Koos Verkiak interview with David Alan Binder

Koos Verkaik interview with David Alan Binder

Usually I start with the author’s bio; however, you have to see it for yourself to believe it. (not sure I can condense it, lol!)

Biography:  https://koosverkaik.com/index.php/sample-page/

Website: www.koosverkaik.com

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Koos-Verkaik/e/B001JXJGMA

I live in Zoetermeer, a place in The Netherlands not far from The Hague, close to the grey North Sea. My country borders both Belgium and Germany.


Most important is that I learned about myself, it was soon obvious that I have a lot to tell.

Never had a writer’s block. Started writing when I was seven years old, was Europe’s

youngest script writer for comic when I was sixteen sand my first novel was written and published when I was eighteen. Worked for some time as a copywriter – telling things short and to the point. Found out that I have a lot of questions about life, about our past and future.

So I read lots and lots of nonfiction books and lots and lots of novels, I have a big workroom full of books. I write a lot about eternal life, about crazy jesters, about the impossible things that can only happen in books.

That is what my novels are about.

For children I write pure entertainment, kids should have a great time when they read my books. Like my series of children’s books Alex and the Wolpertinger, about the amazing friendship between a clever boy and a mean, wonderful, odd, mysterious, magic, terrifying, great, supernatural, awesome, amazing, clever, unequalled, unbelievable wolpertinger… I work on book 14 now.

All writing I learned to know myself – a hardworking man, embracing the craziest ideas, telling stories a Dutch publisher (the prestigious Arbeiderspers in Amsterdam) simply described as Magic, Mystery and Adventure.

You can read my novels just as an entertaining thriller.

You can also reads between the lines.

It is my goal to give the dear reader a wonderful time.

But in the meantime I come up with topics, questions, mean ideas, odd thoughts.

I can explain this the best by telling something about my novel Dance of the Jester, published by Outer Banks Publishing Group, North Carolina, USA:

“Read between the lines and notice the signs of the times!

Suddenly, at the end of the twenty-first century, the world changes.

The tycoons rule and name themselves kings. It Is a time of extravagance and decadence, extreme power and richness.

The world is one big party.

And there is chaos!

No one seems to wonder how this all had come to be.

No one seems to wonder what is actually happening.

No one seems to care about anything anymore.

Except for Oscar Man, the illegitimate son of tycoon, Otto Man.

In these turbulent times, called the Second Renaissance, strange creatures come into power and try to subjugate every single human being. Oscar Man is a very strange creature, too who can show the way to freedom. He was once a prince, but now is treated as a pariah, with nothing to lose and so much to win for the world…

His journey leads him from Switzerland to the USA and back, searching for a special manuscript that will reveal the necessary revelation to free the world.

The enemy makes the poor jester, Oscar Man, dance. But ultimately the former prince will manage to solve the world’s biggest problems ever!”

The reader will recognize the big troubles we are having right now – greed, the destroying of our world, the power of money…

As a boy, I started working for publishers who also owned a printing house. They needed copy to print. A local publisher (Marinus Sanders) called my mother, asking about me – he wanted to have a word with me. Not much later I wrote a commercial regional novel and a thriller for him; hard covers, 20,000 copies each. He also published one of my own novels, Psycho Park. Another publisher approached me and published my novel Adolar. He invited me to the printing house to see how the presses produced my paperback. I was eighteen, nineteen years old and saw my own novels in a book shop window. It made me so proud!

Have worked with publishers all my life. And then it was time to get my books published in English.

I have a literary agent, Mrs. Emerantia A. Parnall-Gilbert from the Gilbert Literary Agency.

Two publishers in the USA: Outer Banks Publishing Group and Angry Eagle Publishing.

One publisher in Greece, Anima Publications.

And a big publisher in India, New Delhi, Pharos Books. Editor-in-chief Neeharika Lodhi and editor Mahip Bhatia take good care of me – they publish my books in English, Hindi, French, Spanish and even Japanese. Neeharika sent me one of my books in Hindi and I could not even read my own name… Exciting times! Some weeks ago they send me a parcel containing eight new titles… The pile is still growing.

The literary agent is very important. Find an agent in your genre. The internet is perfect to start searching. Look for an agent who is willing to receive an e-mail. An agent will tell you if your book is good enough or not. If it is good enough, he will give you a contract and do his utmost to get your worked under the attention of the right publishers.

The secret tip: never pay an agent. Never pay a publisher. Don’t believe in sharks. Believe in yourself and keep on writing.

Literary agents cannot do everything. It is your manuscript that is the most important – did you write a commercial book, can you explain to an agent why your work is good and different from what other writers produce?

Too many writers think it is enough to come up with an unfinished book.

Finish your work and write a perfect synopsis.

First ask an agent if she/he is willing to read your synopsis and maybe the first two or three

chapters from your manuscript.

Yes. Simple: read (both nonfiction and fiction) and write. Don’t wait for so called inspiration; just write. Never imitate a famous author, you will never be as good as she/he. Create your own style and believe in yourself.

I have about ninety different publications on my bookshelf, both novels and children’s books.

I must have written more than 70 different titles. I made records and wrote hundreds of scripts for comic artists. Many, many more new titles to come.

As said, it is important to read. And it is important to write as much as possible. The real talented writer does not need tricks or tips, because he goes his own way and loves to sit down and concentrate on a new manuscript.

I love to write about different times, more than often start in a faraway past and then come back to the present. Writing a book is playing with words, playing with characters, playing with time. But it is up to every writer to come up with clever surprises.

Here are two examples for my novel Heavenly Vision, by readers:

5 Stars: “Heavenly Vision by Koos Verkaik was a very intriguing read right from the start.

The way the many characters and situations flow in and out like a giant puzzle throughout keep the reader interested. The end of course was satisfyingly brilliant as all the ties connect. I don’t like to give away spoilers but I will say between the haunting document of 1745, a paranormal preacher of a strange cult and good old fashioned modern revenge make for a

book I could not put down....”

5 Stars: “I have just ended a wonderful piece of work by Koos Verkaik. And what do I think of his book? Take a look. This volume is for persons who would love a good quirk.

Shout out to Heavenly Vision!

The author is exceptionally engaging and the odd characters are remarkable and entertaining.

This title has a skillful scheme filled with fascination, conundrums and clarity themes.

His style of writing is unlike anything else, so I'm inviting you myself, to enjoy a spiritual and

fictitious story from start to ending. I'm commending this book as Glory!”

I write typical ‘Koos Verkaik Books’, I take the reader by the hand and show him worlds he has never seen before. Magic, mystery and adventures, as said, but I never keep the reader in the dark – at the end of the book I always come up with an explanation. I like to write about jesters, odd figures who are able to change every situation. I read nonfiction about science, but also collect books about the occult, alchemy, the supernatural.

Sometimes one thought is enough for me to start writing a novel.

For instance: how could Neanderthal men survive an ice age?

That is all I need and then I start writing. And so I wrote Neanderthal Dreams:

Once our ancestors shared their world with another human species – Neanderthal man!

How did the mysterious Neanderthal man survived the ice ages?

Did they prefer to gather round the bonfires and meet each other in their dreams?

Businessman Jacques Poiron makes use of Neanderthal magic and becomes an extremely

wealthy man.

He decides to share his secrets with his grandson Victor.

Victor travels from the USA to France – to the land of Cro-Magnon tribes and Neanderthal man.

There he learns how Jacques Poiron has built himself a fantasy world where he spends most

of his time – and he is also able to predict the future!

Everything goes totally wrong when strangers enter this secret dream world.

Victor realizes that eventually everything boils down to this absurd but topical question:

“Can a judge condemn a man because he murdered another man in his dreams?”

What is one unusual way in which you promote your work?

By music… I play a lot of instruments and have a small studio in my workroom. Every now and then I show a clip on the internet.

Here is an example:

Heavenly Vision Blues, played by Koos Verkaik:


12  What is the one thing you would do differently now and why?

Nothing. Every new book is a different adventure for me. I write fast. People from IBM once suggested me to get connected to one of their computers, so they could see what was going on in my odd mind when I was typing words so fast. I am a happy man, content with what I do.

13,  Anything else you would like to say?

I take the opportunity to tell more about Dance of the Jester:

Koos ‘The Jester’ Verkaik, is a prolific Dutch author of fantasy, science fiction and horror - a

master at creating sensational work full of magic, horror, mystery and adventure. Verkaik has written over seventy titles, including his great book HIM, after the UFO Crash. He is one of the most productive writers of this time; many new books will follow! He calls Dance of The Jester his most intellectual book, referring to the daring plot, fast changing scenes and all the

odd characters…

Dance of The Jester is about greed, ultimate power, complete chaos, extravagant festivities,

doom, extreme wealth, pain, desire, complete madness, a future we never asked for…

Do we all finally get what we deserve… or are we up to a world we never wanted to live in at


Dare to read between the lines and shiver! Dance of The Jester takes us to the pitch black times that lie ahead of us.

Visions of what might happen to all of us… It takes a jester to take pity on us and help us to avoid a total disaster!

My agent in the USA suggested I ask Bill Thompson to read Dance of the Jester.

Bill was the editor of the first books of Stephen King and John Grisham, a charismatic man of great reputation. He read the manuscript and invited me to discuss it with him.

On a scorching hot day, we found ourselves in his office in the Empire State Building in New York and together we revised and polished the manuscript and made changes in the plot. He was more than satisfied with the story, and in the meantime, he has read more of my manuscripts.

I think Dance of the Jester is one of my best books.

I thank David Alan Binder for this interview – all the best from The Netherlands!