Get Zen
Post date: Jul 19, 2015 2:47:27 PM
I am Zen. I have Zen. Can you feel the Zen?
All of the sentences above are incorrect. Zen is something totally different.
Link to: to find out what Zen actually is.
A quote from that web site below:
"An Introduction to Zen"
"by Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, reprinted from Tricycle with permission from Roshi Enkyo"
"What is Zen?"
"The word “Zen” is tossed around so carelessly in the commercial world, the human potential world, the world of design, and in popular culture in general, that for someone new to it as an authentic spiritual tradition, it has become too vague to have much meaning. Real Zen is the practice of coming back to the actual right-now-in-this-moment self, coming back to the naturalness, the intimacy and simplicity of our true nature. Zen practice is not about getting away from our life as it is; it is about getting into our life as it is, with all of its vividness, beauty, hardship, joy and sorrow. Zen is a path of awakening: awakening to who we really are, and awakening the aspiration to serve others and take responsibility for all of life."
I'm an advocate of getting into your moment of writing as much as possible for the greatest productivity.
Take a listen on You Tube for these music masters that produce music that can possibly help you get into that moment.
Jonn Serrie and / or Steve Roach; both are excellent and have a type of mood music that produces results for me.
Try it you may like it.
Love to you, Dear Writer. Now go get Zen!