More Lessons That I Have Learned

Post date: Sep 24, 2015 1:42:19 PM

More Lessons That I Have Learned

You, Dear Writers, get the benefit of what I have learned. In the words of Sam Levenson: You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself. This is from the Brainy Quote web site and here is the link: (

If you want a good quote go to Brainy Quote and you can even search by a word; for instance if you’d like a quote with the word master in it, then put that in the search box and all these quotes with the word master in it will be shown on the screen. It is really cool.

What I have learned is that you can pay for your thrills and you can pay a lot. When I was researching to set up a web site I read tons of reviews on different places to create a web site and associated costs and believe me it can cost a whole bunch of money and take so much time that it will tie you up for months if not years. As you can see my site is extremely frugal and no frills and no ads. This benefits both of us since it would have cost me so much more to set it up that way and in the long run I just wanted to get my information out there to you, Dear Writers.

Submitting your items to some contests can cost you in entry fees, I’ve even be told that my entry won’t be accepted unless I subscribe to the magazine that I am entering and all those fees can add up in a hurry.

I’ve stated before look out for the vanity press thing where you make a submission and they tell you that you have earned an honorable mention and they want to feature your work in a book they will publish along with dozens of other authors. Of course, they want to sell you the book. If they make every author pay let’s say $20 for a nice book and there are say 100 authors that is $2000 easy plus shipping and then, they know that at least half of them will want more than one book to give to family or friends to show the authenticity of you (the author). You basically paid them to be published and it is worthless since the book has absolutely no distribution. No one is buying the book except the authors themselves and no one is reading your work except you since none of the authors care about you just their own work (usually).

Learn to earn your way by being good enough. Start small, there are businesses that need writers, there are small magazines that need writers, there are blogs that need writers. Heck, if you write a piece for me I will publish it if it is good enough (I’ll provide submission guidelines in the next blog so wait for that before you send in your article). Research and research on how to do this and go slow and pick those things that is potentially attainable. One of the best methods is asking other writers. I have my own network of other writers and bloggers that I use and all I did was email them by hitting their contact button and writing them an email. Surprise they read their email and answer their email (not everyone but some do) and that can lead to them helping you as well. Use your network and let them use you and help each other.

So let’s network, Dear Writer, contact me at dalanbinder at gmail dot com or ab3ring at juno dot com

Hey, you just received the benefit of what I've learned for free!!

Let me be your coach and you can be my client, for free.



<title>David Alan Binder – Write Coach, Dear Writer, Submitting your items to some contests can cost you in entry fees, You basically paid them to be published and it is worthless since the book has absolutely no distribution, So let’s network, Dear Writer, contact me at dalanbinder, you receive the benefit of what I’ve learned for free </title>

<meta name="description=" content="David Alan Binder (aka dalanbinder) provides a blog for Writers, Submitting your items to some contests can cost you in entry fees, You basically paid them to be published and it is worthless since the book has absolutely no distribution, So let’s network, Dear Writer, contact me at dalanbinder, you receive the benefit of what I’ve learned for free ">

