Stacy Schiff author of Cleopatra, A Life and now author of the new novel The Witches, Salem 1692
Post date: Nov 3, 2015 3:08:32 PM
Stacy Schiff author of Cleopatra, A Life and now author of the new novel The Witches, Salem 1692
There is a news article about her on CBS News at the link below
Stacy Schiff author of Cleopatra, A Life and now author of the new novel The Witches, Salem 1692 is overwhelmingly an author that is worth all of our time to read and inspire us to greater heights, Dear Writers.
She is an award winning author and writer. Her web site is located here:
I am featuring this author simply due to the fact that after seeing her books and the breadth of information involved and the range of the author is incredible. She reaches out and touches people from across a plethora of emotion, depth, knowledge and ages. From Franklin, Benjamin, to Salem to Cleopatra she takes history and makes it live and breathe with you.
Thank you, Stacy Schiff for your contributions to reading and the craft of writing.
How I can help you? With anything you’d like, even writing.
Write Coach service (Donations accepted) - Contact me at dalanbinder at gmail dot com or ab3ring at juno dot com
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<title>David Alan Binder – Write Coach
Stacy Schiff author of Cleopatra, A Life and now author of the new novel The Witches, Salem 1692
There is a news article about her on CBS News at the link below
Stacy Schiff author of Cleopatra, A Life and now author of the new novel The Witches, Salem 1692 is overwhelmingly an author that is worth all of our time to read and inspire us to greater heights, Dear Writers.
She is an award winning author and writer. Her web site is located here:
I am featuring this author simply due to the fact that after seeing her books and the breadth of information involved and the range of the author is incredible. She reaches out and touches people from across a plethora of emotion, depth, knowledge and ages. From Franklin, Benjamin, to Salem to Cleopatra she takes history and makes it live and breathe with you.
Thank you, Stacy Schiff for your contributions to reading and the craft of writing.
How I can help you? With anything you’d like, even writing.
<meta name="description=" content="David Alan Binder (aka dalanbinder) provides a blog for Writers Stacy Schiff author of Cleopatra, A Life and now author of the new novel The Witches, Salem 1692
There is a news article about her on CBS News at the link below
Stacy Schiff author of Cleopatra, A Life and now author of the new novel The Witches, Salem 1692 is overwhelmingly an author that is worth all of our time to read and inspire us to greater heights, Dear Writers.
She is an award winning author and writer. Her web site is located here:
I am featuring this author simply due to the fact that after seeing her books and the breadth of information involved and the range of the author is incredible. She reaches out and touches people from across a plethora of emotion, depth, knowledge and ages. From Franklin, Benjamin, to Salem to Cleopatra she takes history and makes it live and breathe with you.
Thank you, Stacy Schiff for your contributions to reading and the craft of writing.
How I can help you? With anything you’d like, even writing.