Ginny Rorby interview with David Alan Binder

Post date: Feb 3, 2016 2:16:31 PM

Author Ginny Rorby interview with David Alan Binder

Her answers are interesting and she encourages you, Dear Writers and Dear Readers to join a writers group; as I have encouraged you to do the same. Read on for more information.

Her Blog:

Her Website:

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Amazon: Ginny

1. How do you pronounce your name (only answer if appropriate)?

Rorby Roar bee

2. Where are you currently living?

About 160 miles north of San Francisco on the coast of northern California. Paradise after 25 years in Miami.

3. Where would you like to live?

Exactly where I am, or the Galapagos.

4. Why did you start writing?

To avoid taking Organic Chemistry, Physics and Trig to finish my degree in Biology. I took a creative writing class, and loved it. Never did take those final requirements, so have an AB in Biology instead of a BS.

5. What is the most important thing that you have learned in your writing experience, so far?

That it’s hard work.

6. What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

I don’t have any quirks, (that I’m aware of) but I’m an ex-flight attendant and wrote my first novel standing up in the lower galley of a DC 10 on flights to and from London.

7. Tell us your insights on self-publish or use a publisher?

Use a publisher if you can. They still have wherewithal to get your book exposed to the most eyeballs.

a. Who is the name of your publisher and in what city are they?

Every one of my book was published by a different house. Tor Books, Lerner, Dial Penguin, and Scholastic. All are in NY except Lerner.

8. Any insights eBooks vs. print books and alternative vs. conventional publishing?

As much as I love the feel of a real book in my hands, I’ve drifted toward eBooks. I fell in love with them during one our many power outages. For my books, print does better than eBooks, mainly because the greatest number of sales are in schools. For me, conventional has done the best.

9. Do you have any secret tips for writers on getting a book published?

Write a great book. I’m not being flippant. And even if you’ve written a modern-day War and Peace, you will have a hard time finding a publisher, so don’t give up. And don’t follow trends. By the time you write your trend-chasing book, a new trend will catch the public’s attention.

10. How did you acquire an agent? Any tips for new writers on getting one?

Through other writer-friends. The next best way is to attend a writers conference. A lot of agents and editors will not accept unsolicited manuscripts except from conference attendees.

11. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? From newspaper stories, newscasts, and reading.

12. Do you have any suggestions or helps for new writers?

Find a writers group. Join a writers club. Take a creative writing class. Don’t try to go it alone. Reliable, trustworthy feedback is invaluable.

13. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

That I’m actually a good storyteller. I didn’t know that, because I’d never tried to write anything before taking that class.

14. How many books have you written?

10; 5 published, 5 unpublished.

15. Do you have any tricks or tips to help others become a better writer?

You have to write and you have to read. Like any art form, you have to practice.

16. We’ve heard that it is good to provide twists in a good story. How do you do this?

I’m not sure you could call what happens in my books twists. I try to grab the reader and not let go. Since I write for kids—middle grade and young adult—my books are rapidly paced.

17. What makes your book stand out from the crowd?

I’m an animal rights advocate, so nearly all my books are about a character with some form of disability finding his / her strength and moral center through a relationship with nature and / or an animal in need of help.

18. What are some ways in which you promote your work?




Amazon: Ginny

19. What is the one thing you would do differently now (concerning writing) and why?

I would have started when I 20 instead of mid-life, and I would have listened more closely to the good advice I received when I started out.

20. What would you like carved onto your tombstone? Or what saying or mantra do you live by?

"If the book will be too difficult for grownups, then you write it for children."

Madeleine L'Engle


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