James Patterson

Post date: Sep 27, 2015 3:15:18 PM

James Patterson

How can we learn to write like James Patterson. Dear Writers, if only we could right like James Patterson and have dozens of best sellers and millions of avid readers.

Here is the wisdom I have gleaned from the man (just perusing his career and reading about him and others who have taken his Master Class course).

“Some other things James Patterson believes in: Research. Surprises. Action. (If a story isn't galloping along, it’s sinking. Fast.) He’ll tell you that your first sentence had better be a killer. And that every page needs to contain a measure of drama and intrigue; suspense and excitement that keeps the reader in her chair. (I say “her chair” because it turns out that the vast majority of James Patterson’s millions of readers are women. A fact I might not have anticipated.)”

Quoted from the web site by Joyce Maynard, who took his class:

http://observer.com/2015/08/an-accomplished-writer-takes-a-master-class-from-a-gargantuan- selling-writer/

She continues: “When he tells us to write in such a way that our words “turn on the movie projector” in a reader’s head,” I could not be more with him. I even say the same thing, almost word for word, to my own writing students, in the classes I teach…”

Then probably the best advice she gives and which I would give you as well is:

“As my friend Jim says, we should reach for the stars.”

Reach, Dear Writers, Reach for the sky, stars and beyond.

Contact me at ab3ring at juno dot com or dalanbinder at gmail dot com



<title>David Alan Binder – Write Coach, How can we learn to write like James Patterson. Dear Writers, if only we could right like James Patterson and have dozens of best sellers and millions of avid readers.

Here is the wisdom I have gleaned from the man (just perusing his career and reading about him and others who have taken his Master Class course).

“Some other things James Patterson believes in: Research. Surprises. Action. (If a story isn't galloping along, it’s sinking. Fast.) He’ll tell you that your first sentence had better be a killer. And that every page needs to contain a measure of drama and intrigue; suspense and excitement that keeps the reader in her chair. (I say “her chair” because it turns out that the vast majority of James Patterson’s millions of readers are women. A fact I might not have anticipated.)”

Quoted from the web site by Joyce Maynard, who took his class:


<meta name="description=" content="David Alan Binder (aka dalanbinder) provides a blog for Writers, She continues: “When he tells us to write in such a way that our words “turn on the movie projector” in a reader’s head,” I could not be more with him. I even say the same thing, almost word for word, to my own writing students, in the classes I teach…”

Then probably the best advice she gives and which I would give you as well is:

“As my friend Jim says, we should reach for the stars.”

Reach, Dear Writers, Reach for the sky, stars and beyond.


