I never metaphor I didn’t like

Post date: Sep 11, 2017 2:56:54 PM

I never metaphor I didn’t like

We live in metaphors. The images resonate so much faster and harder (yes, harder) because we feel it more than words.

These metaphors show us things that may or may not be true. Yes they can be filters but they can also mask the truth of some situations. We must be able to see things as they are, not better than they are or worse than they are. Exactly how they are.

That has to be concentrated upon. That has to be developed. That kind of insight is priceless.

Honesty is the only policy when it comes to ourselves. I remember once when just after I’d learned to ride a bike. A bunch of us were driving up and down a long drive way. I ran into the front wheel of the much bigger individual and broke a bunch of his spokes since my bike was much smaller than his. I cried as I went into the house to tell my parents. They asked why I was crying. I was sure I could get into trouble because I had caused damage to another bike. My mind could not sort out whose fault it was and that it uncertainty made me certain that it was my fault.

However, it certainly was no fault of mine. Nor was it his fault, it was a circumstance that just happened and was not anyone’s fault. If I was a more experienced biker, or if he had kept more distance between the two of us as we were rounding the curve to head back up the driveway it would not have happened. We both had something to learn.

Looking back at it all these years, I know that I have more than one lesson to learn and that is; take some time to view the situation and what could have been done to correct it and find the root cause. Don’t just assume that you are to blame.

Thanks for reading and listening Dear Readers and Dear Writers.