Gloria Gavris interview with David Alan Binder
Post date: Feb 28, 2016 4:25:01 PM
Good Reads:
National Distributors : Follet School Solutions, Baker Taylor, Brodart Books, Amazon, Barnes Noble & her website.
1. Pronounce Name:
Gloria GaV Ris
2. I live in a suburb outside of Boston, Massachusetts
3. When did you start writing?
This is my first book. I am a retired lawyer, former lobbyist and presently very active in my community doing various civic and volunteer work. I was inspired to write a children's book by the questions my two sons were asking me during the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. I am a self-professed political junkie and consequently was glued to talk radio and television coverage during those two historical elections. I grew up in an active politically engaged family with my Dad running twice for mayor of my hometown and my older brother elected to the Massachusetts State Senate. I started writing this book after the 2012 election, hoping to instill a love of elections, voting and democracy in children, one book, one child at a time.
4. What did I learn about writing experience?
I have learned how much I enjoyed the creative element of writing and most importantly working with the illustrator and seeing my ideas come to life.
5. Do you use Self-publisher vs publisher?
I tried to find a publisher but was unsuccessful; as such I decided to self-publish through a terrific company called Book Bridge Press. They were a terrific team of professionals in the book business and it was a pleasure to work with its editor, art director and illustrator. I called my company "Checkers Book Press" - Checkers was President Richard Nixon's dog, I thought it would make a cute logo, and President Nixon signed into the law giving 18 year olds the right to vote.
6. Do you have an agent?
No, I did not hire an agent and have promoted my book myself through shameless self-promotion of press releases, social media blasts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and personal sales. I love promoting my book during this exciting election season. It has resonated very well with educators, librarians and children.
7. How did you get ideas for your books?
During the 2008 and 2012 elections my sons were always asking me questions - Why are you watching a debate again, didn't you just watch one last week? What is a convention? Why are people waving at me with signs in the town center? I realized that civics was being cut from many elementary schools and I wanted to provide a resource material that could engage and educate young children. It is important that children understand the vocabulary they often hear but seldom understand and put it into context. In "E is for Election Day", I offer an A-to-Z tour of the American electoral process. Words such as Ballots, Conventions, Debates, Fundraising, Grassroots Efforts, etc are defined in a fun engaging way while being paired with vibrant, child friendly illustrations.
8. How does your book stand out from the crowd?
Yes, I think my children's book, "E is for Election Day" stands out by its vibrant child friendly cover of 3 bright and friendly children's faces with the colors of the American flag in the background. For me, this book is about building a "farm team" of young, engaged future voters who will understand their social responsibility as citizens of the USA and register to vote and be engaged in their democratic society. There is not an educational resource for young grades that presents material this way. It is ideally suited for grades 3-5. In addition, characters in the book represent the diversity of the US which was important for me to represent.
9. How do I promote my book?
I've had a lot of fun promoting my book through traditional social media avenues and teacher and library book conventions as well as through political conventions. This book is non-partisan and since I live close to New Hampshire this election season I have had the opportunity to meet almost all the presidential candidates and attend several town halls to meet children and talk about my book. In addition, I have done several elementary school visits. I have traveled to MN, TX, NH, CT, LA, MA, ME & TN. It's been a blast!
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