SUBMISSIONS-Calling California and the world
Post date: Jul 5, 2015 12:08:39 AM
I love California. Not only because I live there but because the majority of my viewership is from San Diego (2nd) and Long Beach (4th) and LA (6th). Go figure, but I am good with that. (Chicago is 3rd and New York is 7th)
Dear readers or I should call you dear writers, I am calling California and all English language speakers (due to the fact that I speak primarily English with a smattering of other languages) and that is my target audience but I guess it can always be translated.
Please, send me your submissions. By submissions, I mean whatever manuscripts, books, poems, etc. that you are working on presently and I will give you my humble opinion. This will not mean that you get published or anything other than another critical eye to review your work. A word format is preferred due to the fact that I can put it in a mode that will accept my changes so that you can see my suggestions. When it is returned to you then you will be able to accept or reject the changes at your leisure and selectively.
Give me a week or so to read and review and return it. I have no idea how many I will receive and, of course, it will be first in, first out. I will acknowledge receipt and try to give an approximate return time frame, this will give you an idea (approximately) when to expect it.
Love you, dear writers and here's reading you.
NOTE: No submissions will be accepted in comments only via email. This protects you, dear writer, to ensure that the public is not privy to your writing before you are ready. It takes some chutzpah and some nerve to get to this stage to go public and let's go it in little steps and it will be between you and me and there are no negative repercussions only a true heartfelt review that will help you go further.
SUBMISSIONS: Send to ab3ring a@t juno do.t com (this is a code so any bot and not easily read it)
Please feel free to hit the tip jar for my extra effort on your behalf.