You are you through and through

Post date: Sep 1, 2017 10:04:24 PM

You are you through and through

It can be attested that no matter how successful you are you still have to face yourself at the end of the day. This includes what you are, what you’ve done, and / or what someone else has done to you.

There are so many celebrities that have committed suicide because they could not face or erase themselves and let go of where or what they’ve come from.

Circumstances do not define us, yet we continually let an abuse, a wrong, a manipulation by someone else define us. You, Dear Reader and Dear Writer, are the biographer of your life and the first thing we write has to be our story. Write it compassionately, write it truthfully, write it without fault, write it in all the gory, gut wrenching, heart pounding drama that we can muster. Yes, we have all made mistakes, we’ve all done things we are not proud of, we’ve bullied, manipulated and lied and just been plain mean at times. But NOT all the time, usually not on purpose or if on purpose we have regretted, and had remorse and been truly sorrowful for what we’ve done. All of which means we have to move on.

An eraser is a good thing. It can help us take a story that we don’t like and make it into one we like.

We need to erase or fix that part of our life we don’t like, walk away from loved ones that abuse, manipulate, cross us, are mean, are bullies, who don’t need to be part of our life since they won’t change.

We change, we move on, we choose the family we want to associate with since they are kind, loving, and most of all appreciate us for who we are and want to become. They may not be blood relatives but so what. They are the people who make life meaningful to you.

Erase all the bad parts and write in the good parts. Writing in this case is do those things in your life that you want to do, of what you want to be and how you can be that kind of person you are proud of.

We all need to be that kind of person FIRST to ourselves. Then we can be that kind of person to those who are our loved ones.

Like the song below we have to erase

“I'll face myself to cross out what I've become

Erase myself

And let go of what I've done” “What I’ve Done”: song lyrics by Linkin Park

Or maybe in other people’s case:

… to let go of what someone else has done.

“After all, if we are not here to help each other, then what are we here for?”