Early Iron Age

Cimmerians 9-7 centuries. B.C. of Iranian origin, Homer's "Odyssey", the Iron Age (from swamp ore), arrowheads, Kings: Ligdamis, Teushpa, Sandakshatra. They fled from the Scythians to Asia Minor.

Scythians 7-3 centuries BC "Great Scythia", 3rd century. B.C. - 3 st. "Little Scythia" (Crimea), the capital of Naples Scythian (Simferopol), traded with the Greeks, lived at the same time with the city-states of the Northern Black Sea.

Herodotus: Scythian plowmen, Scythian herdsmen, royal Scythians, Scythia square with a side of 20 days of travel.

Legends about the origin of the Scythians: I. Targitai (son of Zeus, daughter of Borisphen): sons Lipoksai ("King of the Mountain"), Arpoksai ("King of Water"), Kolaksai ("King of the Sun"). Became the founders of the Scythians (self-name skoloty) II. Virgo-snake gave birth to three sons from Hercules, the younger Scythian was able to draw the bow of his father, became the founder of the people. Mentioned in the Bible as Ashkenazi.

Mounds:  Tovsta Mohyla (3. Pectoral), Chortomlyk (2. amphora), Haimanova Mohyla (4. Silver goblet with the image of Scythians), Kul-Oba (Cup), Solokha (1.Comb).