Another zinger

Post date: Jul 11, 2015 4:05:42 PM

I was messing around in my Google apps and stuff and just noticed that Google has a thing called Blogger. I thought to myself, wait, I created a blog on my Google site. How can there be a thing called Blogger.

So I will have to check that out and see if it adds value.

Good words to live by, adds value. If there is something that you are doing in your life or your writing that does not add value then it might be a good thing to see if it is really necessary and if not, drop it!

So this Blogger thing has zinged me and once again my paradigm may be shifting. I guess we will see. As I check this out there may eventually be a post and a link that leads you to Blogger.

Who knows what the future holds? Only you, if you write it, then you hold a good future in your hands.

Thanks, Dear Writers, for another successful bantering and I love the fact that you are so open to new topics that touch on writing.