Holiday or Vacation

Post date: Nov 29, 2015 4:54:11 PM

Holiday or Vacation

Dear Writers and Dear Readers, if you noticed my blog has entries every day last week the week of Thanksgiving and during that period of time I was on holiday (not at my home) and celebrating with my family. In spite of that holiday and the festivities and fun, I wrote my blog every day.

One of those days my viewership hit almost 100 which is 30 percent higher than normal. While I was on holiday my writing did not go on holiday. I did not stop writing and neither should you. This is how you get to the end of the long journey of writing a manuscript or novel or book. Keep writing every day.

Maybe you can use the 80 – 20 rule which is write 80 percent of the time and 20 percent of the time take a break. That’s a good rule that anyone can live with.

Basically it means that in an average month you get six days off from writing. That sounds a little harder to do but it is still doable. It’s a good target to aim for and if you don’t hit it you still have made good progress.

“If your road is paved with good intentions then it is not paved or only partially paved.” A quote from David Alan Binder, I just made up this quote and even checked the internet right now and there is nothing out there just like that quote.

Dear Writers and Dear Readers, start paving today.

I would love to help you, Dear Writers; at the same time you will be helping me be a better coach and editor.

Write Coach service (Donations accepted) - Contact me at dalanbinder at gmail dot com or ab3ring at juno dot com

Do the social thing and like this blog to your friends and family; recommend it often, I’d appreciate it. See the social tab.

Even further feedback and tips are appreciated, see the Tip Jar tab.

Tips from $1 to $110 are definitely appreciated.

Now I've been told by professionals that this old website requires an upgrade. In order for this to happen a benefactor will be required. Benefactors please contact me before your donations of $1000 to $10,000 or more.

Thanks so much to all of you.



<title>David Alan Binder – Write Coach

Holiday or Vacation

Dear Writers and Dear Readers, if you noticed my blog has entries every day last week the week of Thanksgiving and during that period of time I was on holiday (not at my home) and celebrating with my family. In spite of that holiday and the festivities and fun, I wrote my blog every day.

One of those days my viewership hit almost 100 which is 30 percent higher than normal. While I was on holiday my writing did not go on holiday. I did not stop writing and neither should you. This is how you get to the end of the long journey of writing a manuscript or novel or book. Keep writing every day.

Maybe you can use the 80 – 20 rule which is write 80 percent of the time and 20 percent of the time take a break. That’s a good rule that anyone can live with.

Basically it means that in an average month you get six days off from writing. That sounds a little harder to do but it is still doable. It’s a good target to aim for and if you don’t hit it you still have made good progress.

“If your road is paved with good intentions then it is not paved or only partially paved.” A quote from David Alan Binder, I just made up this quote and even checked the internet right now and there is nothing out there just like that quote.

Dear Writers and Dear Readers, start paving today.


<meta name="description=" content="David Alan Binder (aka dalanbinder) provides a blog for Writers Holiday or Vacation

Dear Writers and Dear Readers, if you noticed my blog has entries every day last week the week of Thanksgiving and during that period of time I was on holiday (not at my home) and celebrating with my family. In spite of that holiday and the festivities and fun, I wrote my blog every day.

One of those days my viewership hit almost 100 which is 30 percent higher than normal. While I was on holiday my writing did not go on holiday. I did not stop writing and neither should you. This is how you get to the end of the long journey of writing a manuscript or novel or book. Keep writing every day.

Maybe you can use the 80 – 20 rule which is write 80 percent of the time and 20 percent of the time take a break. That’s a good rule that anyone can live with.

Basically it means that in an average month you get six days off from writing. That sounds a little harder to do but it is still doable. It’s a good target to aim for and if you don’t hit it you still have made good progress.

“If your road is paved with good intentions then it is not paved or only partially paved.” A quote from David Alan Binder, I just made up this quote and even checked the internet right now and there is nothing out there just like that quote.

Dear Writers and Dear Readers, start paving today.


