Modern guides


Could you elaborate on your perspective on Spiritual guidance "guiding us" in this modern era of multi-media, instant communication, self help, and technology. What about modern problems, modern religions, modern science. Is there any new special considerations taken into account? Does "modernity' offer unique challenges or opportunity to Spirit. Or is it all the same as it ever was. Many people wonder about the progress of mankind in relation to the individual. What can humans in this time period do to help themselves be more open and receptive to guidance.

A) --- As channeled and delivered by Robert:

"Today's environment is ripe with opportunity much the same as it has always been, but the opportunity is one which empowers the individual to affect change on a grander scale. Look at how the internet was the catalyst for uprising in the Middle East and Africa. In the past, one person could not rally such a large number to stand up to oppression in time scales as short as they are now. Look at other forms of media, such as news networks. They give humanity an opportunity to see global contrasts unimaginable in the past. Sure, they instill fear for the most part, but such opportunity allows us as a species to evolve exponentially. So, you ask, does today's "modern" environment make it harder or easier for those in Spirit to influence us? The simple answer is yes and no, just like it has always been. To summarize, the difference between today and yesterday is really a question of opportunity. Yesterday opportunity was about slowly affecting change one by one until critical mass is reached. Today our modern society enables the individual and those in Spirit to affect change on a grand scale at an accelerated pace.

So, how in today's society can we remain (or be) open to guidance with the added distractions around us? It is as simple now as it was for "yesterday". We must look within and "fill out own cups". Instead of getting distracted by information overload, take in what you are seeing, and hearing...then feel it...assess how it makes you feel...and come to your own conclusion about whether the choices you are being given mesh with Who You Are and Who You Want To Be. We are emotional beings, so therefore, it is of utmost importance that we allow our selves to feel, for feeling takes us down the road to Expansion. If all of the chaos of today's world overwhelms you and it is your wish to allow yourself to feel that way, then allow it to be. It will evolve you, and since you are part of the collective, it will evolve our species. We, as individuals, and as a collective will eventually tire of such emotional reactions and choose something else. That new choice may be beneficial to us, or not, but either way I, you, we will grow from it. That is assured."