Cy Curnin of The Fixx said it and it makes so much sense

Post date: Dec 10, 2015 2:40:48 PM

Cy Curnin of The Fixx said it and it makes so much sense

Cy in an interview with songfacts when they asked, “…how did 9/11 affected you?”, see link:

Cy replied, “…not try to think of the changing world, but change my world.”

The social conscience says to ourselves that in order to feel better we must do something, anything as long as we do something, like make more laws, exert more control, adopt more measures then we will all be safer or in a better place.

So we pass more gun control laws and exert more control, giving up more freedoms in the name of safety and in return we have less safety, less control and less freedom.

The answer is, “change your world” as you see fit but leave my world alone. Let me live (or die) and I will let you live (or die) and we generate our own happiness.

Live in the present; do not worry about all those bridges and forks in the road. Worry gains us nothing but a useless waste of our energy.

You do what you have to do to get through it; as will all of us. If we keep track of those in our neighborhood and ensure that the peace is maintained in our own area then that is a strong network and will go a long ways in preserving the peace but NOTHING is absolute. There are those who will bring chaos and we cannot legislate it out of existence.

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