Open Morning, Saturday, January 12: Bring friends & family

Post date: Dec 27, 2018 12:27:19 PM

The indoor stadium at Stamford IBC can accommodation six rinks as well as a viewing area

STAMFORD Indoor Bowls Club is playing its part in providing a facility where people of all ages can enjoy an active sport to pursue and also find companionship, writes Bob Warters.

A recent survey by Age UK, discovered that nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of pensioners admitted they had not been looking forward to Christmas and New Year, while the Royal Voluntary Service were urging clubs to reach out to older people and encourage them to take part in activities.

Over the winter months, cold weather and poor light leaves two million over-65s concerned that they will be unable to get around, compounding the problem of loneliness. However, by attending our opening morning on Saturday, January 12 (from 9.30 am to noon) Stamford IBC is encouraging everyone to share a passion for the sport and still be an integral part of the community among friends.

Indeed club members in particular are encouraged to introduce a friend at the Open morning.

Founded just under 30 years ago, initially to provide opportunities for outdoor bowlers to compete in their chosen pastime all the year round, founder members will remember that Stamford IBC received serious opposition for local residents who felt their tranquility might be disturbed by 24/7 comings and goings. Some even thought a bowling alley was to be built right on their doorstep!At great expense the opposition fought local authority planning permission right up to the High Courts in London - and lost!In more recent times, while the club - entirely run by volunteers - is open seven days a week and up to 12 hours a day, it has been found to provide a haven not just for bowlers but for many have lost a life partner. Indeed the friendly atmosphere helps them cope with almost inevitable loneliness.It provides a competitive and social sport for all ages from eight to 80 and beyond, and has found a niche for those who seek conversation as well as competition.One member told me recently:"When I lost my husband it was devastating after so many years together. But a friend brought me to one of the open mornings and almost immediately I was hooked on the game."Not only that but I found that I could pop in at any time, even if I wasn't due to play and watch whatever matches were in progress, get a coffee and guarantee to see a friendly, familiar face.That is so important when you can spend hours, sometimes days on your own."

At the first of its 2019 open days on Saturday (January 12) experienced bowlers as well as coaches offer the opportunity to try indoor bowls and sample the club's facilities.

Adds club president Shirley Suffling (pictured left): "We have a mixed membership with an average age greater than most sports clubs but the skill level is very high - from juniors to seniors. Many new members have discovered a pastime they enjoy and made friends along the way’. Indoor bowls, on the club's state of the art, six rink surface not only provides a gentle sport to keep the mind and body active, it also offers the chance to play in highly competitive matches against other clubs. Stamford IBC also hosts social events including concerts, dancing and quiz nights.Often wrongly labelled a game purely for the elderly, bowls is an ideal opportunity for those who are perhaps not quite as fit and active as they used to be, to continue to play a sport competitively which can often strike up lasting relationships.Ex footballers and cricketers, former rugby, tennis, badminton and hockey players have all found that their competitive juices are being re-kindled by bowls - and golfers have discovered the similarities to putting, with the slopes of those green on the course built in to the bias of the bowl and mirrored as the path to the jack.Youngsters, too, particular those for whom physical sports are not an attraction, have found that bowls offers serious competition and several have gone on to represent their club and county and in at least one case, even their country.Please bring along friends and family to our Open Morning where equipment is provided free of charge and help in understanding the game will be on will be amazed how addictive bowls can be come as well providing a welcome whatever your ability.