Here is an excerpt from Story Grid Podcast

Post date: Apr 5, 2018 11:08:32 PM

Here is an excerpt from Story Grid Podcast

I was reading the Story Grid Podcast which is Tim Grahl and Shawn Coyne talking about Tim’s book that he is writing. Shawn is an editor and has been for like 30 years. He’s currently a literary agent, manager and business partner in Black Irish Books for and with Steven Pressfield (the War of Art, Gates of Fire, Turning Pro, Tides of War and the Authentic Swing).

As I was reading this episode:

I came across this excerpt:

“Stories are boiled down works of art. What is art? Art is artifice. It’s taking deep truth and boiling it down to its constituent most important parts.”

Stories are condensed parts of life. Someone said with all the boring stuff taken out. No one cares if or when or what was eaten, unless it is a setting that is needed to put the story in. Take out the mundane stuff.

You know the stuff where nothing happens, the in-between moments, the number of steps from point A to B, the yard mowing, the garbage disposal fixing, the cleaning the room or garage, the washing the car.

UNLESS it is germane to the story and is part of the build to a complication or a release or transition.

I know you can get that story out of you and onto the page. Dear Writers and Dear Readers I am here to help and encourage and proofread and do anything I can to get you from Point A to Point B.

You don’t have to hire me, just email me and let me help. Oh by the way, my helping you is my payoff, so me helping you helps me to accomplish and think and reason and motivate us both.

Let’s work together. Let’s collaborate.