Seth Godin Fails!
Post date: Apr 9, 2018 12:05:07 AM
Seth Godin Fails!
This is the headline that captures your attention. Wait a minute! You know that Seth Godin from Googling him that this is Seth Godin’s Bio from his website:
“SETH GODIN is the author of 18 books that have been bestsellers around the world and have been translated into more than 35 languages. He writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything. You might be familiar with his books Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip and Purple Cow.
In addition to his writing and speaking, Seth founded both Yoyodyne and Squidoo. His blog (which you can find by typing "Seth" into Google) is one of the most popular in the world.
He was recently inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, one of three chosen for this honor in 2013.
Recently, Godin once again set the book publishing industry on its ear by launching a series of four books via Kickstarter. The campaign reached its goal after three hours and ended up becoming the most successful book project ever done this way.
His newest book, What To Do When It's Your Turn, is already a bestseller.”
So what do I mean with the headline, that Seth Godin is a failure.
In a podcast that I just listened to Seth admits sending through in post to publishers over 800 pitches for books (this is back in the day when if a publisher liked your idea then they would give you some money and you then produce the book and it gets published). I know he sent in OVER 800 pitches for books because he said in the podcast that he received 800 rejection letters.
Whole podcast is here:
Seth has also written over 7000 blog articles. I have written almost 1000 including my interviews.
Thanks for listening, reading and most of all commenting. Appreciate all the thank you’s, the donations, the support and the questions.