Break from the past and launch into the future

Post date: Aug 17, 2015 9:46:16 PM

Break from the past and launch into the future

There are no fortune tellers; however, past experience can be a predictor of future behavior. UNLESS; you break from the past and launch yourself into the future; reinventing yourself and becoming the person you want to be.

Let’s introduce you to your new self. This is how I did it. About 3 years ago, I was in good shape but wanted to be in much better shape. I started exercising. I've kept this up regularly for 3 years.

Many years ago as an adult I obtained my Bachelor’s degree taking 10 years (1 course a semester) when all the “kids” around me came and went, year after year, passing me left and right. I turtled on. I graduated just like them (just at a later date, sometimes even years after them). I did not attend the graduation since I felt no sense of community or being part of the group.

6 Years ago I decided to get my Master’s degree. 3 years later I finished a two and one half year program (better track record than my bachelor’s for sure). This time I attended the graduation which happened to also fall on my birthday (double celebration). This time I had a sense of community since several (4) of the graduates were from my place of work and all of us had started at about the same time (about 12 of us total) so it was beautiful.

My son has finished his Bachelor’s and has started his Masters; he is so much younger and has so much more earning potential. I am proud of him, as I am with all my children, all of whom have all done really well.

Good habits make for a very good future. Start your good habits today and see what a difference it makes not only in your life, but your family’s life.