

This week I am very glad to know that the deacons’ committee of a church in Kaohsiung has approved the proposal of monthly financial support for Kellen and me. Beside our sending churches, this is the first church that has promised to give us monthly financial support. Thanks to the Lord who will meet all our needs according to the richness of His Glory in Christ Jesus.


My very busy schedule of the past week was very rewarding too.

My church sent me to attend a church dedication in Chang Zhi Xiang, Ping Tong County last Saturday and it happened that the pastor of this church was my previous student. This church was originally located in another tribal district of Ping Tong County. Because of a severe land slide in 2009, they lost their homes and were relocated in the present location by the government.



Over the 10 years, they have struggled to maintain their own culture and refused to be combined with another church. Therefore, this was a church dedication that was full of joyful tears and memories of how they have cried to God together.


I am so blessed to attend this church dedication. Through it God showed me that at all the land slides of life, God was there with us, and we also need true friends to share our burdens. And it is nice to have someone to share our joy and to tell how God has reestablished our lives. Wow, all the tears turn pearls that mean a lot to God.


Last Sunday morning, in a church in Shi Zi Xiang, Ping Tong County, I was giving a sermon on the relationship between missionaries and their sponsors. And I am glad to know that the youth group of this church has had continuous financial and man-power support to a certain mission field in Burma.


The young people of this church are on fire for God, and they always proactively fast for the church events they are holding. It’s so encouraging to hear something like this. These young people are so willing to live for Jesus that they are even willing to sacrifice the chance of attending the idea university for all the young people. I wish I had known someone like them when I was young, and I believe that my life could have been very different.


This week Kellen and I have both been troubled by our health problems. Kellen felt weak on one of her legs and one of her hands. And she finds it challenging to walk and fell twice when walking. I have suffered from chest pain and found the right side of my body swollen. We have been to the doctors and have been schedules to do some exams.


Please keep us in mind and in your prayers:

1. May God guide me in my message delivery on the coming Sunday morning in a church in Tai Chung.

2. May God give me wisdom to be able to learn well in the intensive sewing class this month.

3. May God bless all the medical exams and treatments of both Kellen and me, and grant His Divine Healing to us.

4. May God bless our preparation for the cross-cultural mission camp that is going to take place on January 12th in Kaohsiung for the 20th anniversary of Kaohsiung Mission Fellowship, and for another cross-cultural mission camp on January 17th in Chung Li.


1. 接下來的主日早上,Sandy在台中的教會講道。求神引導。

2. 這個月Sandy有很密集的裁縫課。求神給我智慧好好學習。

3. 求神賜福給Kellen和我所接受的檢查與治療,並賜下屬天的醫治。

4. 一月12日適逢高雄宣教團契成立十周年。我們在高雄舉辦跨文化宣教體驗營。一月17日我們應TMM(台灣動員宣教協會)安排,在中壢也舉辦跨文化宣教體驗活動。求神保守一切的預備工作。

Thank you for being our partners



All for Him

