October 2011

Oct. 31, 2011

Gosh, I am sooo behind on blogging my journal. I've got an ever growing pile of stuff in my emails. On a side note,

Very often in life I hear people say to me, 'Yes, but is it true? Is this experience (insert spiritual experience) experience real? What does other people think?'

I can promise you, what another person thinks, even one who has also experienced it, or who might have been a part of it; matters not to how you feel about yourself experiencing it. Was your emotion real. Was how you felt while experiencing it real. What did you think about while experiencing it. Who were you, who are you and who will you be. How you perceive this will form your reality. What you intend as a result is always your call.

For me, even one sided emotion has had value, even poorly understood events have allowed me insight into my own emotional reactions. It is my hope that in every situation that regardless of cause or effect i can present myself through love.

I know what I "felt" was real. What that says about me, is why I am here.

I know what I felt as a result of my experience, in my experience was real, genuine, whether is was wise or for my best interest is beside the point. I know what I would like to experience. If it is beyond me. I pray for love and help. I want to return love. Perhaps too much? I hope I am not too great of a burden. I will love. I will know it. I will show it. I will heal, I will not worry.

Oct. 28, 2011

I think the greatest passions of life are about self realization, expressing love, and the rebirth of one's self. I think that's why so much change is always in play. We want that wild roller coaster. Those slow peaking climbs, those sudden drops that carry us up again. And the best part is, all your family and friends can fit in the same ride. When it's done you can grin, scream, laugh, cry and if you want, do it all over again. I don't go for those rides that just spin you round and round till you puke. I'd much rather have the fast up's and downs. That's not to say the slow scenic ones are not nice. But I think the zeal to really live is like a roller coaster. Even better, I can built them! Each new ride is a design I made. That's awesome.

Oct. 27, 2011

Imaginative Release

To release what hurts you must imagine it. But many have a problem with this.

Imagination is not an abstract delusion of electrochemical neurons. It is emotional thought made manifest as physical energy. What is imagination made up of? To many it has not tangible application to what they perceive as proper reality. They feel that what they imagine could never possibly be real. That somehow whatever they think, feel, or visualize could never be transmuted into any reality, let alone a 3 dimensional one, Gawd forbid another dimension. So if one's imagination is a figment of unreality could the possibilities available to us on a soul level ever be seen, let alone realized?

Imagination is more of a spiritual organ than anything else. It is the tool the higher consciousness uses to express emotional intent. It is married to inspiration, visualization, and feelings. There is no separation in this. The 3 become one as they manifest into thought. Carried forward it is processed by the ego in control of your body. Moving down the layers of the greater you it is recorded, remembered and enhanced by the brain. Seemingly so it is then presented as a fresh creation in what appears from out of thin air. Know that nothing that exists came from nothing. All is connected to a source, in fact-The Source.

As a Spiritual Communication tool, Imagination not only is co-created by the self, it co-creates with other consciousness to manifest all that IS. It is the ever leaping spark. It is as real as you feel you are. It is as real as you perceive all the elements of your being to be. To some, this is quite limited and of small import. To others and those in Spirit it IS the key to the higher functions of the self. It is the stuff the universe is made of. It communicates, it creates, it interacts. Connections of thought, feeling, mind, and creations are not stumbled upon in the dark voids of transcendental space. They are made. They are created and are flooded into the void. Do not empty the mind. Fill it with all that you are capable of.

Make your dreams come true with the imagination of your highest possible self. Put them into active intent and live for yourself today. For what you can see, is not limited to the eyes. What you can see is only limited by your perception of how you function.

To accept that every part of you has real life is to enable your higher communication abilities. It is to touch that part of you that is always aware of Spirit. It is the mind's eye that flashes with clairvoyance and reflects, absorbs and creates thought. While teaming with symbolic pictures and meaning, you are not simply just trying to sort data. On many levels you are interacting with other realities, dimensionality of you, and those around you. Even those in Spirit. In Spirit this is the main method of communication. It is about the merging of emotional energies. Of which imagination plays a key role.

People fear to trust their imagination out of fear of loosing themselves or who they are. The fear delusion, they fear judgement, they fear labels of who they should and shouldn't be. They fear that they could never possibly see truth if all is a simple visualization. It stems from the view that we are a piece of flesh. That nothing beyond this flesh could ever be expressed as a reality that we could ever identify with.

Not so. Just the opposite is true. Once all of our mental functions are embraced, the key turns, and all the energetic aspects of who we really are can be engaged. It is our birthright. Our place. Once found, the real work can begin. Real life can start. So a failure to release what pains us is not about a failure to DO; It's a failure to imagine.

We need to imagine who we are, who we may become, who we were, and who we wish to be within any given situation. We need to imagine, and accept that what is seen is not just some shadow truth, but can be realized into our 'owned' truth. To release what ails you, you need to allow yourself to feel what you imagine and then compare it to your highest possible self. How can you let go of a feeling if you can't visualize yourself, if you can't visualize that feeling moving through those around you. How can you possibly interact with Spirit if you can not picture them.

Never wait for what you hope to be real, to be handed to you. Imagine the possibilities and create what you desire. To do otherwise is to limit your possibilities. Concentrate, focus on how you feel, visualize what is behind that feeling. Imagine you with and without that feeling. Imagine you with or without the cause of that feeling. Make a choice to see yourself in new light. This will bring release. Never bury what you feel as you will only be digging a deeper grave. Visualize, Imagine, and feel your way to express your highest possible self. It is worth the work. You will find your release. You will. I can imagine you as perfect, just the way you are. I can imagine me in you. I like what I see.

Oct. 21, 2011

A friend of mine wrote the following article on Facebook. A lot of people are looking for specific ways to heal and forgive and I think this is a great example. I'd like to share it. I don't know about you, but I sure can relate to this. I am not sure these types of struggles ever go away, because we are always creating who we are. I think it might just easier the more we can love ourselves.

My Way Of Life

by Clairaudient Dawn on Friday, October 21, 2011

To be truly free is something we all desire. Am I truly free? Not completely; I am constrained by this physical life, the society I live in dictates to a large degree what freedoms I am allowed, as it is for us all. Yet I have found an inner peace which allows me to go through my life untroubled by minor irritations; my perspective changed some years ago after two experiences that changed my outlook forever and do you know what I found? Me.

The first experience was gratitude; overwhelming love and heartfelt thankfulness to our creator. After troubled years of anger; pain and bitterness one day I just literally stopped in my tracks. There and then I thought about my life behind me and the life I had at that present time; I felt an out pouring of love and humble gratitude for what I did have in my life, the most important of all being love. Love from my children; family and friends. I sent thanks and cried; my tears were not sadness, they were from the emotional surge I felt, I was moved.

The second experience was that I decided I did not want to carry any baggage around with me any more; I made a conscious decision to heal myself of all past pains. Those bad feelings did not belong to me; it was time to let go. To do that I had to confront every emotional pain I had been carrying, face them head on and forgive. So I set about going through each sufferance I had endured; one by one. Each person that I had felt hurt by I sat and thought about and went into a visualisation with. I met them and we spoke and I was based from love whilst doing so; no matter what they had done to me, however painful and seemingly cruel.

I hugged them and forgave. It was at this point I could truly let it go. I then found something new; it was me, I had been in here the whole time but had been clouded by life experiences. These life experiences had altered my perspective and view on the world and the people in it. I no longer sat in a place of anger, ready on defence to lash out to protect myself; I opened my heart with trust. My whole world changed from then on and life is peaceful.

I peeled back my layers and revealed myself for who I truly am; all of those layers were hiding me, I shed those pains that had been anchored in me. That is when I felt the inner peace of calm serenity and it’s a joyful place to be. I am free.

This metamorphosis was precisely why the powers that be decided I was worthy of a role in the world of spirit. It happened almost straight away after this change and I now can look back and see how clear it really was. I work from love and am based from love; as we all are. It is all that matters and is what life is meant to be about, it’s the answer and the key that unlocks our true potential.

Now I can be on the receiving end of negativity and let it glide right over me; not like before where I would have reacted defensively. I feel somewhat ‘separate’ now and although the negative experiences are still with me in my memory, they are not part of me and they are held disjointed from me, they serve only as lessons to recall.

Holding onto anger; resentment or hate only hurts one: you. No matter if the anger is justified; it still only serves to destroy who we are. The damage is self-inflicting and blocking. It’s like a perpetual torture of ourselves not to let go; the best gift we can give ourselves is to forgive and let go, as this is where ‘true’ freedom begins.

The reason I wrote this is because of my spirit guides instruction; they wanted me to share as they were talking about raising vibrations and this was how I raised mine without knowing that would be the end result, what a bonus!!!

Oct. 19, 2011

I never say that I meditate. To me that word is a loose loaded label slapped on many different behaviors. I'd be surprised to find two people who thought the same thing about it. Not to mention that it carries so much cultural bias depending on region or religion. I find it totally unhelpful. Much better to just describe one's intention with contemplated thought.

You ask me, what do I DO? ha ha ...

Well, I practice mindful self reflection from time to time. I sit quietly and communicate with Spirit. I also sit at peace with the intention to channel healing. Try as I might I do not find the absence of visualization, thought or feelings to be helpful in achieving any state of being or consciousness. I find approaching intention with dedication is better. If given into wholeheartedly, with abandon, I can see myself in a conducive state that helps my intention.


When I grow up, I wanna be a super hero. Let me repharse that. I don't want to be a 'superhero' with special powers and an alter ego. I just want to know how to save a life. I want to help kittens down from scary hieghts. I want to make a stand for justice. I want to comfort and heal. I wanna help those who feel lost. I want to feel like life is 'super' and worth saving.... It's IS hard. But I think it might just be worth it. ps..... I want a cape.... ha ha...

Oct. 19, 2011

Tech Talk:

Objective clairaudience or independent physical voice phenomena

As mentioned before, in the blogs and in various articles. There are generally two types of clairaudience. Subjective and objective. Subjective is synonymous with telepathic communication and is more akin to what people generally think of as a psychic trait or skill. It differs from traditional or historical mediumship in that the communicator is a conscious channel to varying degrees. And that spirit does not "take over anything". It's more of a partnership. Subjective clairaudience is thought speech that seems to originate withing the brain. Only the channel "hears". More accurately "experiences thought that is not of their own creation."

Objective clairaudience is experienced sound, that seems to be heard via the ears as sound, but sound that only the experiencer can hear. This is slightly misleading, but it is not limited to the ears as sound can be heard seeming from within the head, body, or externally from various origin points around the body or physical environment.

Physical voice phenomena becomes such when objective sound is heard by multiple people. In either case, objective or independent, the sound originates from the energy manipulation by Spirit and is not dependent necessarily on the channeler. There are several ways Spirit acomplishes this. Won't get into them here.

Very interesting topic actually. In both experiences, I've never heard them say more than 3 words "clearly". Eric said more, but it was garbled. Same with Erik. For some reason, It seems like more words may correlate to an element of time limitation. There seems to be a certain time frame from when the etheric or astral body reengages with the physical body's consciousness or consciousness point of view, or origin.

I feel that the root view point of consciousness returns to the physical slightly before the energy bodies re-engage. And in that engagement period,.. which starts out as an altered state of consciousness and moves to physicality, there is a window where one's conscious point of view is in the physical body, but because the energy bodies have not fully re-integrated yet, one can experience objective clairaudience, or physical voice phenomena; who's origin point is a Spirit, or a Spirit making a vortex in the aura. I feel that when it has become garbled is when the energy bodies have then reengaged the physical.

I suspect that if physical voice phenomena were to happen out side of this window, that they would have to use their personal energy, or environmental energy to manifest a voice box and a vortex or some such. In which case it would truly be independent physical voice phenomena. I've had this manifestation happen at least 3 times. Although in these cases not more than 2 words were heard.


A colleague of mine said the following in response:

"From Dawn"

Yes it is exactly as I tell my students that I teach, subjective clairaudience I teach rather than focus on objective. For one reason objective is down to a spontaneous decision from spirit to be heard randomly and for proper communication is not viable, takes too much energy and cannot be held for long. Two, whole conversations cannot ever be had this way, one word, or a couple at best with objective always. Subjective opens up for complete communication directly.

I will discuss with my guides but am out tonight as it's boyfriends birthday, let you know when we have spoken about it. What I understand is an energy field is created around and to the person receiving subjectively and while that is open conversation can go on for literally hours. Normally the human can't withstand the energy and focus needed, spirit can continue a lot longer. As I don't go into trance or meditation I can do at longest 4 and a half hours, then I'm zapped and have to stop. The energy field I have physically felt as I stepped out of it, yes I could still hear but it was weakened, so this field is placed around you to strengthen the link and volume. The circumference of the field around me was approx 3-4 feet around my physical body.


My reply was:

Interesting. I have rarely engaged in clairaudient communication for more than 45 min. My guides usually cut me off. And if I go over, I am totally trashed.

Oct. 23rd update: I heard back again from Dawn. She writes,

"They (her guides) said it's very complicated to explain....so I asked for a basic simplified version!

"Part of the energy comes from the human, it's hard, and takes mind energy from quite a lot of people. Minds working together. Minds have to concentrate on speaking together. Although it appears that it's only one person talking. One person alone cannot do it. Not everybody has the right energy(human) if the minds not open to receive.It helps to know who you are speaking to personally, then there is no block in the link in the energy, receiving. This is a simplified explanation."

As they spoke visually I could see that when they send the word from their united energy of mind the humans energy needs to be open as there has to be a physical direct link to the humans energy to be able to receive. I see it as a blending, like a tube connected from human to spirit.


My response was very positive. or my Impressions. What they and she are saying totally falls inline with what I see clairvoyently. I am always being shown vortexes passing through our energy bodies. In addition it falls in line with my research on clairvoyant and astral communication where thought is used to create tunnels or tubes to communicate.

Oct. 18, 2011

I have too much going on right now to work on blogging. So I am a bit behind. Hopefully I'll find a chance to catch up this week.

Oct. 16, 2011

I am currently reading a great book! I highly recommend it to everyone.

Handbook to the Afterlife

by Pamela Rae Heath and Jon Klimo


(quote~product description)

"In Handbook to the Afterlife, two seasoned experts with decades of experience working with channeled material describe the stages that spirits go through, focusing on the details that these accounts have in common. Just as life itself has different stages of growth and development, so most accounts of the afterlife are consistent with the authors’ view that dying and rebirth are also continuous processes. Beginning with the moment of death itself, progressing through different transitional stages, and ending with the return of spirits to the physical plane, authors Pamela Heath and Jon Klimo define the purposes and pitfalls of each stage. They look at the kinds of adjustment problems that occur in each phase, and how spirits can be helped to move forward. Questions of pain and emotional state at the time of death, karma, and reincarnation are sensitively addressed. The book includes practical techniques for opening up communication with those who have passed on to the other side. While of interest to anyone seeking a general overview of the subject, Handbook to the Afterlife is particularly useful for those dealing with spirits who have not moved on, such as ghosts."

Oct. 12, 2011

A poem for those who are scared:

How do I love

How do I be

How do I say OK.

I wanna feel

I wanna see

I wanna Know

It's OK

To be


I give myself permission.

I allow myself

I surrender

To Be.

I am what I am

In this moment

I can not help

But to feel

What is


I am OK

to be

I am OK

for me.

I Love

I love you

I love me

Love me, Love you

Let us be


Oct. 10, 2011

This past weekend was too busy with family matters to relate here. I've got about another week of it though. In the mean time, here is another random musing.

Random Musings: Impulse Triggers - exploring emotional intent to create new now moments.

Impulse is the description of the sudden spur of the moment action we take as a result of a trigger. It is often described as seemingly random action without thought. This trigger can be conscious or unconscious. The trigger can be in our present awareness or below the surface, behind our focus, the subconscious. The trigger of the impulse always has a root. It could be thought. This thought could stem from the subconscious, or an altered state. It could come from the conscious awareness of the personality but poorly explored due to many reasons. It could also come from a wide variety of emotions, emotional states, or reactions. Finally it can come from Spiritual sources. Guides, Angels, Teachers, other spirits, and your higher-self or other dimensional aspects.

As you can see, Impulse has many descriptions, definitions and origins. We know this on a deep soul level. Because of all this, people have a tendency to give into their impulses. They let the incarnate ego dive into and roll in the impulse without thought, exploration, or introspection of the consequences. We often chalk it up to human nature, random fate, things beyond our control. We see ourselves as victims to sources, causes and effects beyond us. We play elaborate games of blame, shame, guilt and ignorance while secretly desire to roll in these impulsive self destructive feelings. It's like the ego does not want to give up the illusion that our lives are so real that there may not be another perspective out there. We will only understand if we feel. Good or Bad. But it can tell you why, it- that part of you, just wants you to experience.

This desire to experience IS part of the mission of life. But it must be properly balanced with spiritual understanding. Otherwise you will not be able to understand what you are feeling, why, and how it relates to you. You will not be able to see who you really are compared to your highest possible self, unless you seek this balance from impulsive emotional behavior.

This DOES NOT mean that impulse is BAD, WRONG, or somehow an indication of WHO or WHAT you are, nor is it a sign of your evolution, vibration or state of being.

On a SOUL level, Impulse is an opportunity as a result of a trigger to come to an understanding of YOU. Can you be wrong? You were divinely created. You planed, agreed, wanted to explore YOU -LIFE, in a certain way. You are a reflection, you are a part of All that IS. Is there anyway your explorations can be a mistake? The point is not to be a victim of poorly thought of, poorly understood causes. The point is not to fall prey to crippling emotion. The point is to learn to recognize the triggers behind impulses and see what parts of yourself are in them. To then choose what of them ARE you. And then Allow your actions to reflect your highest possible self.

This process IS your state of being. Not the impulse, not the effect. Your emotional intentions while faced with such triggers which give birth to action will reflect your vibrational state. This energy, this emotional thought process will help co-create the world around you. And allow you to explore yourself in ways that are in line with your life plans.

This spiritual concept fleshed out does not mean that life will be easy, it does not mean you will necessarily succeed like you think you should, it does not mean that you will always overcome impulse. What it does mean is that you CAN be aware of the causes behind emotional intent and their effects. It means that you have the tools inside you to understand yourself and have the conscious choice to exercise your free will for your best interest.

So the next time you start to feel victim to emotion beyond your control, the next time it life feels like it's going to run away with you. Stop, pause, and look at the trigger of the action your are taking as a result of the feeling giving you discomfort. Look at the root, and try to uncover a cause. Does that cause reflect who you are, who you want to be? If not you will now be in position to change your perspective or remove yourself from the emotional center that is problematic. This will lead you to express yourself in a new "now" moment. This choice of a new "now" will be who you are. Embrace your new now. Who you can be, will always be now.

Oct. 01, 2011

I had put off last nights scheduled practice session with the approval of my Spirit gang. I've been a bit over taxed on a physical and energetic level the past few weeks. I think a lot of this comes from being slightly ill with a sinus infection. Compiled with life, work, and channeling I had over did it.

What I mean by part of it is that I think I over did it with the daily channeling. See when I channel I actually feel a part of my brain flex. It's almost like trying to sing underwater and not drown or wiggle my ears, or read while singing a tune. That's why I have such a hard time channeling words while speaking. It's like they are using different parts of my brain and it's hard for me to multitask. I'll get better I am sure. But sometimes depending on level of connection to Spirit and how grounded I am or am not channeling can be exhausting for me. It's like I get a strained muscle. Not only that it can be emotionally taxing as I am fairly empathic. Sometimes like this past week, when I'd try to channel the sides of my head, temples ached. And I was so tired and worn out the thought of switching to speak in the "zone" with my team actually was uncomfortable. I've noticed this and also when I've got the flu that while I have no pain when Receiving thought speech, when I project it, my eyes hurt. All of which makes me wonder, if channeling is sometimes like flexing a muscle. It can get worn out.?

You may think, hey, your the expert... Well, yes and no. While this is my life 24/7, I've only been at this for a year. I am just recording my experience's. So I've been taking it easy this week and skipped yesterday. I am feeling much better. Oh, I almost forgot. Reiki does help, but when I channel Reiki, it comes in from a different spot than my communications and doesn't hurt. Weird I know!


So, Although I did cancel my channeling practice session last night, I did have a very interesting evening. It started out with going home from work to discovered "they" had undid my double knotted shoe laces again.

Last night and this morning I spent some time chatting with Andrew about my personal emotional life issues. I call it "Spooky psychotherapy!" haa haa In any case, I always am so grateful for the help. Especially from the gang. Theirs never any judgement and they always listen. Some times, I don't listen, but they have never let me down.

Last night ..

I tend to go to be early as I get up at 5:30 or earlier for work. I also often use that time to participate in personal conversations with my spirit gang. So I was laying in bed. I think it was around 8:30 or so. My dog was curled up asleep next to me. My spouse works late and doesn't come home until after 10. I repeatedly heard footsteps on the carpet in the stairwell. I also heard the floorboard in the hall's wood floor creak. And it sounded like someone opened and closed the back door. The dog and I investigated and nothing was amiss.

Later in the evening my dog was running amok. He kept diving under the bed. Niki's Eric came to help out. My dog boo was making a racket under the bed and I was ignoring him, too tired to care.

Then all of a sudden I glance over to where I put my cell phone, about 2 feet away. It's a smart phone and will not turn on unless you push a button on the top edge of it. All of a sudden I notice it on and lit up. That's weird.

So I pick it up and turn it off. Immediately it turned back on and my fingers were no-where near the button! So I thought Eric! And I flicked it off. Again it came back on. This went on for maybe 5 or 6 times. I thought. Ok, what are you trying to tell me. Then I heard, look under the bed, Boo is chewing on the power cords. SO, I turned the lit phone's light and shined it under the bed. And sure enough, Boo was gumming the power strip!

Then began the merry chase of getting the dog out from under the bed. Upon later, I discovered that one of the active power cables had been disconnected from the power strip! Now this cord is a tight fit. It takes me two hands to disconnect, and there was no slobber or teeth marks on it, so the dog could not have done it!... Turns out of friendly Spirit had done it to protect me and the dog from a shock. Cool huh? :)

A bit later I put the dog in the kennel to keep his behavior under control. Eric kept telling me to take him out and pay attention to him. He doesn't like it when I loose my temper with the dog. I need to work on that.

Last night's experience was quite frankly one of the most phenomenal and unique things I've ever experienced. I don't know how to state that enough. The thing with the phone. Then the dog. Eric said he helped calm my dog down. He said he had help with the whole thing. He said "people" need to just learn that they are never alone. Ever.