Camille Barnes interview with David Alan Binder

Post date: May 10, 2016 1:11:23 PM

Camille Barnes interview with David Alan Binder

Dear Readers and Dear Writers, please see Camille’s story on her website it is miraculous to say the least.

This is a very tiny part of her bio (her true story on the web site is a MUST READ): Today Camille continues to keep in touch with her family in California. She currently lives in Louisiana and continues doing artwork, illustrating books and paints.

Children’s illustrators’ site:




1. Where are you currently living?

Near New Orleans, on the north shore of the lake.

2. What is the most important thing that you have learned in your illustrating experience?

As an artist, I needed to learn how to move into a place where I could allow the imagination to be free to express. This is true for any artist. At times it's like moving into a different dimension, your mind cannot engage in the usual cares of the day. (Schedules, kids, bills, errands)

3. What would you say is your most interesting illustrating quirk?

When I am deeply engrossed in concentration, I stick my tongue out of the corner of my mouth. (I do not realize I am doing it, but believe me my husband and kids always let me know if they see me doing it. Of course they think it’s funny.)

4. Do you have any suggestions or helps for new illustrators?

Join illustrators groups like the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. This is a great way for others to find you. Understand that correct habits and behaviors are more effective than having the right tools.

5. What was one of the most surprising things you learned your creative process with your books, editing, publishing or illustrating?

I had in the past illustrated for years for an author/teacher in Dallas, we worked together and the goal was to always pull from his mind the image he desired to make his lessons more real for the students. (These books were educational: historical and scientific themes). Only once during my years of illustrating books, was it required by a certain publisher that I work with an art director, who instructed me how to do everything, and critiqued each drawing multiple, numerous times. I learned that I felt stifled with the creative process when working with an art director; I do better on my own. This could be something I could adjust to, over time, but it truly was way out of my comfort zone.

6. How many books have you illustrated?

I do not have the exact count, because the Dallas project went on for quite some time. These books were distributed worldwide and were constantly being updated with new information. Later I had opportunities to illustrate two children’s books. The total is approximately 20 books.

7. What makes your children’s books stand out from the crowd?

Vivid color and a lot of detail.

8. What is the one thing you would do differently now (concerning illustrating) and why?

My main focus with my career has been fine art, painting and heirloom portrait work. It would have been better to only give attention to one area. (I love doing both.)

9. What would you like carved onto your tombstone? Or what saying or mantra do you live by?

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Please contact me at dalanbinder at gmail dot com or ab3ring at juno dot com

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