Keith Rippin achieves Level Two coaching grade

Post date: Dec 15, 2015 2:57:01 PM

Bowls coaching has become an integral part of the Stamford Indoor Club's 25th anniversary programme of activities with more than 30 attending regular sessions for adults on a Saturday morning. Juniors are also catered for after 4pm on a Thursday.

A key figure in the set-up is club chairman Keith Rippin (68), who has recently qualified as a Level Two coach.

Says Keith, a former Northants Federation county champion, who took up the game when the club was formed in 1990: " I have always had great enjoyment from playing and reaching the next level in coaching enables me to give something back to a game that has given me so much.

"It is also very satisfying to help bowlers progress to a level that suits them."

Stamford IBC will be staging an open morning for potential bowlers, aged from eight to 80 on Saturday, January 9 (from 9.30am) where both coaches and experienced bowlers will be on hand for introductory sessions.