A list of my books:

BOOK 1 - The Manager's Manager Strategies and Tactics for Effective Leadership

Link to purchase The Manager's Manager book:


BOOK 2 - ALL ABOUT ALGAE Exploring Phycology or Algology A Comprehensive Guide to Algae and their Significance

Link to purchase ALL ABOUT ALGAE:


BOOK 3 - MIND GAMES The Dual Facets of Manipulation and Dark Psychology

Link to purchase MIND GAMES:


BOOK 4 - GET RICH Stock Whizonomics - Due out in a few months

BOOK 5 - CROREPATI CODE Unlocking Wealth in the Share Market

05/13/2024 https://www.amazon.com/CROREPATI-CODE-David-Alan-Binder-ebook/dp/B0D2N2RK2S

NOW AVAILABLE IN WORLD WIDE Crorepati Code Unlocking Wealth in India's Share Market

In India, the term "Crorepati" (pronounced kraa·pa·tee)

refers to an individual whose wealth is valued at a minimum of one crore, equivalent to 10 million rupees.

BOOK 3 - MIND GAMES The Dual Facets of Manipulation and Dark Psychology in HINDI

Link to purchase MIND GAMES in HINDI: - https://www.flipkart.com/mind-games-dual-facets-manipulation-dark-psychology-novel-book-david-alan-binder-hindi-edition/p/itmd8b460e2bd7e5?pid=9789359837017&lid=LSTBOK9789359837017PQ4UM4&marketplace=FLIPKART&cmpid=content_book_8965229628_gmc 

BOOK 5 - Expert Trading Guide to Indian Stock Market  - Due out in a few months

More to come...

Dr. David Alan Binder welcomes you.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see,” Dr. King once said.

My NEW book is NOW available in the USA, Canada, North Australia, India, UK, and South America!  The Manager's Manager  Strategies and Tactics for Effective Leadership  TRADITIONALLY PUBLISHED!


Only $11.99 Softcover

Here is the Barnes & Noble INTERNATIONALLY:


Finally available on Amazon; however, GO TO BARNES & NOBLE.  They treat us with respect.

REVIEWS ARE NEEDED!  Be kind, please.

This site is for YOU, gain advantage in incremental learning until WE reach MONUMENTAL!

David Alan Binder an award winning international author is celebrated, accomplished, published, titled, prolific, quoted, linked and certified. 

David Alan Binder is also a Collaborator and Ghost Writer and Literary Agent.

[NOTE: Not accepting any submissions at this time.]


Distinguished as a literary collaborator, I engage in meaningful partnerships with fellow authors, contributing my expertise to enhance and enrich their works.

The compensation structure is flexible and open to negotiation, contingent upon your satisfaction with the outcomes.  Our collaborative endeavor promises a candid and productive journey to refine your novel to its utmost potential.  

Usually a minimum of $20 via PayPal.  Let's talk!


MORE NEWS!  As an author David Alan Binder has been published at least 14 times, is a two times award winning author. 

(Interviews of authors are free-no obligation is required.)

 Appreciate all angels, send to PayPal dalanbinder@gmail.com

Go To Articles (most recent at the top and then scroll down on the link below for earlier articles:


Articles from 2015 to 2018 (another tab is for 2019 to present):




This is an AD FREE ZONE!

The only source of income is your donations.

YES, I am looking for an agent or publisher.  Any takers?

Check out my stories: 


I have a plethora of other stories not shown anywhere.

Join the community of authors interviewed,

quite the diverse group at this link:


Then please contact me for details!

dalanbinder AT gmail DOT com

Credits:  Sunrise by Dan at http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

Join the Community: Over 500 authors interviewed, some are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors, David A. Adler author of 250 books, Dandi Mackall author of 450 books (one is a Hallmark movie-My Boyfriend’s Dogs), UCLA Professor of screenwriting - Richard Walter, Bill Crider author of mystery fiction, Craig Johnson for the series Longmire, Robin Burcell, Craig Dirgo and Boyd Morrison (all THREE are coauthors of different books with Clive Cussler), Robert Gatewood, authors of Children’s books, thrillers, poetry, historical novels, romance, non-fiction, self-publishers and those with over 20 famous publishing houses, an 11 year old author, Father Goose, Don Knotts’ brother-in-law, editors, two authors that have a TV special for Hallmark and Teachers, PHD’s, Lawyers, Doctors, Educators,  and Professors, Self-Help gurus, writers for articles, journals, magazines and technical writers, all sorts and types of award winners, a singer, plus authors in the England, Waless, Canada, India, Scotland, Ecuador, Spain, Autralia, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Malta and ALL 50 states, 11 countries.  Almost 500 authors of about 6000 books!

So what compels me to be a writer? 

My feelings and being in touch with them and using them to write down how I felt and dealt with various situations that happened to me in my life and a self help to heal and ease whatever torment or elation I was going through at the time.  

Another influence was the Moody Blues, they struck a chord within me.

Just less than 8 or 9 years ago I read Jeff Goins headline on his site goinswriter.com which stated, "You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)".  This gave me the permission to do what I had been born to do, to go ahead and take the plunge and start again for the thousandth time with the impetus to not stop.  (Sorta like quitting smoking in reverse.)  The thing is I never stopped writing what I had stopped was trying to get out there, to get published, to make it happen, to live the dream, to catch the rainbow.  Come run and catch rainbows with me and we can live happy and free and find the everlasting peace that comes from chasing (and maybe actually catching) it.  After all it is the journey that makes us who we are, we all get somewhere, maybe just not where or how we intended to end up.

Manuscript, whether your hands perform the action of scripting, hence manuscript from when all documents at one time were written, before the printing methodologies came into being.

Parchment, a work written on the skin of an animal or even possibly human in a culture now unknown.

Scribe your best work and pour your heart and soul into with flowing metaphors like a fountain splashing upon the medium of your choice.

Write as rain, cleansing your mind and anticipating the moisture feeding the minds of the world.

The Musician by David Alan Binder

He had gotten his first instrument as a child practically.  He played with it, getting familiar with the nuances of how to make noise that was pleasing.  His parents relegated him to his room at times, or the garage, or at others to a nearby copse of trees not far from home but far enough that he could barely be heard, which was the best way for them to get through his learning process.  So as he became more adept he experimented sometimes failing miserably but comfortable that he was still learning and progressing.  Each failure represented getting closer to that perfection of sound that people wanted to hear and would eventually pay to hear.  He practiced getting better, honing his craft for by now he was becoming a craftsman.  One that understood the subtleties of the instrument.  Eventually he became so adept that he could not only tune the instrument on his own but replace parts that had worn to the point that they needed to be replaced.  He furthered his knowledge one day by taking the instrument completely apart then was able to reassemble it and got the satisfaction of knowing his instrument inside and out and thoroughly in tune with it.  It became a projection of himself, his persona, his extension of himself into another atmosphere.

Now he plays on a stage with other musicians like him who had gone through similar processes until they became craftsmen. They became masters of their playground and are in demand and people pay lots of money to hear them.

Become like them, hone your craft through hours of practice and know your instrument inside and out and be able to express yourself in ways that move yourself first then others.


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"Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device."

All rights and permissions are reserved by the Author, David Alan Binder and may not be reproduced except with permission.