
Next Taster Weekend is Sat 14 ^ Sun 15 September from 10am until 4pm Details Here

Coaching available for Beginners & Improvers

Each Saturday,   Register by  9:45am for 10:00 am Start.

Coaching for Beginners & Improvers is available each Saturday Morning during the Winter Season (Mid September to Mid April)

Please register on the morning between 9.30 & 9.45 am for a 10.00 am start. No equipment is necessary as this will be supplied. Only requirement is to wear totally flat (no heel) footwear or remove footwear.

Coaching outside the winter season or more advance coaching throughout the year is available by arrangement.  We may be able to correct faults, arrange purposeful practice sessions and develop your team skills and competitive play etc. Please speak to one of our coaches.

All of our coaches are registered with the national coaching organisation ‘Coach Bowls’ and have insurance cover.

Several of our coaches have received safeguarding training and some have also received training in working with disabled people.

Included on this page are several videos that may be of interest to new and improving bowlers,