Hitchcock’s Axiom

Post date: Oct 28, 2015 2:27:28 PM

Hitchcock’s Axiom

Movie director, Alfred Hitchcock he told reporters at the premier of his movie The Man Who Knew Too Much “Movies have lost a lot by this new trend towards documentary realism at the sacrifice of fantasy. After all, drama is life with the dull bits cut out.”

This is from the web site:

http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/drama_is_life_with_the_dull_parts_ cut_out_of_it

Dear Writers, never have the reader watch your character sleep 8 hours. They may know it by things you say but it would be too boring to say it; show your readers, do not tell your readers. Show them through the feelings of your character.

Just that one little nugget will make your stories pop and shine and be different than the ordinary. We read to escape the ordinary and to get excited, thrilled, mesmerized, made to think and feel feelings that we normally might not feel.

Make us leap with the characters from one proverbial ledge to another, grasping and clawing at roots to hold us tight to the face of a treacherous cliff.

Free Write Coach service - Contact me at dalanbinder at gmail dot com or ab3ring at juno dot com

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<title>David Alan Binder – Write Coach, Hitchcock’s Axiom

Movie director, Alfred Hitchcock he told reporters at the premier of his movie The Man Who Knew Too Much “Movies have lost a lot by this new trend towards documentary realism at the sacrifice of fantasy. After all, drama is life with the dull bits cut out.”

This is from the web site:

http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/drama_is_life_with_the_dull_parts_ cut_out_of_it

Dear Writers, never have the reader watch your character sleep 8 hours. They may know it by things you say but it would be too boring to say that, show your readers, do not tell your readers. Show them through the feelings of your character.

Just that one little nugget will make your stories pop and shine and be different than the ordinary. We read to escape the ordinary and to get excited, thrilled, mesmerized, made to think and feel feelings that we normally might not feel.

Make us leap with the characters from one proverbial ledge to another, grasping and clawing at roots to hold us tight to the face of a treacherous cliff.


<meta name="description=" content="David Alan Binder (aka dalanbinder) provides a blog for Writers, Hitchcock’s Axiom

Movie director, Alfred Hitchcock he told reporters at the premier of his movie The Man Who Knew Too Much “Movies have lost a lot by this new trend towards documentary realism at the sacrifice of fantasy. After all, drama is life with the dull bits cut out.”

This is from the web site:

http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/drama_is_life_with_the_dull_parts_ cut_out_of_it

Dear Writers, never have the reader watch your character sleep 8 hours. They may know it by things you say but it would be too boring to say that, show your readers, do not tell your readers. Show them through the feelings of your character.

Just that one little nugget will make your stories pop and shine and be different than the ordinary. We read to escape the ordinary and to get excited, thrilled, mesmerized, made to think and feel feelings that we normally might not feel.

Make us leap with the characters from one proverbial ledge to another, grasping and clawing at roots to hold us tight to the face of a treacherous cliff.



