Narrow loss for Stamford in the friendly versus Sleaford

Post date: Nov 1, 2015 10:54:07 PM

Friendly Captain Denis Stapleton reports: "It went down to the very last end in our weekend friendly at home to Sleaford. All our rinks had finished apart from that skipped by Mark Hebden. Overall we were one down, 100 to 101. After veteran lead Harry Fidom had delivered his three woods we were two up, but not for long, Sleaford's number two gained a toucher which remained with the jack and in spite of gallant efforts by newcomer Tina Knights and Mark Hebden it stayed there to give the visitors a win by just two shots. All we needed was a little bit of luck with two of our rinks achieving creditable draws. Maybe we'll have that when we play them in the return.

Our next weekend friendly is at home on Sunday 22 November, start 2.10 pm against Deepings BA. See details on the notice board."

Rink scores (our names only) Peter Almond, David Thorpe, Tim Stokes lost 11-17; Janet Lonslow, Garry Knights, Arthur Lonslow lost 14-17; Janet Dye, John Allwood, Maurice Dye won 18-12; Harry Fidom, Tina Knights, Mark Hebden lost 14-16; James Hebden, Mark Allwood, Trevor Christie drew 22-22; Vanessa Shackleton, Margaret Grainger, Stuart Shackleton drew 18-18.