Calling all manuscripts

Post date: Aug 23, 2015 3:40:42 PM

Calling all manuscripts

Yes, you, Dear Writers, have help at your fingertips. Let’s test it, send me your OLD stories, poems, etc. and let me read it over and check them out. My suggestions and comments will be sent back to you and see for yourself if it helps.

Once I've proven myself on your OLD documents then you will know that you’ve got to send me your new material and get my professional help, like many others. Dear Writer, this offer comes at no cost. Other writing help sites charge for their services. I, on the other hand, am relatively new on the scene although I’ve been writing for dozens of years, I am willing to extend this offer to you, only you, Dear Writer.

This offer may not last since if there are too many or I become popular or as the word gets out it will get crowded and as the line lengthens then maybe I’ll have to tack on a price as well. We will see. In the meantime, I am at your disposal, immediately.

I want to prove to you that you are great and have what it takes. I will be your Write Coach and be there to help you through it all and we can figure it out together. Collaboration is nice and having someone to bounce ideas off of can be invaluable. I will critique without being critical. I will guide you without being bossy, after all you are the boss and it is all up to you whether to follow or discard the advice I give. As someone else would say I do not offer advice just suggestions and it is up to you to take those suggestions and do with them what you will.

Send that great story, idea, what-have-you, to me at ab3ring at juno dot com or dalanbinder at gmail dot com