Reject Rejection!!!

Post date: Jul 15, 2017 4:39:05 PM

Reject Rejection!!!

“Reject rejection as many times as it takes until it becomes acceptance.” David Alan Binder

Dear Readers and Dear Writers,

Let me preface the information below by saying, when you click on the link replace “screenwriter” with just “writer” and skip the first 7 paragraphs.

Then read starting with the story of Stephen King down through and to the 15 others who were just like him.

Note the emphasis on “were

After you read the link, then get back to writing with fervor!

Here is a link to an excellent article:

There you go! Dear Writers and Dear Readers now go and write your heart out as only you can.

Yours, David Alan Binder

“After all, if we are not here to help each other, then what are we here for?”

· Feel free to quote, repeat, tweet, Face Plant (my words), or express any version of this you dare. Please, dare.