What I am and what I am not

Post date: Nov 21, 2015 4:02:43 PM

What I am and what I am not

It is extremely important to know what you are about, Dear Writers. I know that I am not a medical professional although at times I may dispense health options, I know I am not a mental professional or therapist; however, occasionally if people ask I have given them options. I am not an athlete but I appreciate an exceptional person who can perform feats of prowess that I can not and I have even attempted some athleticism several years ago (I still stay in shape though).

I am a writer and as a writer I follow through on becoming better every day. As sure as the sun rises one must put effort and devotion into play in order to progress. Doing nothing allows one to stand still and a body at rest does not become a writer. I finished the Eric Van Lustbader book I was reading and now am reading Bernard Cornwell “Agincourt”. Mr. Cornwell has written and published so many books that if fills two pages in this book I am reading. He is quite accomplished and I am sure has practice more than many of us. Nevertheless that does not discourage me but encourages me for I believe that I too will have many books published and will follow in his and many other authors footsteps.

I am leaving bread crumbs which will allow you to follow me and make it easier for you, Dear Writers, just keep reading this blog and email me once in a while to keep in touch and update me with your progress. I’d love to hear from you.

Already I’ve received many emails with words of encouragement, suggestions for the website and blog and helping others with their projects.

And as always, Dear Writers keep writing and I am here to help you to be sure it is finished and ready for publishing.

I would love to help you, Dear Writers; at the same time you will be helping me be a better coach and editor.

Write Coach service (Donations accepted) - Contact me at dalanbinder at gmail dot com or ab3ring at juno

dot com

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Even further feedback and tips are appreciated, see the Tip Jar tab.

Tips from $1 to $110 are definitely appreciated.

Now I've been told by professionals that this old website requires an upgrade. In order for this to happen a benefactor will be required. Benefactors please contact me before your donations of $1000 to $10,000 or more.

Thanks so much to all of you.