What is hot?

Post date: Sep 19, 2015 4:28:11 PM

What is hot?

Where I live is hot and can be hotter. I live in Southern California where the temperatures can reach over 10 degrees easy even in May and September (like today) and no, I do not live in Death Valley.

It is very arid and that helps since it is a dry heat (as they say). I’ve lived in the Midwest where it gets very humid and prefer the dry since the dryness really helps with evaporation which cools you to some extent.

You determine what is hot. So start determining! Write, hot, fast and furious and let it all out of your system.

Dear Writers, even a single paragraph, a single sentence is the start and feel free to send me just that and I’m good with that and will be just as excited to preview it as I would a full blown novel. Trust me, I love to read and love to help others whenever I am allowed to do it. So allow me to help you and send it. Send it now!

Contact me at ab3ring at juno dot com or dalanbinder at gmail dot com



<title>David Alan Binder – Write Coach, What is hot? , What is not? , Dear Writers, even a single paragraph, a single sentence is the start and feel free to send me just that and I’m good with that and will be just as excited to preview it as I would a full blown novel. Trust me, I love to read and love to help others whenever I am allowed to do it. So allow me to help you and send it. Send it now!


<meta name="description=" content="David Alan Binder (aka dalanbinder) provides a blog for Writers, Dear Writers, even a single paragraph, a single sentence is the start and feel free to send me just that and I’m good with that and will be just as excited to preview it as I would a full blown novel. Trust me, I love to read and love to help others whenever I am allowed to do it. So allow me to help you and send it. Send it now!


