Post date: Jul 6, 2015 4:18:38 AM
Dear Writers, you are wonderful. To ensure that your submissions do not go into my auto delete or trash; please, use a subject line of SUBMISSIONS.
Rules, thus far, are:
1. Currently, all submissions are accepted on any topic or any type of manuscript; poetry, novels, ebooks, etc. A preference of mine is to just sent me 20 pages or less. I may request more but at this time I'd like to limit it to 20 pages due to time constraints.
2. As of this time, there are no other restrictions; however, more may be necessary due to the quantity of submissions. We will take this a day at a time and let you, dear writers, know if there will be more.
Thanks so much, and we will have a beautiful day together as we read you and become familiar with your works.