anxiety, fear, hesitation, nervousness, doubt; ALL born of not allowing yourself to embrace an acceptance of what you know in your heart is true. The wonder, the beauty, peace, knowledge, understanding and love that IS your soul--IS and forever more--ETERNAL.


To allow yourself to say, "This emotion, this experience is not for me; It is a liberating joy". To embrace your own liberation is the passion real life is made of.


Letting go of worry:

How do you feel? Do not worry about what you did or didn't do with life. What matters is how you've felt during each moment. To examine yourself in that context will enable you do decide who you are. It may not seem like it, but this is a process. This being, Remembering your Awareness of yourself as Spirit. You may say, 'All very fine and well, but how does this help me put food on the table'? I would say to you, that for many; Such contemplation would help ease and reassign the energy of worry to other more productive endeavors. Worry leads to fears which causes unnecessary stress. This negative energy keeps you from experiencing the little joys in life you are meant to live and share.


I don't much care for the word "Death". I'd like to replace it with a phrase.... "waking up from dreams".


Awareness Leaps

Lament not exploring yourself. Many people lament living life; Feeling alone. They refuse to believe that what they can not see, feel, or comprehend exists. They tentatively hold to a doubtful hope that Heaven is a place that they might get to experience someday, but they hold themselves separated and removed from it. They may profess to know better, but deep down they let their fears hold them blind. So they end up not living what they profess to believe. What there is to believe, is that Heaven is here now. Right next to us. On-top of and through us. It is simply a matter of manifesting at a different state of being that we currently are aware of. We are never ever alone. We are constantly surrounded and enmeshed with greater and lesser realities. Dimensionality if you will. What brings these realities into your experience is allowing yourself not to give into doubt, fear, and worry. By doing this you train your fleshy brain to accept that which of Spirit is "other" than what you think you are experiencing. This widens and enlarges your perspective and adds to your reality. With this new awareness you now have new ways of approaching life and experiencing it. This is an awareness leap. A change in vibrational state of being.


Spiritual validation: Simple as a child

Spiritual validation of truth cannot be measured for worth or value. We in "life" often find this confusing, as life as we know it seemingly has a measured quantity, state of being, or limit. But we inherently exist as a part of, "all that is". There is no limit on the love that we can experience or manifest. Even in this, we find it difficult to grasp and accept, because through our very nature in this life we seek to place a value on what love is and isn't and how much or little we can experience. This automatically limits our perceptions and the possibilities that our awareness can grasp. It is far better to have the simple faith of a child. The little care, concern, and worry they assign to their needs is a basic acceptance that you- as a parent will be there for them. This unconscious act allows them to live life to the fullest. To attempt this type of attitude as an adult, when it comes to spiritual matters is to surrender to a greater reality. This is a return to a greater perspective that will allow you to reassess who you've been, who you will be and who you are, no matter what you do in life.


Spiritual separation is the energetic force of thought that alters perception of self. This force is a psychic wall that keeps us from remembering a greater connection to all that is. Quite simply it is in the mind of the beholder. What feels sad is that nothing can be done as there is no real separation other than what the observer says there is. And what is not joined can only be reunited when the experiencer is ready. This unreadiness to take part in a greater reality is what feels uncomfortable. Recovery is inevitable as Divine love always remains pervasive. In actuality, it might not serve anyone to feel bad about separation. Because we can always light the way. But rather than feel bad for ourselves observing sadness, it might be better to feel sympathy for other's pain during separation.


Random Musing: Overcoming life's fears.

FEAR: I am scared of everything apparently..... Ask Erik... I am a big baby!

Scared of Spiritual, religion, paranormal, the dark, fear, my parents, others reactions, what others think, my insecurities, life, success, failure... the list goes on and on...BUT, what liberates me is that I know that ALL of it 'Isn't me". Who I am is not defined by Fear. Fear is the opposite of who we all are. We are the embodiment of Divine Love. We only have to rediscover this. Remember it and live life Through such an awareness. This generates energy shifts in our very being that change the very nature of how we experience our life. This is the ultimate transfiguration, The change through grace to a greater reality. Think not of death. Think only of new life.


Your personal Spiritual forecast:

What you feel is what you'll get.

Chance of Storms or Chance of Sunshine,

Depends on how much Pressure you apply.

High or low, better ride the wind and contemplate clouds.


Life tips: Managing Stress

Stress and burnout with life:



Energy loss


Physical pain

Disengagement from personal life

Blunted emotions




Emotional pain


How to solve this?

-Pay attention to yourself

-Recognize what feels uncomfortable

-Acknowledgement of your feelings

-Accepting that what you feel is normal

-Allowing yourself to feel them

-Try to understand why you feel what you do.

-Ask for help

-Forcing yourself to take care of your body

-Pushing yourself to understand the difference between objectivity and subjective experience

-Detachment from what you desire

-Attachment to and ownership for your feelings

-Learning to say "No"

-Learning to Accept what you can not change and engage in what you can.

-Practice daily whole life balanced approaches step by step.

-Stop worry in it's tracks

-Say no to self abuse and say yes to what brings you joy.

-Ask yourself, "what in this moment can I do to bring myself closer to my highest possible self" Anything outside of my ability in this moment is for another day and I will not worry about it.


Fear has been a gift. It forced me to look within and decide whether or not I was going to choose it, or love. Was this emotion who I was. No it was not. We are love. Life will be good. Living life with love is so much better than fear.


Many people have given me the gift of Acceptance, non judgement. I am so grateful. For it has allowed me to preserve what ever state I am in, so that I can work on me. I think acceptance is one of the best ways we can love others.


One of the things in life I need to consider letting go of, is perceptions of how I think we should be, and hold on to a faith-, not that we can be better, but that we will try to live with open eyes, open hearts. There is great good, and I believe it will find a home.


The memories of today

Sunday, September 11, 2011

When I think of 9/11. When I remember this day in history, I remember what seems several life times ago. Who I was then is strange to me. Back then when the 9/11 event happened, I did not believe in life after death. I thought this was it. I thought that the events meant nothing more than a sad tale of the horror that was life and humanity. Now, in part thanks to my guides, and Erik I know differently. Today, when I think about such things, I remember differently and feel differently. Long are the memories, cold and dark that have left us in solemn repose. Yet, upon mourning shadow lay the promise of renewed light. Carried on dawns wind, the fresh scent of life, tells us that we all are joined in solidarity witnessing a greater truth. A truth that our personal reality is one of unity across this sea of eternal humanity. We a never alone in this life, we are all one in Love, for a greater good. There can be a peace. There will be. Never to forget, but to remember each of us can make a difference in this world. There is great love in each of us, long will its memory be.


You know, If the boys (E. and the gang) are gonna stop by in the middle of the night to tease my dog Boo, they could at least take him out to go pee!


Random Musing: Feeling Stuck

Feeling "Stuck" causes much unhappiness. It is that feeling of being entrapped into an experience you do not want. You feel you've overstayed your welcome. That you have no recourse. That your options are limited. It is better to embrace a choice of personal liberation.

What this means is that we can embrace the notion that no matter what we encounter in life we have a choice. It may be that we do not want to make that choice. Or it may mean that we do not like the perceived available options. But if we embrace that life is a choice we can potentially see that we are never truly stuck.

Lets apply something my guides told me about visualization. Don't think about the distance between a beginning and an end; rather think about where you want to be. Visualize it to begin with. Now, tell yourself however improbable, that it's OK to take a step to it. Hold that visualization of where you want to be in your mind and imagine yourself there. You are going to be hard pressed to get anywhere in life if you have no idea of where you want to go. Sure, you can let fate and pre-life decisions move you in the directions your guides and angels steer you in. Sure that's OK. But it will be easier for you if you think about where you are now, and where you want to be. When you really explore the origin and the destination, you will find yourself gravitating the distance between with uncanny synchronicity.

So you see through visualization, imagination, and critical thinking; Successfully traveling life is often a balance between control and surrender. You can have success, joy and peace through either control or surrender, but the well balanced path leads to sure trails that others can follow, without unpleasant surprises. Much of the time, this balance between the two is as simple as examining you now, and visualizing your destination. Explore the two, hold them to mind and then step off without worry. Knowing that you did your best with as much knowledge as you could have mustered. The key is not to worry. By not worrying you can own whatever decision you've made to get yourself "Unstuck". And any path without worry is a path worth trying again. The balanced middle way will lead to release.


What Erik said: "Lettin' go vs holdin on. It's about observing yourself"

The weather has finally cooled off enough so I can resume my morning walks along the river. So there I was walking along. I was talking withe Erik and Elizabeth. We discussing my feelings about an experience of mine, and they said,

"There is a fine art to experiencing the enjoyment or self abuse of "lettin go vs holdin on". Where people are getting stuck is that they are attempting to assign value judgements of right or wrong to what they feel. They need to cut it out and just observe who they are and who they want to be within the experience and then let go of the worry. If they do that. If they just stop and observe, they will find themselves moving through choices more effortlessly and without so much pain."


If only I worked as hard as my fears do in catching my attention, I might just some some work done!


Reality is shaped by the love we let live through us. This is inner light if you will. How much we feel this depends on the expression of choice.


Random musing: Spiritual theme--giving up and finding love

One of the biggest themes I've seen in the Spirit world, especially in those who took their lives, are those who have said how they fought tooth and nail not to hate what was inside of them. They feared who they were, they feared rejection. They thought they were wrong, broken, full of lack.

They were not full of anything but the souls desire to show them just how full of wondrous love they actually were. That they were and still are perfect in every way. We need to take the time to let people know it' s OK to be who they are. It's OK to say, this is how I feel. I am OK. Our loved ones in pain try to isolate themselves, to hold it all inside. And for a great chuck of society; they are told that it's NOT OK to show emotion. That you HAVE to FIT into certain labels, and be a cookie cutter person. That if you don't toe the line you are abnormal. A freak. Broken.

But we need to show people that God is in everything. You, me, the sky, the rocks, past, present, future. That we are perfect love just trying to express itself and get to know all possible aspects of it's self, ourselves. That how we behave, that how we feel, who we are need not be defined by anther's value judgement or label, That who we are is how we choose to express ourselves.

Sure there ways of expressing oneself that is more beneficial than another. Ways that serve our best interest and the greater good. But we are all in this life together. We need to let the young people of our society that they are A PART of us NOT apart. That they matter. That they are beautiful, they are precious. That they MATTER. That they CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. That they DO make a difference. That nothing they feel or can feel needs be hidden from those who love them. That feelings are nothing to hide from. That only by joining hands and walking through what hurts can we explore the cause, the root feeling that will bring us back to who we all really are. LOVE.

So, don't give up on finding love. Love will always find you when you go inside and see how much you really have to give.


A smile can change the world. Even the smallest expression of what is inside of you can change your life. It is worth sharing.


When I grow up, (finish this line)

When I grow up I wanna be a rain dancer in the dirt.

When I grow up I wanna get muddy and then get clean.

When I grow up I will never grow old.

UR --Turn!


Child to Elder:--

"Why does the sun shine?"

---Because you wanted to see light?

"Why "

---To see yourself?


---So that you could ask why


---Why my dear, who are you?


---Exactly child. Just so. You wonder and so you will see and always ask why. You see, so the sun shines.


The birth of Return

In the beginning there was light. It filled me with warmth, blinded me with love and I knew no more. Then I heard a sound. I felt a tightening and I cried in wonderful happiness. I didn't know what it was but it thrummed, I felt it all over. I suddenly thought "what is this? Who am I?" And suddenly there was darkness. I thought I was alone but, I heard the sound and still felt the tightening. Only now it pulsed. In the distance I saw a flash of light. I thought, "where am I?" Suddenly I saw pin pricks of light all around me in the far distance. I thought, "What is that?" Suddenly I saw a glow of warmth next to me. I said, "what is that?" The glow spoke, "I am you, I am your friend". I said, "wow. I love you." I took your hand and we both saw the light and felt the tightening thrum of a beat. Two hearts intertwined started a journey back to the beginning, back to the light back to when we knew all of nothing more, back to the light of Love.


We can not own love, nor can it own us. We can not gain it nor loose it. We can only feel it or express it. When we see love apart from possessiveness we see that we have freed ourselves from false expectation and remember that we now have the freedom to experience it.


There comes a time when I have to stop looking at a cause and look at what effects I wish to create from this point forward.


The science of limitations is about 'the way'. The belief in one's imagination is about 'your way'. Which is the 'right highway' depends on your sense of direction. The road best navigated is the one you've explored.


Ever heard something similar to the phrase, "I'll never be with you so I must let you go"?

See here's the thing. You will never be with anyone or thing other than what you create for yourself. When you look at someone don't think about what they can bring to you. Think about what you want to create while sharing yourself with them. Think about what you like about them and what in them, that makes you like yourself. For then you are truly sharing vibrations of love and self exploration. You need never let go of anything you don't wish. Because what you wish is simply an illusion to express how and who you really are. We are all connected in unity and we are what feel just as we are what our neighbor feels. So if you ever feel the emotion of "can't have" or " I must" or "It is gone from me". Stop, pause and think; what about that person or thing reminds you of you? What of them or that do you see in yourself. If you can acknowledge this; you will find that there is nothing to let go of as you have always had it.


Just because you can't see the vibrancy of life doesn't mean that you are drab, nor does it mean you don't paint life with the full pallet of all your colors.


"Remember and practice giving into the experience without fear or expectation, then share it."--Erik

It's not that you have to "take a chance" when love or any other opportunity comes along; it's that you "create that opportunity" by expressing "what of it" is already inside of you. It's much easier to "just be" than imagine chance.


Why rely on others to tell you what "IS" when you can surrender to being OK with accepting your own truth?


One man's literal truth is another's fancy. What one creates with truth will define any personal reality. What one understands from such experience will shape perception of who they are as a soul.


Erik & the gang this morning

This morning during Reiki and my meditations my field of vision switched to mind's eye and I saw an old 1950's pickup truck pull up in front of me. I was looking up as though a child and into the window. I saw Erik behind the wheel, sitting next to him in the bench seat was Andy, then Eric. Erik M. behind the wheel leaned out with elbow on the sill, and hand on the wheel and said in a slight drawl, "We're here to pick you up." Only 30 min. later did I get the joke. I spent the rest of the morning with a huge grin on my face.


When you can accept your own truth as all the validity needed, you are then free from being bound by the illusion of self limitation or others belief in truth. This liberation allows you to consciously act in creative ways for a more fulfilling experience.



What do you do when you feel like you don't get to do what you want in life?


U Remember what you DO get to do & then study how it makes you feel.


Random Musing: Joy and Passion

I think one of things people like to work on in any particular life time, is finding and expressing what brings them joy. Erik has certainly commented on it enough to me to know it's true. Often times though, they want to find their bliss but, they cant seems to hold onto it.

I wonder why.

I think that initially when they find their joy, they surrender to the utter passion of it. So that over time they started to equate passion or the emotional drive for the joy, or the feeling of connecting to who they really are. These feelings then become a symbol of their desire to return to their selves. Then the feelings and drive become this thing in their mind... But passion and joy is not a thing, but an expression. An emotional avenue to manifest experience. It is an emotional description of a state of being. So perhaps to get unstuck from constantly grasping and struggling to find and keep; we should come to believe it is already with us.

But that, we only need to find a balanced way of feeling us, while expressing "us". I think one of the best ways to express anything that will last and make a difference is to help create it in others. Create joy, with passion with others, and you might achieve a lasting balance that really lives.

Just a feeling shared, even a small one, can help change grow.


The Heart inside of Acceptance feels the Perception of Grateful Knowing of Oneness. Hand in hand beats a Sound of Being that is self aware. To Experience this is life.


Let Anger know it doesn't own you. Let Worry drown in the love of 'I am good enough'. Tell doubt to "bite ME" Goad hesitation to "jump off a cliff" Yell at fear, "It's my Choice!" And don't forget to tell someone you love them.


Their experiences are not your experiences.

It is about them, not you.


Change comes from sharing what you want to experience


Sometimes you don't like how you feel about your experience. Below that your soul is trying to get you to look at yourself and make a decision. Are you OK with you? Is this who you are? Many times you are just fine just the way you are. Then it becomes a matter of self acceptance. This is a good thing. It's ok to feel.


It's OK to just BE and FEEL: An Introspection

Helping Show our teens that 'to feel' is OK. That it's OK to just BE:

For many young people, they are raised in a society of action, not introspection. In the busy world of achievers, marketing, modern school systems, and cultural comparisons they often encounter a spiraling well of emotional turmoil without outlet. One in which the perception of expectation is left for them to work out on their own.

So from the security of childhood, the bonds of relationships are suddenly broken or labeled as irrelevant to the achieving the cultural "norms" as seen by today's society. The society of the market as opposed to the society of the community and equal partnerships. They are left seeing only something that they need to achieve. Something they are suppose to lack and gain. As opposed to already having and working with others to build, they are driven to acquire.

Now I know this is just a broad, loose generalization. But I feel especially for boys in this modern age, this sudden detachment of the inner bonds for the illusion that wants society to tell them what they should have, leaves a state of emotional being that is very scary and potentially problematic. I think it's fairly well established that young men do not fully develop emotionally until their mid 20's, but society still thrusts separation on them and expects them to thrive. If they don't they are deemed useless, worthless, and unsuccessful. I think this is really something educators need to look at.

We in Western culture work very hard at providing intellectual tools and resources for professional success. Traditionally the family and social structures were left with the emotional and spiritual development. Often times those role models and mentor relationships become absent in light of educational systems and cultural norms. Somehow in modern society the secondary structures dealing with emotional development have either broken down or are simply unavailable due to outside stresses. I certainly don't know. But I feel there is a big problem. And I think it's a growing one.

It's been said that adolescent boys have a much higher suicide rate than girls of the same age. And I think this is a growing problem as expectations, roles, and emotional health is increasingly left up to the individual in today's busy society. I am not sure about the truth of this, or who's job it is to deal, just that It seems to be a real problem, and just IS.

I think that in our society that emotions are generally feared. And that in teenagers this fear has no outlet during this transition never mind how supportive the family is. The teen will always look to it's peers first. I am not sure if this is cultural, an aspect of modernism, or what? It seems to not matter how much the family wants for the child, the child views himself primarily through the culture first. And often that viewpoint of culture is a harsh one. One of doing, not feeling.

So there is no where for the feelings to go, but under the rug. Depending on circumstance feelings pile under the rug, it grows and grows and grows until they trip on it, and they fear to deal with it. They see telling anyone about them as failure to achieve.

Maybe I am mis-reading the situation.

They see how they feel about what they feel, and they don't know that it's OK. And this contributes to depression. It doesn't matter if this is in the context of relationships, work, or school or family life. Here is an example of how our society reinforces this. "My son is quiet, or sensitive, or sings, or is in drama, but he plays sports, or he seems to have a lot of friends, or is active in church. He is doing great. He's working hard in school. I think this is a cultural condition that is putting focus on doing instead of being. The action instead of joy. I am not citing any one person, but I do think back to my own childhood and remember all the focus being on succeeding and not understanding or being who I was or thinking about how I feel in the context of what I was doing. There simply didn't seem to be the time, resources or know how from anyone involved. I am not saying this is right or wrong, just common.

A lot of kids totally fear saying how they feel for fear of boring, scaring, or upsetting those they love. They don't even feel comfortable expressing that affection in our society. As if such bonds are seen as weak, and not a hallmark of a successful drive. We are taught that we have to strive for that "One goal" That "One person" that "One love" and that it's outside, out there. We need to go get it. But the thing is, they are not told what that means to the inner experience or how to balance the two.

One person can not provide anything that completes a soul. One soul is not limited to anyone thing. One job, one interest, one place, one experience one rule, one way, does not nor has it ever defined any one soul. Those things are not a good descriptor of anyone. What needs to be worked on is allowing resources, opportunities and support structures for teens to see how the only thing needed is what is inside of them now.

Teens often seek a real connection to ways of expressing who they are inside. But they don't know how. They don't know where to start. They are scared, and lost and don't want to disappoint anyone. It's a hunger that has pain. To embrace it can help turn that pain into a balanced drive. I think we can help. I am not sure how to help, but I can tell my story, and I think we can start dialogues in our communities. It's OK to feel and be who you are. Your perfect just the way you are. So am I. So are they.

Just because we don't like the act, don't mean your a one act show. Just because scene sucks don't mean you cant deliver a master performance. Just because you can't see the audience in the glare of the lights don't mean your story don't change lives!


Ala Erik and the gang:

Faith, Doubt, Fear, --LOVE

When faith has got you down. When doubt is crawlin around, when fear is all that sound. What do you do, where do you go?

You stop, hold, and ask.

Stop, It's OK to be still. It's OK to wait. It's OK to not know.

Hold yourself. And Look at what your feeling. It's OK to feel. It's OK to stare at the soul, the dark, the well, the unknown. What looks back is the reflection you needed to see.

Ask. Ask yourself, "Am I afraid? Am I afraid of myself? Am I afraid of Love? Am I this fear?

What does this experience make me feel about myself? Is this me? Is this who I want to be? If not-- Am I afraid to just be? Is there anything about me, that is worth being afraid of?

If I turn off the light, will I still BE? If I turn ON the light and I see me; Is what I look at, OK? Can I Be, what I feel? Is it, OK. Can I ask? Do I want to find the answer?

When Faith seems lost, look inside and see it was never lost. You are always you. Always will be. You can let go of faith and surrender to this knowing.

When doubt overwhelms you. Hold on, and hold your mind close to your heart. Let yourself feel --you. Look at what you feel head on, and know that your feelings are real, they matter just as much as your soul, your body, your experience. Know that in this there is NO Doubt. And


When Fear is all you can hear. Ask yourself Am I afraid of who I am, Am I afraid of all I can do, with all I can be? Am I worth it? Am I worth trying? Is there anything I can do to share myself with others? Is fear who I am, or are there glimmers of love in me that might come out?

Am I worth exploring this?

Even if you do nothing else with your life, to share love, to share the possibility that you might be more than your fear is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give yourself. To share this with others is to ease their burden. You CAN make a difference. You CAN change the world around you and YOU can love all the love your are capable of and this will always overcome Fear through you just being you. UR worth it! Live it! Share!


The sharpest thorns guard the Blossom. Yet are still tended with diligent care. The deepest roots nourish, yet will seek new water. Seeking light grows, yet some flowers only bloom at night. Tending the soul garden can be rewarding.


Everyone can be a hero. The super ones are those who said, I'll try anyway.


I remember when I first started hearing the thoughts of my guides. I told myself I could either be crazy, or I could just surrender to the fact that I was having a spiritual experience. Quite frankly you have to ask yourself, am I this life, this body, this brain, or "Do I reside elsewhere". Who am I, and how does that REALLY work?



I don't know what I want to with life. What should I do? What should I be?


When you find something that tugs your soul, when you feel your chest squeeze and realize that you can make a difference. When you stop worrying and KNOW that you are at peace with who you are. You will find joy. Be this. Live the tug that squeezes away worry from knowing your personal joy. Live your joy.

((That was from Spirit, My personal response is: live my joy, but I still want cookies and a pony. Just sayin. yeh yeh, I am in tune with my 5 yr old self, whatever. ha ha))


A lot of folks think they'll never be able to make a meaningful difference. I think the question is more about surrendering to the understanding there is no difference but rather that there is acceptance of "we are all in this together". It's not the difference one can make, but the unity of self aware expressions of "We all matter."


That which you are not yet aware of yet, is just as important as that which you think you are sure of. It means that opportunity is just around the corner. It means you will be able to FEEL, It means new Understanding. How you perceive what you are not aware of, will create your future experience. Don't let anyone tell you what or how to do this. Let yourself give into the process. This will not only insure that you are in charge of what you create, but it will ensure you can re-create what you thought you were aware of.


Something Erik taught me about.

He said, "Channel yourself".

Think about your experiences as your highest possible self and explore how u might live that. If you expect, believe, perceive, and try to view life through that lens you cant but help to attract higher spirit and be guided accordingly. Channel yourself and you'll find what you need.


Saying hello, starting at- what we feel, does not mean that we have to act on those emotions. Simply to be aware of what we really feel, allows us to decide if the root cause is who we are. A choice; the choice that awareness gives.


Random Musing:

Emotional - Mental Tug-o-wars. Push pull to spiritual freedom.

The tug-O-war of emotional pain and mental freedom does not have to be the personal trap it often seems to be. What's going on is that we allow ourselves to surrender to such emersive focus that our conscious and subconscious creates it's own pocket reality that blocks outside stimuli, blocks out the other parts of ourselves that may help regain fresh air. This pain can be very deep and traumatic. In some ways more so than any physical experience.

This what it means to become stuck in inner suffering. It seems like no matter what you do, no matter what you force yourself to think about that nothing changes. It is a self fulfilling cycle of torture. There are many techniques that rely on facing one's emotion head on and then making a choice to hold on or let it go. For many one's feelings are too hot to handle and stepping back and away into analytical thought may work better.

See, the brain will always try to interpret and organize one's inner experiences. It takes the emotional, mental, psychic multidimensional experiences and it tries to sort them; organize them and interpret them for the conscious ego. It often does this with mind-or mental association leaps. It sees something with an emotional component to it and it will automatically seek it's memory, conscious and unconscious and attempt to attach a "like, or similar" emotional memory to it. And it can and will string such experiences together. It doesn't matter if the memories have anything psychically to do with each other. What it is doing is stringing the like emotional experiences together so that when unconsciously connected, the present emotion is intensified in an attempt to give it meaning. So you may suddenly find yourself lost in past emotional pain and have no conscious clue how you got there. You can thank the brain's mental association leaps.

One way of over coming this is to just stop, and look behind the emotion. Say to yourself, WHOA, where did that feeling come from. Look at the feeling and think about what memory is attached to it. It will most likely be something that triggered an emotional reaction in the past for you and have nothing to do with the present other than similarity of feeling. Then past chains of attachment will lead to another. You can then re-evaluate your past experience.

You can decide if that feeling is still relevant to who you are or how you perceive yourself today. If it does not mesh with how you see yourself, you can shrug it off and tell yourself, THAT memory is not me. I am so much more than that. That memory has no place in my current reality.

This acknowledgement will free you from the mind association of the present emotional experience and lesson it's burden. But then again. If you look at these "chains" of associated feelings, you may feel even more drawn to them. You may decide that you WANT to roll in the feelings. At first you may not know why, and you may just give up. You want to feel. You secretly want to feel, and you feel guilt and shame over it, but you don't know why. So your allowing yourself to pull your psyche apart, with secret desire and conscious denial. So you want and yet to don't want. This is a particularly tortuous form of self created duality. In a way it is master stroke of genius from the higher self. It is going to force you to re-create yourself in one form or another.

The ultimate way to say, "who am I'.

So you think want to be free, and yet you want to be left alone and roll in your agony. What to do? Here comes the hard part. Sometimes, It's ok to get mad. It's ok to hurt. It's ok to wallow. BUT, but, "THIS TIME", you need to allow yourself to really feel. And ask yourself, what is going on. This will make the feelings stronger. No more sweeping emotion under the rug! This is ok. You've been denying yourself and chastising yourself for so long that you need to really look at yourself. Find alone time and Narrow that focus. It's ok to spend a week or more on it. Just be sure to come back to that feeling that triggered all this in the first place and compare it to how you see yourself in the world today.

Now that you've gotten into a deeper connection with those feelings you can say, "I want to feel this". Treat this statement as "a cause". Say the cause out-loud or write it down, and then ask yourself, what would it's effects be? "I want to be mad at Johnny, I hate him for leaving me".... Now ask yourself, If you hold on to your anger, what would all the possible effects of that be in your life? If I don't like these effects- is; IS this cause really who I want to be? Is that me?

It may indeed not be you. This is a good thing. But being still in the "human" experience, just because you master yourself, doesn't mean that such emotions will now go away. It simply means that you've gained a greater experience with them. So the next time something like this shows up in your experience you will be able to aptly manage it, and move on to an ever greater experience that you'd rather have. Look back at any of the Spiritual masters in earths history. They all had to deal with pain and suffering, but where their experience differs is that they were able to manage it and return to who they really were.

We can do this too, but we have to be brave enough to sit down with ourselves and look at the root causes of what brings us uncomfortable emotions and thoughts. Examine why you suffer, why you might want to suffer, and what suffering causes and the effects born from them, and then compare it all to your highest possible self. Then make a choice. And keep making a choice every day.

Your conscious active aware choice will always be a better one than anything anyone, spirit or other wise can decide or tell you. This is personal Freedom. This is bringing awareness to a personal reality that you create. This is part of who we really are.


If you live life with the intention of finding more, you will remember just how much life there is. When you remember this you will see just how much of it is in you. Realize this, and who you will be, always was.


Your life does not have to have a purpose, other than to explore how you feel about who you are, today. The acceptance and embrace of everything you hold dear, with love, is who you will be. Own it, live it, and share it with open arms, you can not but help, to move to who you always were. Who you will be, can be, today.


The last goodbye will always linger as love lost until you realize that love is never lost and in fact, never went anywhere-but to say- "Hello, again".


We are never alone. Love is always with us, and in fact stands with us now. Accepting this is part of an awareness of a greater reality.


Controversy, Subject, Emotion, Feeling, Light, Space, Shadow, Form, Function, Line and Planning; These are some of what makes LIFE an Art, without which the presentation is just decoration. You always design what you need to say, feel and experience.


You are colored sound on the wind of all that is.

The tone of color your soul strikes on the cord of the universe is the beacon you will be known as. This is your true Spirit name. It is not a word, symbol, or thought but it is the vibration of your true heart.

Your soul is a phrase of the universal orchestra playing out cords of love across time, space, a symphonic crescendo of perfect harmony.


"To those in in Spirit, In seeking to know true self, we see that there is no lasting sorrow, but the longing to feel more love. Though, This love is not lost, it waits inside each of us for self realization. It is in this epiphany that one can fully understand. Separation is an illusion of the ego mind and it cannot be were no separation exists. Let nothing you feel or see, blind you to what was divinely born in each of you. The oneness of all that is, light and love joined in self discovery through creation. Until you remember, seek to understand this through your experiences.

Will this take away what hurts? Perhaps not depending on how tightly perception is held. But contemplated upon, it may bring you comfort."---voices of spirit.


I was trying to think... what would make my life complete. In an ideal world, what would I like to do.

I think, I would want the bravery,

to overcome fear.

To look at everyone,

who touched my life.

To look them in the eye,

Spirit or in the flesh,

Look them, eye to eye and say,

Thank you,

I love you,

What you helped me feel,

What you helped me see,

What you helped me understand

about myself,

Contributed to the love I was able to know.

The spark of your life,

Regardless of how it seemed,

Was important; In making me -- me.

I love you, Thank you.


I think a lot of suffering is experienced when people do not or feel unable to understand their inner reality, who they are and who they wish to be. In some cases its a failure to see themselves in others, or others in their own life. The fear of what they do not know or know how to express. Some say each to their own path. And others say we all hold responsibility to share inner truth. Who is right and who is wrong, is irrelivent. What matters is that we come to terms with how we feel about ourselves at the end of the day. We can take positive action or we can look outside of ourselves. Only when we acknowledge our own role and do what we can to make tomorrow better able to express the love inside all of us will we see a new collective era for humanity. It's not the bickering of who should that will win, but the expression of I can that will. I can, we can we all can if but together.


Reflections in passing , what glimmers reveal, is truth, only to what's seen, in such quality of light as is brought to bare. Hidden or clear, focus can be sought.


I think i have a case of resistance to resistance. What can I take for

that that wont give me bloat? :)

Go the distance to fight resistance.

I see the finish, but I start to diminish.

How to get past this loosing feeling?

I think I will let go of trying to win,

and listen to my body and not be naughty.

It's not really a race, but more of a rally.

I'll not win what I can,

unless I stray.

If I look at the ground,

I'll not see what's in front,

I'll not pass off

and hold on too long.

Life's not a race,

I'll not miss my goal.

Everyone's there,

It's the same beaten path.

I'll not get lost

I'll look up and see,

That you're at the finish

just waiting for me.


There are those who see themselves. There are those who see others in themselves. And there are those who feel what what each of those perspectives feels like and make the choice of how to express each moment with creative understanding. I believe this choice CAN always be love. That's what life is about. Understanding the moment and expressing our highest self. In each person, this is a journey. It is manifested differently for everyone. For all are unique and everyone journey matters. We all help each other come to feel the connections that join all that is.


Without hands on experience, I am just a parrot of what I've heard about. Once experienced I will truly know and understand how my love can be expressed in any given situation. I am love and I want to know what love is. If I can experience some small part of the love in me, in each of us through gradations of love and the absence of love I will understand more fully who and what I am. Why would I want this? Because I exist. I want to know.


understanding expression through expression is the introspection that will give way to understanding and is far more important than that speculation that is heard about.


To be the voice for another is of the noblest pursuits, but to express your inner voice and understand it as passionate truth is an ultimate promise.


It's because no one can tell you the answer. The is nothing to find. It is all already inside you. It is only a matter of remembering through experience. Live what you know, seek to remember what was forgotten. Express it and you will know the truth of what you've sought. Life is more about the question than the answer. The only "supposed to- is what you say it is. That's what it means to have divine creativity reflected in you through you. Who, what, where, are you?


The weeds of life serve to encourage evolution of life that produces vigor, health, and bounty. So pull what you can, but do not cry foul. For what chokes, and takes over also leads to opportunities for new growth.


Do not fear future life. Let go of worry and fear of further entanglements; rather, seek the higher self consciousness. For then any future life will be lived with not the troubles of the world but in the service of a higher calling. This will always lead to ever more wonderful expressions of love through your soul. ---My Spirit Teacher


At the sunset of life we see the sky reflected back through the rocks of experience. To realize the colors our light paints across it's waters is to fully understand that a new days light is already on it's way. To know this is happening now is to sail free across the clouds.


Words create not but inspiration from that which already exists; The human heart.

To remember this is to touch one's soul.


The awareness of Spirit is not enabled, not given, not stumbled upon, not taken. It is remembered, with open arms we meet between the planes of reality, hand in hand, a great journey of the soul.


Minnesota State Fair and Food: going on right now... YUM

So, If I were to eat everything I wanted at the state fair; That would beee....12,000+ calories... That's a problem, Right? I wonder if they make a pill for that. Erik thinks I need to get out the "big gurl pants".


The pause. A still moment of intent. The quiet stillness, absent of emotional desire. The will to a greater good. You feel an energetic love. In this place you are channeling. Even without conscious word or thought you are connected.


"How you 'desire' to feel is not other people's problem. And how other's feel is not necessarily any of your business. Stop taking on other people's shit." -- From Erik with love and affection!


I KNOW I KNOW, do my best and let the rest GO. :) ha ha


I know-Right! He's like, "ugh... dude, It's about balance, psfft... of course it's hard or ya wouldn't be workin on it!"


To Iola, He said, " I'll give ya my boots or my hat, but you can't have my horse, unless I am draggin your ass home...psstt and I'd dance with you any night. MOM! (laughing-grin)"


UGh..Tell me about it! That's been sooo hard for me to figure out. Stepping up to deal with myself. Gotta grab that one by the horns, and not gore myself!


My guides once told me that we can only see of ourselves what is reflected in others. That's why we need to think about what kind of light we shine. That's why it so important to see us all as a part of a whole for I am my neighbor and they are me. The trick is to avoid either extreme, but move toward harmony as it approaches unity.


Putting Love, putting God, putting Spirit, putting You- into words is difficult. In some ways is limits thinking. That is why it is far better to ALLOW yourself to feel. What you feel is far greater and holds more truth than any words.


The miracle of life is that you can "re-discover" the love that is your heart-song! You can sing for others to uncover the joys of love wherever it may be.


I also love how she said, You just have to allow yourself to be who you really are and your purpose will unfold


The awareness of now, is to realize your moment; the right time; is present. To disregard "when", is to ignore self created opportunities. And opportunities of now, is what will bring personal freedom.


We will change our world when see ourselves, with conscious awareness, understanding that inner unity with All is so strong we can not but help to live through the eyes of each another. Reflections All, of the Source of All That Is.


Some people say they wish they could bottle happiness.. i say you already are a bottle, the question is then what do you do with your bottle. Shelve it, keep the cap on, pour it, give it way or share it.


The persistence of life is a reflection of our eternal reality, of our continence within the Heavens. Death and Birth are not about loss and gain, but about the never ending cycle of love refreshing itself through our experiences.


Hope is not just desire. It the feeling you get as you pass fear, doubt, uncertainty and approach a Knowing of a greater reality. Understanding of yourself opens the possibility within this knowing to transform hope into awareness.


Dirty laundry only stinks if you let it pile up. Look at it, mix it with the rest of your clothes, put it all out to dry. Let your drawers flap in the wind and get that sun-smell. That only happens by doing the work and letting it all hang out. Don't be afraid. Pin it up and hang it to dry. Emotions that is...(laughter).--Conversation between good friends and Erik.


There is Hope in this world. Standing by and holding to the faith that you can live to your highest possible self in the face of life's experiences, not because they need overcoming, not because you need to move on; There is hope for this world because you are more than your experiences and you have something to offer others because of your experiences. This is a part of your eternal self and it is worth remembering. It is worth sharing, it is your hope that holds my faith for a brighter tomorrow


"Even when we make choices and decisions that are not necessarily in our best interest we are never locked into the cause and effect of those choices if we know how to convert the negative affects into positive karmic experiences. "


You don't change the world by thinking happy thoughts. You change your world by 'deciding to be'. Own who you are and your world will shape itself around you.


The water of life is courage, it's font fortitude, it's foundation self knowlege


The seeds of life have always sprouted understanding of the emotional root of thought. The care you give thought grows the creative action that forms the forest of your reality. What grows along your path?


Don't pray for an easy life, release, relief or intervention. Pray for the inspiration, motivation, creativity, strength and positivity to grow from life.


Desire can be a chain to communication, only broken by surrender of expectation, healed by the allowance of, remembering the me within the we. To facilitate an ease of communication, it is better to approach with the gentle walk of exploration and discovery. -- voices of Spirit


You sleep and we sit, hands held strong, together in arm. Remember as a dream, and sleep with peace. Every night more awake, every day more alive. Together, place to place we go, though not you think. You touch those, familiar; with tender care, who can not see me. A team we are and will be ever more. So do not fear, do not be scared. Lay down your head, I am here. -- Voices of Spirit


Don't search for anything you lack. Practice it, and it will find you.


Accomplishment in life is a poor second, in the race to remembering who you are.


Lock, block, hard stuck. Sometimes a simple symbol is key enough. What's behind the symbol is what's turning that key.


The well of belief is only as deep as your thirst for life.


In our lives, Boredom is one of the biggest causes of effects we dislike. It is an unconscious killer in modern society. But really it's your soul trying to tell you that you have the freedom to explore. So go-Go do, do some more, and do what makes you like yourself..don't know? The go explore some more, you obviously have the time. -- Lessons with my Spirit gang.


"You were born first into the universe, in Spirit. I know this goes against traditional western theology, but you were spirit far longer than you will ever be in flesh regardless of how many physical lives you incarnate. Your physical body does not come first, you are a spirit with a physical overlay." --My Spirit Teacher


Life is a 'truck stop' on a hiway of heaven. I don' t know about you, but I've got my map, cb, and awesome scenery. I hear the food at the diner ain't half bad too, wanna pull over for a bit and sit a spell?


When others accept you it is a great gift. It allows you the opportunity and ability to preserve whatever state you are in so that you can consciously work on you.


Actually cloud visualization is a great clairvoyant technique to channel higher level energies. It is a tool to access the mental connections to Spirit. It really works. Just picture the said Spirit or person in your mind, then visualize rays of light from the clouds to you and the person in question. This reinforces your connections and creates new energetic ones.


It's OK to just BE.

"To just lay there and forget the world, just for a moment in time, to forget all your troubles"...


Some measure of personal satisfaction is warranted from saying at the end of the day, "I am still here, I am willing to keep trying".

Saying, "You too? Let me help you". Is the courage that makes Angels weep.


The glass blower of my soul. One of the things people have such a hard time with is that they think spirits have one up on us, or that because we are on earth we are somehow 'less than'. Nothing is further from the truth. We are always more than....


In my heart of hearts I long for the peace that only knowing can give. It drives my breath and moves my muscle. To know would free worry, discomfort, and anguish. To know would make me sing. So I dance my steps in unspoken song, trying to remember my rhythm. So I dance what I know and step by step , creating my movement, I remember my part. This I know...shall we dance?


Sometimes peace comes to those who ask for it. Although most of the time, we hold judgement or anger in our hearts. This creates a duality for the universe. What is created is then, is whichever hold's the most intentive emotion. If we consciously decide what will serve us best, and embrace it, the universe will revolve around our choice.


Never give up, never give in, we are all so much more, just wait... the best is yet to come., now or hereafter, life goes on and it can be beautiful.


Sometimes the purpose of life can be to find acceptance, strength, fortitude, charity, dedication, kindness, humility, patience, and love of the self through experiences. Finding and holding onto the self through and in spite of life can be the greatest feat your soul can accomplish.


Spiritual communication tip: *Pick a technique you enjoy, or interests you. *Try it- at and for a consistent planned time, every day for a month. ...


"The potential promises of life are never limited to one purpose. There is no such thing as failure of purpose. Failure is a human label based on the misunderstanding of focused perception. You did not come to this life with failure as an option. There is always something to learn. There are always experiences to explore. Why limit yourself?" -- Voices of Spirit


Elisa Medhus--God, Jason, you're an amazing philosopher! Have you ever asked Erik or your guides if you've been a famous philosopher in the past? I bet you were.

June 22, 2011 at 1:13 pm

Jason---I dunno... this morning when I was in a pity party mood, he asked me if I was done being an ass yet.... You know me, I've got that whole fear thing to work out.. still trying.... ha ha...


You are perfect just the way you are! Be happy, be OK, Just Be.

You think you want, need, and have trouble finding the motivation.

Do not fight yourself.

Say no to the self limiting thoughts: I can't, I am not, I want, I need....

Instead say aloud: I can, I am, I have, I know!!

Know you are worth it! Remember who you are!


Erik on not worrying:

"Yur all doin ok. Just chill and take things one step at a time. Don't worry about how. Just do as you are moved. It's gonna be OK." ---Erik


Laugh, cry, forgive, give thanks, heal. Change you, change the world.


"Experience the moment without labels. Life without technical terms is a life better felt. Feeling life will bring you closer to yourself. Experience, rather than method is best- through a fine honed intent. Everyone's journey is as unique as their existence. Celebrate it with joy and love." --- My Spirit Teacher


"The ambition to do too much at once is a result of your true nature, love. You do not need to prove this to anyone but yourself. Doing one thing step by step is a successful path to life, a path well done." ---Spirit


Sometimes what seems like the biggest personality fault is but the really big light of the brightest soul begging to be re-focused. Rather than dim it's light, it might be better to aim it. (*ps-watch out for startled deer)(grin)


Let all your problems wash away like water under a bridge. Though storms flooded the rivers of life, know that down-stream all is nourished, yet while life upstream is just beginning. Should the storms destroy and take away, know that what is gone can be reborn. What is lost can be had again, what has stopped can begin anew.


The courage to look while stuck in the moment can bring attention to that which is uncomfortable. Peace from this discomfort comes when realization that reason and purpose matter not, but only when what one can take from passing through the moment is a true essence of who you are, will courage be fully expressed. --Voices of Spirit.