
New members are very welcome at our club but you don't have to be a member to experience the game of bowls. If you've never played and would like to try, phone the club on 01780 756452 or email us at to arrange a time. 

You don't need any equipment, just wear flat bottomed shoes, slippers  or stockinged feet. We'll provide the bowls and the coaching to get you started. There are regular coaching sessions for beginners from October to March on Saturday Mornings; register between 9.30 and 9.45 am for a 10.00 am start.

To join the club you will need to complete an application form. If you have never been a member of the club before there is a joining fee in addition to the annual subscription.  Membership forms can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. 

All applications for membership and all renewals MUST be accompanied by a SIGNED Application form in order for us to hold your personal data in line with current data legislation.


Joining Fee £15.00 (New Members)

Full Membership £50.00

Associate Member £10.00

Junior Member £10.00 (Under 18)

Lockers £5.00

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RINK FEES from 1st Sep 2024
2 hour Session (1 Hour)

Member             £4.00 (£2.00)

Junior                  £2.00 (£1.00)

Non Member  £6.00 (£3.00)

County/National           £4.00