Helen makes history in previously male preserve

Post date: Sep 27, 2018 11:28:29 AM

Helen Holroyd, 23-year-old winner of the English Women's Bowling Federation Under 25 singles this summer, will make her debut in the EBF's Derbyshire (Inter-county) Trophy indoor championship match between Northants' A & B teams at Stamford on October 14.

The student, qualifying for the B side as a member of the Stamford Town Club, is believed to be the first woman to represent the county in this traditionally all-male competition, even though the rules do not prevent females taking part.

Helen, who has already had an England indoor (EIBA) Under 25 trial and is a category 1 coach, plays regularly on the Stamford IBC carpet so will be familiar with the slick surface when matched with and against fellow club members in this crucial Derbyshire match against an A team captained by James Harford.

Helen is paired with Cliff Watson and Peter Brown. Other members of the squad are: Mike Ramsden, Richard Allam & John Holroyd; Brian Bassam, Dick Noble and Paul Bailey; Les Sharp, Mick Linnell and Rod Maplethorpe.

Says B team captain Malcolm Squires: "I am pleased to announce Helen has joined our Northants B team and will be playing in our first game. Some other members of the team for that game have already been notified and agreed to play. The rest of the team will be selected over the next few days.

"I will not be using the rotating squad system this season and selecting on a match to match basis."

Northants B team fixtures are: Sunday, October 14 at Stamford v Northants A; Sunday November 18 at Gallows IBC v Norfolk; Sunday, December 2 at Lincoln IBC v Lincs; Sunday, January 6 Home at Peterborough IBC v North Cambs; Sunday February 17 at Peterborough v Hunts.

FOOTNOTE: Helen Holroyd is one of a handful of women competing in the Nigel Kettle Memorial Singles circuit tournament at Stamford on Saturday night and Sunday (September 29 & 30). World-ranked Nick Brett and Greg Harlow are among the other 61 bowlers also taking part. BW