Michael Punke author of Revenant manages to get the word out without saying a word

Post date: Jan 5, 2016 2:33:46 PM

Michael Punke author of Revenant manages to get the word out without saying a word

The headline from the Independent a UK website says: “Why The Revenant author is banned from discussing the film.”

See site: http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/why-the-revenant-author-isn-t-allowed-to-discuss-the-movie-a6787311.html

It is because of Mr Punke’s high powered federal job and the constrictions of that job. So here is a fellow that has not one excellent paying job but not appears to have two excellent paying jobs. He is not complaining he would just like to comment on it; but he can say nothing about it at all. His first job is “deputy US trade representative and ambassador to the World Trade Organization” has Federal ethics rules the prohibit him from side work that might enrich him. Seems like that it is too late and that he has done so already; however, evidently he has not. Some rules do not make sense and some do make sense and here is one that probably was set up to prevent someone from doing two different government or similar jobs; one in the private sector and one in the government, so they would not misuse the system. An author uses his own time and ingenuity to write and he wrote a darn decent book that was made into a movie.

Sometimes maybe some laws should be changed and maybe they should not be enforced. I do not advocate either or both. What are your thoughts on this subject? It would be nice to hear from you and see what others might have to say about it.

Also, an interesting tidbit in the Independent article it actually misspells Mr. Punke’s name as Punk; proving Dear Writers and Dear Readers that one can make mistakes in spite of the best intentions. I can help you in this regard, if you have not contacted me yet; then why haven’t you?

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