Write Coach
Post date: Aug 18, 2015 1:38:55 PM
Dear Writers, wouldn't it be nice to have someone coach you and tell you what to do next and when you made a good decision, and where are some places to turn for something you dearly need, plus to have someone just to talk with about your project and if an idea is good, great or super?
Here I am, your personal Write Coach.
Give me a try. Send me an email at ab3ring at juno dot com or dalanbinder at gmail dot com, either one. Ask me questions, pump me for information, let me know what your are thinking or even try me out as an advisor and editor.
See it fits you. You may just found out the next best thing, oh wait, the real best thing is it is free.
Dear Writers, when there is too much demand for coaching then the service may change but for now it is free.
This is not a one time offer but totally free and let's do this!