A first outdoors for Stamford IBA's top indoor bowlers.

Post date: Aug 24, 2015 4:21:46 PM

Five of Stamford & District's top indoor bowlers turned out for Northamptonshire's Adams Trophy 18 man squad at Skegness on Sunday to play the outdoor federation code. And what a day it was for Bob Warters, Roger Martin; Stephen Harris, Jonathan Earl, and Adam Warrington who were in the winning side on the day, beating Northumberland by 178 shots to 145 in the 31 end game.

Fellow Stamford IBC bowler Cliff Watson, was non-playing captain and helped steer the team to victory after a successful campaign in the southern section of the qualifying league.

The victory was, no doubt, all the sweeter for the fact that this was the first "Adams" final the county had been in for over 50 years and it was the first time since the competition began in 1927 that Northamptonshire Bowling Federation had won this prestigious competition. The indoor club at Stamford congratulates them on this magnificent achievement. A full report can be found on the Northants Bowling Federation website at
