Life isn’t any fun unless there are obstacles to overcome

Post date: Apr 29, 2018 11:20:47 PM

Life isn’t any fun unless there are obstacles to overcome

The above statement came from an individual who is in a wheelchair (for the last year or so).

Obstacles make us stronger. It gives our mind something to work on and to be able to either solve or come up with a work around.

What is your obstacle?

What is challenging you?

Where are you stuck?

Knowing these answers will help you to know where to concentrate your attention and bring all your focus on solving those or that issue.

You my friend, Dear Readers and Dear Writers, are magnificent creatures!

The human being is 'under the worst of circumstances, human beings are magnificent creatures' (quote from a Robert McKee article on comedy).

It is those worst circumstances, whether created by others, or even ourselves, is not what defines us. It is how we tackle and solve those circumstances that define us.

Let me help you overcome what is blocking you. I look forward to hearing you.