Peter Dickinson an author who was a late bloomer

Post date: Dec 28, 2015 2:46:53 PM

Peter Dickinson an author who was a late bloomer

I like to highlight authors that may inspire us, Dear Writes and Dear Readers.

Peter Dickinson who passed away just last Wednesday December 16, 2015 was an author of 60 novels but did not publish his first novel until he had reached age 40.

So when he died at age of 88 he had published approximately one and a fourth book per year in so many genres from crime, to science fiction, to fantasy, to adventure and including suspense. This proves that there are possibilities for all of us.

In The New York Times article, the like is here:

Peter Dickinson was self-described as “…not the tops.”; however, he was able to capture hearts and awards with his novels. He just had a “taste unusual situations” and this made him “a highly unpredictable genre writer.” So use your taste for whatever situations that you may imagine and be unpredictable and therefore use these tools to write better and capitalize on your talents.

Let’s develop your talents together, Dear Writers and Dear Readers, let me help you with that unpredictability.

If you a published author or in a band with or without a book or an up and coming celebrity and want to garner following or get your message out there then I’d like to interview you and feature you and your book(s) or message on this web site in one of my blogs.

A word to the wise is sufficient, right, Dear Writers and Dear Readers?

I would love to help you, Dear Writers; at the same time you will be helping me be a better coach and editor.

Write Coach service (Donations accepted) - Contact me at dalanbinder at gmail dot com or ab3ring at juno dot com

Ghost Writing service - Contact me at dalanbinder at gmail dot com or ab3ring at juno dot com

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