Love this article on tips from 23 Famous Writers

Post date: Oct 5, 2015 1:47:06 PM

Love this article on tips from 23 Famous Writers ( and some not so famous) to us wannabees.

It is located at Aerogramme Writers’ Studio: g-authors/

I love it so much. Read each one, reread each one. At least one or more will appeal to you and give you a sense of direction.

Take each of them to heart and then do it.

When you hit a dry spell and need more propellant, and then read this web site Writer’s Digest on The Top Secrets of Bestselling Authors.

This is quite a bit longer and takes more time. I have just read a few and so far, it is great as well. I plan to finish reading it in the near future.

Dear Writers, why haven’t you contacted me? Not those of you that have, but those of you that have not contacted me. Let’s get going and contact me, if nothing else, give me some feedback if you are not looking for feedback on your project.

Ab3ring at juno dot com or dalanbinder at gmail dot com



<title>David Alan Binder – Write Coach, Love this article on tips from 23 Famous Writers ( and some not so famous) to us wannabees.

It is located at Aerogramme Writers’ Studio: g-authors/

I love it so much. Read each one, reread each one. At least one or more will appeal to you and give you a sense of direction.

Take each of them to heart and then do it.

When you hit a dry spell and need more propellant, and then read this web site Writer’s Digest on The Top Secrets of Bestselling Authors.

This is quite a bit longer and takes more time. I have just read a few and so far, it is great as well. I plan to finish reading it in the near future.

Dear Writers, why haven’t you contacted me? Not those of you that have, but those of you that have not contacted me. Let’s get going and contact me, if nothing else, give me some feedback if you are not looking for feedback on your project.


<meta name="description=" content="David Alan Binder (aka dalanbinder) provides a blog for Writers, Love this article on tips from 23 Famous Writers ( and some not so famous) to us wannabees.

It is located at Aerogramme Writers’ Studio: g-authors/

I love it so much. Read each one, reread each one. At least one or more will appeal to you and give you a sense of direction.

Take each of them to heart and then do it.

When you hit a dry spell and need more propellant, and then read this web site Writer’s Digest on The Top Secrets of Bestselling Authors.

This is quite a bit longer and takes more time. I have just read a few and so far, it is great as well. I plan to finish reading it in the near future.

Dear Writers, why haven’t you contacted me? Not those of you that have, but those of you that have not contacted me. Let’s get going and contact me, if nothing else, give me some feedback if you are not looking for feedback on your project.



