Stamford & District Indoor Bowls Association believes bowls is for everyone regardless of their ability and this is enshrined in our constitution which states "Membership of The Association shall be open to anyone interested in the sport regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.

Above photo is of coaches attending a disability coaching training day.

Indeed disability need not be drawback to participating in the sport as many disabled bowlers are able to compete equally with or against non disabled bowlers. Indeed it is permissible for disabled bowlers to use special equipment to enable them to compete.

At Stamford we encourage disabled bowlers to compete alongside their non disabled counterparts but can and have arranged sessions specifically for disabled people including, amputees, blind, those with autistic disorders and those with Alzheimer's etc. Indeed we have several qualified coaches that have been trained in working with the disabled that can assist disabled people to participate in a game that is probably the most accessible game to people of all ages and abilities.

Our excellent facilities are disabled friendly as we have disabled parking spaces, ramped access both into the club and onto to the playing surface. We have a disabled toilet and specially adapted manual wheelchairs, which have wide wheels to make them suitable to run on the playing surface without causing it damage. We are presently trying to raise money to purchase two electric bowls wheelchairs to assist a couple of members with Parkinson's and others who would benefit from using them.  A number of other aids are available including bowls lifters, bowls & jack pushers and bowling arms.

The Association is in the process of applying for the Disability Bowls England Kite Mark which recognises that it has passed a comprehensive series of qualifying requirements in order to offer a first class experience to bowlers with a disability.

Whether you are an existing bowler with a disability and need a bit of extra assistance or you are not yet a bowler but have a disability and would like to try it, why not contact us? We would love to hear from you.

You can contact Keith Rippin on 01780 754274 or email stamfordindoorbowls@btconnect.com

There are several national bowls organisations for disabled people that you may be able to join including some who hold national competitions.  They are:

Disability Bowls England: https://www.disabilitybowlsengland.org.uk/

Visually Impaired Bowls England: http://www.vibowlsengland.org.uk/

British Wheelchair Bowls Association: http://www.bwba.org.uk/

English Amputee & Les Autres Bowls Association: http://www.ealaba.org.uk/

There are also some national disability sport organisations that whilst not bowls specific may be of interest to the disabled bowler.  They are:

British Blind Sport (BBS): www.britishblindsport.org.uk

Cerebral Palsy Sport (CP Sport): http://www.cpsport.org/

Dwarf Sports Association UK: www.dsauk.org

Mencap Sport: www.mencap.org.uk/sport

UK Deaf Sport (UKDS): www.ukdeafsport.org.uk

WheelPower: www.wheelpower.org.uk